At Bosco we encourage pupils to be environment sensitive and to reinforce that pupils of class VI were given this task in Summer Vacations to generate awareness about water conservation through a questionnaire taken up by pupils on Google form. They did a virtual visit to their knowns and recorded leakage or any kind of water wastage. Class 7 created innovative videos encouraging and recording people conserving and reusing RO and AC outlet water. I am so glad to see Nishtha is becoming a platform to convert our tender pupils' mind into responsible ones.
On the basis of students previous knowledge in the topic and the interest of the students ,life experiences and skills learning. Shatrughan Kumar Srivastava TGT SST JNV MORADABAD
Depending upon a reason for the better ment of environment I will pick a topic and design the strategy as per the available resources and capabilities of the students.
Strategies to be formed on the basis of the child on which it will be easy for a child to understand the topic, strategy may not be the same for a particular topic, it may be taken on the basis of the child understanding capacity.
On the basis of the students learning level, previous knowledge and interests. Introduce the topic, explain the concept, conduct the activity to understand the concept, and analysis the topic by various pedagogy.
Topic should be divided such that maximum activity can be conducted on that topic.Also multimedia contents should also be added.Students background such as their previous knowledge and interest should be considered.
Topic should be divided such that maximum activity can be conducted on that topic.Also multimedia contents should also be added.Students background such as their previous knowledge and interest should be considered
November 2020 at 11:39 Topic should be divided such that maximum activity can be conducted on that topic.Also multimedia contents should also be added.Students background such as their previous knowledge and interest should be considered.
On the basis of previous knowledge, interest of learners, time, available equipments,importance of topic, limitations and most important the level of the course and of learners.
To select a topic we should keep in mind that the learner get as opportunity to be mentally challenged, the topic should arouse curiosity and enhance creativity. Providing learning experience in their everyday life to allow them to engage meaningfully in the activities.
General Strategies for Coming Up With Topics Before attempting to choose or narrow a topic, you need to have some ideas to choose from. This can be a problem if you are suffering from the "blank page or screen" syndrome, and have not even any initial, general ideas for writing topics.
Brainstorming As writers, some of our best ideas occur to us when we are thinking in a very informal, uninhibited way. Though we often think of brainstorming as a way for groups to come up with ideas, it is a strategy that individual writers can make use of as well. Simply put, brainstorming is the process of listing rough thoughts (in any form they occur to you: words, phrases, or complete sentences) that are connected (even remotely) to the writing assignment you have before you or the subject area you already have in mind. Brainstorming works best when you give yourself a set amount of time (perhaps five or ten minutes), writing down anything that comes to mind within that period of time, and resisting the temptation to criticize or polish your own ideas as they hit the page. There is time for examination and polishing when the five or ten minutes are over.
Freewriting Freewriting is a technique much like brainstorming, only the ideas generated are written down in paragraph rather than list form. When you freewrite, you allow yourself a set amount of time (perhaps five or ten minutes), and you write down any and every idea that comes to mind as if you are writing a timed essay. However, your freewrite is unlikely to read like an organized essay. In fact, it shouldn't read that way. What is most important about freewriting is that you write continuously, not stopping to check your spelling, to find the right word, or even to think about how your ideas are fitting together. If you are unable to think of something to write, simply jot out, "I can't think of anything to write now," and go on. At the end of your five or ten minutes, reread what you have written, ignore everything that seems unimportant or ridiculous, and give attention to whatever ideas you think are worth pursuing. If you are able to avoid checking yourself while you are writing for that short time, you will probably be surprised at the number of ideas that you already have.
Clustering Clustering is a way of visually "mapping" your ideas on paper. It is a technique which works well for people who are able to best understand relationships between ideas by seeing the way they play themselves out spatially. (If you prefer reading maps to reading written directions, clustering may be the strategy for you.) Unlike formal outlining, which tends to be very linear, clustering allows you to explore the way ideas sprawl in different directions. When one thought leads to another, you can place that idea on the "map" in its appropriate place. And if you want to change its position later, and connect it with another idea, you can do so. (It is always a good idea to use a pencil rather than a pen for clustering, for this very reason.)
This is a good strategy not only for generating ideas, but also for determining how much you have to say about a topic (or topics), and how related or scattered your ideas are.
The strategies should be selected on on the basis of the first hand learning experience to make the child actively engage, ignite their curiosity and enhanced imagination to enable them to connect to new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them. As a teacher my intention should be to make the process of learning more meaningful by providing different experiences that employee essential process skills like expressing, classifying communicating and experimenting etc.
The strategy on a particular topic is based on learner's previous knowledge but it should also include the learner's discretion to explore and experiment.
Selecting a strategy would be completely based on the interest my students show in learning it and also the time I allot for the completion of the topic.
strategy has to be thought of keeping the learning outcomes in mind. Then by looking into the age group of children , their interests, their previous knowledge and their socio cultural backgrounds any activity should be planned .
I would select a strategy based on the age group of the class, knowledge level of the students, availability of teaching aids, interests of the students.
I usually opt a strategy on the basis of child's interest, prior knowledge, level of the students, availability of ICT's, more of practical or experimental learning.
strategies of the teaching learning depends on various parameters like students prior knowledge, the nature of the topic , we should keep in mind the learning outcomes, and follow a CONSTRUCTIVIST WAY OF TEACHING ,so that we don't pass the information or fix the perception ,but can act as facilitator for their learning and construction of knowledge by themselves.
Introduce the topic Understand the concept and explain the concept with subtheme Activity to understand the concept Analysis the topic by various pedagogy.
Brainstorm. One of the best ways to choose a topic for an assignment is brainstorming. Talk about ideas with children, consider personal interests, review class readings, and current topics.
Taking a Diagnostic test first, based on previous knowledge pf the students , their learning styles and interest , a right strategy or a technique can be selected .
The strategy on a particular topic would be based on the previous knowledge of the topic. A discussion will be initiated as this will help learning through social interaction. The children will be encouraged to experiment and explore and interview. Then they'll share experiences orally, in writing or by drawing. They will also make field trips in heterogeneous groups.
Selection of strategy for transacting a particular topic would depend on the curricular objectives and guidelines of the theme where the topic belongs, on the learning outcomes, on the varied backgrounds and diverse previous knowledge and experiences of the student population. The strategies must be such as to provide opportunities to each learner to be able to relate to, connect, think and respond in his/her unique way to the learning of the a given topic. Each pupil definitely has something different to contribute to each concept or topic making it a divergent learning experience for all concerned, including the special needs or differently-abled children as well as the teacher.
we can choose the topic from the place where we live -city ,state condition and than national level condition to students. First to understand environment condition of our city , organism interaction with environment etc
You have to consider your ability to research a topic where you are located. If you want to develop a speech on a particular topic but you find information hard to come by, this will make your job even harder and could possibly have a detrimental impact on your speech. You may find that two similar topics interest you but your ability to gather information from more diverse sources, from places that are more readily available, or from your background and experience make one topic more attractive than the other.
Consider topics that are,
new, possibly controversial, clear, supported by information you can find in outside sources, interesting to you.
The strategy should be- 1. Brainstorming 2. Choose a topic that interests the students. 3. Encourage learning from experience. 4. Integrate technology into the classroom. 5. Utilize visual aids. 6. Implement enquiry based learning. As a teacher, I will try to enhanced imagination to enable them to connect to new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them.
According to the children's previous knowledge and their daily life experiences, learning level and interests.Strategies are to be selected for a particular topic on the basis of examination as Indian System of Education is much, more examination oriented.
Strategies to be formed on the basis of the child on which it will be easy for a child to understand the topic, strategy may not be the same for a particular topic, it may be taken on the basis of the child understanding capacity. The strategy should be- 1. Brainstorming 2. Choose a topic that interests the students. 3. Encourage learning from experience. 4. Integrate technology into the classroom. 5. Utilize visual aids. 6. Implement enquiry based learning. As a teacher, I will try to enhanced imagination to enable them to connect to new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them.
The selection of a topic of assessment in Environmental Studies will have to be based on the students' level of comprehension on the topic of assessment, their ability to apply their knowledge adequately, integrating and interrelating of the various concepts and so on.
Strategy to be selected for a topic may depends on multi dimentionl approaches,students age group,nearby natural resources and their application in society and innovative ideas of students regarding the topic and pictorial presentation of the topic for better understanding.
Learning strategies should be adopted as per the learners age, ability, life experiences, previous knowledge of the learners, and interests of the learner.
Strategies to be formed on the basis of the level of the child on which it will be easy for a child to understand the topic, strategy may not be the same for a particular topic, it may be taken on the basis of the child's learning capacity.
Learning strategies should be formed on the basis of the learning ability , previous knowledge and experiences, interests of the child , integrating it with different activities, resorces and making it more relevant to the child.
An effective facilitator in the field of Environmental Studies has to develop expertise in different approaches of teaching-learning process. Different approaches involve various methods of creating learning situations. There is a need to plan the learning materials starting from the year plan to daily classroom plans which need different resources and materials. The sources need to be identified selected and used accordingly.
A topic is chosen based on the interests of the child, previous knowledge, curricular expectation, age of the child and the current scenario so that the child can easily relate with the topic. For Example, Covid 19 as a topic now will help them connect with the present situation, safety measures, cleanliness, online classes(Distant learning), self learning, etc
Learning strategies should be adopted as per the learners age, ability, life experiences, previous knowledge of the learners, and interests of the learner.The selection of a topic of assessment in Environmental Studies will have to be based on the students' level of comprehension on the topic of assessment, their ability to apply their knowledge adequately, integrating and interrelating of the various concepts and so on.
LS will be adopted as per the students previous knowledge, age and experiences. The learners interest is also a major factor but that can be developed with the right approach
In EVS, methods such as surveys, projects, field trips, games, brainstorming, discussion, experimental investigations, etc., have been found more effective in maximising learner's participation in the teaching – learning process (directly or indirectly).
Depending upon a reason for the better ment of environment I will pick a topic and design the strategy as per the available resources and capabilities of the students.
Strategies for any topic should be planned keeping in mind the interest of the children, their previous life experiences, available resources and the final outcome.
Strategies to be formed on the basis of the child on which it will be easy for a child to understand the topic, strategy may not be the same for a particular topic, it may be taken on the basis of the child understanding capacity.
Strategies to be formed on the basis of the child on which it will be easy for a child to understand the topic, strategy may not be the same for a particular topic, it may be taken on the basis of the child understanding capacity.
On the basis of student's class and previous knowledge , based on the topic we can use different strategies for example if we are teaching about crops we can take the students to the fields, about water bodies we can take them to near by rivers are dams in these to topics we can use field trips for some topics experiments in the science lab is the best srategy for some topics doing projects , leaning by doing is the best strategy for some topics .So, we can use different strategies based on the student's class and age, topic and what already they know about that topic.
Strategies are to be selected for a particular topic on the basis of the prior knowledge of the students and their interests.Their learning levels must also be kept in mind.
The strategies should be selected on on the basis of the first hand learning experience to make the child actively engage, ignite their curiosity and enhanced imagination to enable them to connect to new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them. As a teacher my intention should be to make the process of learning more meaningful by providing different experiences that employee essential process skills like expressing, classifying communicating and experimenting etc.
Strategies are to be selected for a particular topic on the basis of their previous acquired knowledge and level of understanding and acceptability to the topic.
strategies are to be adopted to bring about a change in the cognitive, affective and psycho- motor behaviour of students through action -oriented, project centered and participatory process ,so that they develop self-confidence, positive attitudes and personal commitment towards environmental protection and improvement of the environment leading to sustainable development.
1. They are responsive to the external environment. 2. They involve a sustainable advantage. 3. The are consistent with other strategies 4.They provide adequate flexibility 5. They consider the previous acquired knowledge and experience into consideration 6. It takes into account the learning outcome and is devised to produce the same
The learning strategy should be made by using the previous knowledge of the children. A proper brainstorming session and discussion should be conducted in order to explore ideas given by the children.
Rashmi Raj On the basis of student's class and previous knowledge &Learning strategies should be adopted as per the learners age, ability, life experiences, previous knowledge of the learners, and interests of the learner
The strategies should be selected on the basis of the first hand learning experience to make the child actively engage, ignite their curiosity and enhanced imagination to enable them to connect to new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them. As a teacher it is very important to plan according to students intrests and understandings so that they can perform enthusiastically all the activities.
The strategies should be selected on the basis of the learning experience to make the child actively engage, ignite their curiosity and enhanced scientific attitudes to enable them to connect to new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them. As a teacher it is very important to plan according to students intrests and understandings so that they can perform enthusiastically all the activities Monalisa Majumdar (Bhavan's N.S.C.B Vidyaniketan Haldia)
The strategies should be selected on the basis of the learning experience to make the child actively engage, ignite their curiosity and enhanced scientific attitudes to enable them to connect to new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them. As a teacher it is very important to plan according to students intrests and understandings so that they can perform enthusiastically all the activities Monalisa Majumdar (Bhavan's NSCB Vidyaniketan Haldia)
On the basis of students' previous knowledge as well as their understanding level, as they are coming from different background which reflects their different learning capacities .
Strategies to be formed the basis of the students learning level, previous knowledge and interests so that it will be easy for a child to understand the topic, strategy may not be the same for a particular topic. It may be taken on the basis of the child understanding capacity. Introduce the topic, explain the concept, conduct the activity to understand the concept, and analysis the topic by various pedagogy.
Keeping in mind the heterogenous learners, I will plan an activity to cater to the needs of visual, auditory, kinesthetic, verbaland cognitive learners.
Keeping in the mind previous knowledge of the students and to make them aware of the other aspects too..will have to plan a strategy in a way to make them in involve to the maximum of their potential which help them in acquiring the knowledge which is needed for their overall development.
The strategy should be- 1. Brainstorming 2. Choose a topic that interests the students. 3. Encourage learning from experience. 4. Integrate technology into the classroom. 5. Utilize visual aids. 6. Implement enquiry based learning. As a teacher, I will try to enhanced imagination to enable them to connect to new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them.
Learning strategies should be designed as per the children previous knowledge, age group, interest, experiences in daily life. They should indeed cater to develop their skills like problem solving, logical reasoning etc. These strategies should include brain boggling sessions/quiz/story telling/experimentation & analysis/surveys etc.
Topic should be divided such that maximum activity can be conducted on that topic.Also multimedia contents should also be added.Students background such as their previous knowledge and interest should be considered.
Topic should be divided such that maximum activity can be conducted on that topic.Also multimedia contents should also be added.Students background such as their previous knowledge and interest should be considered.
Strategies formed should be on the basis of previous knowledge of students,their past experiences , students interests and age ,and transfer of learning and socio-cultural background of the learner
Strategy will be decided as per the available resources, learners age group,ability ,life experiences,previous knowledge, and interests of the learner.
On the basis of students prerequisite knowledge in the topic, the interest of the students and as per the available resources and capabilities of the students one should design the strategy for a particular topic. In the current situation of pandemic, while the schools are closed and children are at home, the main focus while planning strategy for a particular topic should be on the resources easily available at home or in their surroundings. The children can do these activities under the supervision of some elder at home. Discussions can be initiated and facilitated among children at home, with their elders, or using social media tools. We may later follow-up and take feedback from the parents and encourage them to share their written work, drawings, enactment etc. with their peers and themselves via social media. It may be collected in a folder to bring it to the school when it reopens.
The Strategies should be:- A. Brainstorming B. Choose the topic that interests the students. C. Encourage learning from experience. D. Integrate technology into the classroom. E. Utilize visual aids. F. Implement enquiry based learning. As a teacher,I will try to enhance imagination to enable them to connect to the new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them.
The strategy has to be thought of keeping the learning outcomes in mind. Then by looking into the age group of children , their interests, their previous knowledge and their socio cultural backgrounds any activity should be planned .
ARCHANAKUMARI FUTURE BHUBANESWAR SCHOOL To select a topic we should keep in mind that the learner get as opportunity to be mentally challenged, the topic should arouse curiosity and enhance creativity. Providing learning experience in their everyday life to allow them to engage meaningfully in the activities.
The learning strategies should be formed on the basis of the previous knowledge of the students, resources available, interest of the students, age group of the students and understanding level of the students.
On the basis of their knowledge from simpler to complex, focused on learner centered, scope to explore and create, art integrated, value based connected to life skills. Susan DBS
On the basis of their knowledge from simpler to complex, focused on learner centered, scope to explore and create, art integrated, value based connected to life skills. Susan DBS
On the basis of the students learning level, previous knowledge and interests. Introduce the topic, explain the concept, conduct the activity to understand the concept, and analysis the topic by various pedagogy.
Games, sports and some physical activities that we do in day to day life promote emotional health and well-being. Examples of some activities are Indoor activities: Crawl under tables, Use an object to practice balance, Jumping jacks, Dancing, Yogic activities …. Outdoor activities: Climbing a ladder, Jumping, crawling, and walking from one area to another, Zig-zag running between obstacles, Jump over various objects, Walking, ...Share some games, sports and activities, which help in fitness under each column. Take a moment to Reflect and post your comment in the comment box.
As a school leader/teacher leader, how can you apply this understanding of the influence of school leadership on student learning in your school? Take a moment to reflect and post your comment in the comment box.
What is the role of personal-social qualities in our everyday life? Do they help in learning? Do teachers play a role in developing the personal-social qualities? Take a moment to Reflect and post your comment in the comment box.
On the basis of students learning level and interests.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of students prerequisite knowledge and interest
DeleteOn the basis of students prerequisite knowledge and interest
DeleteAccording to the childrens previous knowledge and their daily life experiences.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of students previous knowledge in the topic and the interest of the students
ReplyDeleteSelect the social cultural and evs points .
DeleteAt Bosco we encourage pupils to be environment sensitive and to reinforce that pupils of class VI were given this task in Summer Vacations to generate awareness about water conservation through a questionnaire taken up by pupils on Google form. They did a virtual visit to their knowns and recorded leakage or any kind of water wastage. Class 7 created innovative videos encouraging and recording people conserving and reusing RO and AC outlet water. I am so glad to see Nishtha is becoming a platform to convert our tender pupils' mind into responsible ones.
DeleteOn the basis of students previous knowledge in the topic and the interest of the students ,life experiences and skills learning. Shatrughan Kumar Srivastava TGT SST JNV MORADABAD
ReplyDeleteStrategies are to be selected for a particular topic on the basis of examination as Indian System of Education is much, more examination oriented.
ReplyDeleteDepending upon a reason for the better ment of environment I will pick a topic and design the strategy as per the available resources and capabilities of the students.
DeleteAs per the learners ability ,life experiences,previous knowledge of the learners, and interests of the learner. mrinal goswami(tgt-sc-jnv birbhum-wb)
ReplyDeleteAccording to the children previous knowledge and their daily life experiences.
DeleteOn the basis of students previous knowledge and interest.
DeletePrevious knowledge and interest of the subject and daily experiences.
DeletePrevious knowledge and interest of the subject and daily experiences.
DeleteWater is very important to our lives.
DeleteAccording to the level of students.
DeleteMy view point is according to the childrens previous knowledge and their daily life experiences.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of their previous knowledge, learning level and interest.
ReplyDeleteLearning strategies should be formed on the basis of learning ability and the previous knowledge of the learners.
ReplyDeleteLearning strategies should be formed on the basis of learning ability and the previous knowledge of the learners.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteStrategies to be formed on the basis of the child on which it will be easy for a child to understand the topic, strategy may not be the same for a particular topic, it may be taken on the basis of the child understanding capacity.
ReplyDeleteAs per the learners ability ,life experiences,previous knowledge of the learners, and interests of the learner. mrinal goswami(tgt-sc-jnv birbhum-wb)
ReplyDeleteLearning strategies should be formed on the basis of learning ability and the previous knowledge of the learners.
ReplyDeleteAcc to the childrens previous knowledge & their daily life experiences.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of previous knowledge , learning level and interest.
ReplyDeleteChildren interest should be one criteria and also level of lerning of children should also be taken care of.
ReplyDeleteLearning strategies should be formed on the basis of learning ability and the previous knowledge of the learners.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of students previous knowledge in the topic and the interest of the students
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of the students learning level, previous knowledge and interests. Introduce the topic, explain the concept, conduct the activity to understand the concept, and analysis the topic by various pedagogy.
ReplyDeleteChoose the best learning strategies.
ReplyDeleteTopic should be divided such that maximum activity can be conducted on that topic.Also multimedia contents should also be added.Students background such as their previous knowledge and interest should be considered.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of their previous knowledge, learning level and interes
DeleteOn the basis of students learning level and interests.
ReplyDeleteTopic should be divided such that maximum activity can be conducted on that topic.Also multimedia contents should also be added.Students background such as their previous knowledge and interest should be considered
ReplyDeleteNovember 2020 at 11:39
ReplyDeleteTopic should be divided such that maximum activity can be conducted on that topic.Also multimedia contents should also be added.Students background such as their previous knowledge and interest should be considered.
According to students previous knowledge,interestsand daily life experiences should be in mind when we going to plan strategies .
ReplyDeleteA topic should be chosen on students adequate knowledge and daily life experiences for a better understanding.
ReplyDeleteAccording to students previous knowledge interests -and daily life experience should be in mind when we going to plan and stratiges
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of students previous knowledge and interest.
ReplyDeleteaccording to the students knowledge and interest we need to plan our strategies
ReplyDeleteछात्रों की रुचि , पूर्व ज्ञान ,पास पड़ोस के वातावरण के अनुसार विषय वस्तु के अनुरूप हों।
ReplyDeleteWe plan our strategies as per interest and attention of students.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of students previous knowledge in the topic and the interest of the students ,life experiences and skills learning
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of interest, need, previous knowledge of the learner should be considered.
ReplyDeleteहमें बच्चों की इच्छाओं के अनुसार जगह चयन कर उन्हें सहयोग कर बाहरी गतिविधियों को सम्पन्न करना चाहिए।
DeleteOn the basis of students learning levels and interest, need previous knowledge of the learner should be consider
DeleteOn the basis of previous knowledge, interest of learners, time, available equipments,importance of topic, limitations and most important the level of the course and of learners.
DeleteOn the basis of students Previous knowledge and interest .
ReplyDeleteBachchon ki kshamta,gyan,anubhav,and theem ke aadhar par vichar karna hoga.
DeleteTo select a topic we should keep in mind that the learner get as opportunity to be mentally challenged, the topic should arouse curiosity and enhance creativity. Providing learning experience in their everyday life to allow them to engage meaningfully in the activities.
ReplyDeleteGeneral Strategies for Coming Up With Topics
ReplyDeleteBefore attempting to choose or narrow a topic, you need to have some ideas to choose from. This can be a problem if you are suffering from the "blank page or screen" syndrome, and have not even any initial, general ideas for writing topics.
As writers, some of our best ideas occur to us when we are thinking in a very informal, uninhibited way. Though we often think of brainstorming as a way for groups to come up with ideas, it is a strategy that individual writers can make use of as well. Simply put, brainstorming is the process of listing rough thoughts (in any form they occur to you: words, phrases, or complete sentences) that are connected (even remotely) to the writing assignment you have before you or the subject area you already have in mind. Brainstorming works best when you give yourself a set amount of time (perhaps five or ten minutes), writing down anything that comes to mind within that period of time, and resisting the temptation to criticize or polish your own ideas as they hit the page. There is time for examination and polishing when the five or ten minutes are over.
Freewriting is a technique much like brainstorming, only the ideas generated are written down in paragraph rather than list form. When you freewrite, you allow yourself a set amount of time (perhaps five or ten minutes), and you write down any and every idea that comes to mind as if you are writing a timed essay. However, your freewrite is unlikely to read like an organized essay. In fact, it shouldn't read that way. What is most important about freewriting is that you write continuously, not stopping to check your spelling, to find the right word, or even to think about how your ideas are fitting together. If you are unable to think of something to write, simply jot out, "I can't think of anything to write now," and go on. At the end of your five or ten minutes, reread what you have written, ignore everything that seems unimportant or ridiculous, and give attention to whatever ideas you think are worth pursuing. If you are able to avoid checking yourself while you are writing for that short time, you will probably be surprised at the number of ideas that you already have.
Clustering is a way of visually "mapping" your ideas on paper. It is a technique which works well for people who are able to best understand relationships between ideas by seeing the way they play themselves out spatially. (If you prefer reading maps to reading written directions, clustering may be the strategy for you.) Unlike formal outlining, which tends to be very linear, clustering allows you to explore the way ideas sprawl in different directions. When one thought leads to another, you can place that idea on the "map" in its appropriate place. And if you want to change its position later, and connect it with another idea, you can do so. (It is always a good idea to use a pencil rather than a pen for clustering, for this very reason.)
This is a good strategy not only for generating ideas, but also for determining how much you have to say about a topic (or topics), and how related or scattered your ideas are.
Strategies are selected from known to unknown
ReplyDeleteThe strategies should be selected on on the basis of the first hand learning experience to make the child actively engage, ignite their curiosity and enhanced imagination to enable them to connect to new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them.
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher my intention should be to make the process of learning more meaningful by providing different experiences that employee essential process skills like expressing, classifying communicating and experimenting etc.
according to the students knowledge and interest we need to plan our strategies.
ReplyDeleteThe strategy on a particular topic is based on learner's previous knowledge but it should also include the learner's discretion to explore and experiment.
ReplyDeleteThe strategy depends on previous knowledge as well as providing opportunities to explore.
ReplyDeleteon the basis of students .,syllabus and students knowledge.
ReplyDeleteOn basis of student level, interest and interpretation.
ReplyDeleteNeeri Bhagi
TGT Computer Science
Amity International School Mayur Vihar
Selecting a strategy would be completely based on the interest my students show in learning it and also the time I allot for the completion of the topic.
ReplyDeleteStrategy for a particular topic should be selected on the basis of the students' previous knowledge, learning level and interests.
ReplyDeletestrategy has to be thought of keeping the learning outcomes in mind. Then by looking into the age group of children , their interests, their previous knowledge and their socio cultural backgrounds any activity should be planned .
ReplyDeleteChristine, MCPS MOTI NAGAR WEST - based on making the learning interesting, children's prior knowledge & their life experience.
ReplyDeleteI would select a strategy based on the age group of the class, knowledge level of the students, availability of teaching aids, interests of the students.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of previous knowledge acquired by the student
ReplyDeleteI usually opt a strategy on the basis of child's interest, prior knowledge, level of the students, availability of ICT's, more of practical or experimental learning.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of their previous knowledge, learning level and interest.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of topic complexity and understanding level of the child
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of the child's prior knowledge, complexity of the topic and daily life experience.
ReplyDeletePrevious knowledge and interest of the subject and daily experiences.
ReplyDeleteAccording to children's previous knowledge, age group of the class, learning outcome and on basis of daily life experiences
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of students learning level and interests.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of previous knowledge
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of previous knowledge with the means to explore
ReplyDeleteAccording to students previous knowledge,interests and daily life experiences should be in mind when we going to plan strategies .
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of previous knowledge and learners ability.
ReplyDeletestrategies of the teaching learning depends on various parameters like students prior knowledge, the nature of the topic , we should keep in mind the learning outcomes, and follow a CONSTRUCTIVIST WAY OF TEACHING ,so that we don't pass the information or fix the perception ,but can act as facilitator for their learning and construction of knowledge by themselves.
ReplyDeleteI would select a strategy for a topic which helps the students to relate to their daily life experience and their ability and skills.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of previous knowledge and learners ability
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of previous knowledge and learners ability.
ReplyDeleteIntroduce the topic Understand the concept and explain the concept with subtheme
ReplyDeleteActivity to understand the concept Analysis the topic by various pedagogy.
Brainstorm. One of the best ways to choose a topic for an assignment is brainstorming. Talk about ideas with children, consider personal interests, review class readings, and current topics.
ReplyDeleteTaking a Diagnostic test first, based on previous knowledge pf the students , their learning styles and interest , a right strategy or a technique can be selected .
ReplyDeleteSelecting a strategy would depend on the previous knowledge of the children and their their age group .
ReplyDeleteAccording to the children's previous knowledge and their daily life experiences, learning level and interests.
ReplyDeleteLearning strategies should be formed on the basis of learning ability and the previous knowledge of the learner
ReplyDeleteLearning strategies should be formed on the basis of age , ability and the previous knowledge of the student.
ReplyDeleteStrategy based on existing skills and required skills.Subject and topic previous knowledge should also be nurtured
ReplyDeleteIt should be based on the previous knowledge. They can understand and co-relate it very well. Reetangli
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of student's level , their pre knowledge and interest
ReplyDeleteThe strategy on a particular topic would be based on the previous knowledge of the topic.
ReplyDeleteA discussion will be initiated as this will help learning through social interaction. The children will be encouraged to experiment and explore and interview. Then they'll share experiences orally, in writing or by drawing. They will also make field trips in heterogeneous groups.
Selection of strategy for transacting a particular topic would depend on the curricular objectives and guidelines of the theme where the topic belongs, on the learning outcomes, on the varied backgrounds and diverse previous knowledge and experiences of the student population.
ReplyDeleteThe strategies must be such as to provide opportunities to each learner to be able to relate to, connect, think and respond in his/her unique way to the learning of the a given topic. Each pupil definitely has something different to contribute to each concept or topic making it a divergent learning experience for all concerned, including the special needs or differently-abled children as well as the teacher.
we can choose the topic from the place where we live -city ,state condition and than national level condition to students. First to understand environment condition of our city , organism interaction with environment etc
ReplyDeleteYou have to consider your ability to research a topic where you are located. If you want to develop a speech on a particular topic but you find information hard to come by, this will make your job even harder and could possibly have a detrimental impact on your speech. You may find that two similar topics interest you but your ability to gather information from more diverse sources, from places that are more readily available, or from your background and experience make one topic more attractive than the other.
ReplyDeleteConsider topics that are,
possibly controversial,
supported by information you can find in outside sources,
interesting to you.
The strategy should be-
ReplyDelete1. Brainstorming
2. Choose a topic that interests the students.
3. Encourage learning from experience.
4. Integrate technology into the classroom.
5. Utilize visual aids.
6. Implement enquiry based learning.
As a teacher, I will try to enhanced imagination to enable them to connect to new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them.
Shilpi Agarwal
Future Bhubaneswar School
According to the children's previous knowledge and their daily life experiences, learning level and interests.Strategies are to be selected for a particular topic on the basis of examination as Indian System of Education is much, more examination oriented.
ReplyDeleteStrategies to be formed on the basis of the child on which it will be easy for a child to understand the topic, strategy may not be the same for a particular topic, it may be taken on the basis of the child understanding capacity.
ReplyDeleteThe strategy should be-
1. Brainstorming
2. Choose a topic that interests the students.
3. Encourage learning from experience.
4. Integrate technology into the classroom.
5. Utilize visual aids.
6. Implement enquiry based learning.
As a teacher, I will try to enhanced imagination to enable them to connect to new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them.
According to the previous knowledge of the child.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of their previous knowledge
ReplyDeleteThe selection of a topic of assessment in Environmental Studies will have to be based on the students' level of comprehension on the topic of assessment, their ability to apply their knowledge adequately, integrating and interrelating of the various concepts and so on.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of students interest and learning objectives.
ReplyDeleteStrategy to be selected for a topic may depends on multi dimentionl approaches,students age group,nearby natural resources and their application in society and innovative ideas of students regarding the topic and pictorial presentation of the topic for better understanding.
ReplyDeleteOn basis of students interest and there knowledge
ReplyDeleteLearning strategies should be adopted as per the learners age, ability, life experiences, previous knowledge of the learners, and interests of the learner.
ReplyDeleteAccording to a child's ability and with previous knowledge.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of students' learning level, ability, age, previous knowledge and interests.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the the students prior knowledge, interest, life experience should be kept in mind
ReplyDeleteAccording to the children previous knowledge and their daily life experiences. thanks
ReplyDeleteStrategies to be formed on the basis of the level of the child on which it will be easy for a child to understand the topic, strategy may not be the same for a particular topic, it may be taken on the basis of the child's learning capacity.
ReplyDeleteLearning strategies should be formed on the basis of the learning ability , previous knowledge and experiences, interests of the child , integrating it with different activities, resorces and making it more relevant to the child.
ReplyDeleteAn effective facilitator in the field of Environmental Studies has to develop expertise in different approaches of teaching-learning process. Different approaches involve various methods of creating learning situations. There is a need to plan the learning materials starting from the year plan to daily classroom plans which need different resources and materials. The sources need to be identified selected and used accordingly.
ReplyDeletelearning strategies
ReplyDelete* Make learning relevant- This will engage students and
this will develop their interest and talents.
* Plan the topic as per the age group.
*Share stories related to the topic.
help the student understand how their topic applies to real world
According to the children previous knowledge and their daily life experiences.
ReplyDeleteRitu Bhate
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of their
Previous Knowledge
Age group
Activities should be given on the basis of their knowledge, need ,capabilities, interest.They can learn better by doing.
ReplyDeleteActivities should be given on the basis of their knowledge, need ,capabilities, interest.They can learn better by doing.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of students learning level and interests.
ReplyDeleteLearning strategies should be formed on the basis of learning ability and the previous knowledge of the learners.
ReplyDeleteA topic is chosen based on the interests of the child, previous knowledge, curricular expectation, age of the child and the current scenario so that the child can easily relate with the topic. For Example, Covid 19 as a topic now will help them connect with the present situation, safety measures, cleanliness, online classes(Distant learning), self learning, etc
ReplyDeleteI select a strategy on the bases of the interest and and competency of the students keeping in the mind the relevance of the activities.
ReplyDeleteR.K. Dubey
DeleteAccording to the interest of the students we will form the basic concepts of student's learning.
Learning strategies should be adopted as per the learners age, ability, life experiences, previous knowledge of the learners, and interests of the learner.The selection of a topic of assessment in Environmental Studies will have to be based on the students' level of comprehension on the topic of assessment, their ability to apply their knowledge adequately, integrating and interrelating of the various concepts and so on.
ReplyDeleteSharing experiences, previous knowledge, through different models, interest and child's ability
ReplyDeleteLS will be adopted as per the students previous knowledge, age and experiences. The learners interest is also a major factor but that can be developed with the right approach
ReplyDeleteAccording to the interests of the students learning process should be followed.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of students interest of learning we should make the learning strategies.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of learners interest and previous knowledge
ReplyDeleteIn EVS, methods such as surveys, projects, field trips, games, brainstorming, discussion, experimental investigations, etc., have been found more effective in maximising learner's participation in the teaching – learning process (directly or indirectly).
ReplyDeleteDepending upon a reason for the better ment of environment I will pick a topic and design the strategy as per the available resources and capabilities of the students.
ReplyDeleteStrategies for any topic should be planned keeping in mind the interest of the children, their previous life experiences, available resources and the final outcome.
ReplyDeleteपिछले ज्ञान और विषय की रुचि और दैनिक अनुभव।
ReplyDeleteAccording to the children previous knowledge and their daily life experiences.
ReplyDeleteStrategies to be formed on the basis of the child on which it will be easy for a child to understand the topic, strategy may not be the same for a particular topic, it may be taken on the basis of the child understanding capacity.
ReplyDeleteStrategies to be formed on the basis of the child on which it will be easy for a child to understand the topic, strategy may not be the same for a particular topic, it may be taken on the basis of the child understanding capacity.
ReplyDeleteon the basis of students previous knowledge, their interests, related to real life experiences and current curriculum situations.
ReplyDeleteThe previous knowledge of the students help the teacher to proceed with the topic .by relating the topic with daily life is my way of teaching
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of student's previous knowledge, real life experiences and the theme that we want to transact
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of previous knowledge of the students and interest and life experience of the students
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of experience, previous knowledge and interest.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of the students understanding,age and applicability of their abilities
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of student's class and previous knowledge , based on the topic we can use different strategies for example if we are teaching about crops we can take the students to the fields, about water bodies we can take them to near by rivers are dams in these to topics we can use field trips for some topics experiments in the science lab is the best srategy for some topics doing projects , leaning by doing is the best strategy for some topics .So, we can use different strategies based on the student's class and age, topic and what already they know about that topic.
ReplyDeleteBased on child's interest , previous experience and knowledge
ReplyDeleteStrategies are to be selected for a particular topic on the basis of the prior knowledge of the students and their interests.Their learning levels must also be kept in mind.
The strategies should be selected on on the basis of the first hand learning experience to make the child actively engage, ignite their curiosity and enhanced imagination to enable them to connect to new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them.
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher my intention should be to make the process of learning more meaningful by providing different experiences that employee essential process skills like expressing, classifying communicating and experimenting etc.
Strategies are to be selected for a particular topic on the basis of their previous acquired knowledge and level of understanding and acceptability to the topic.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of the previous knowledge of students, their interests and daily situations of their life.
DeleteOn the basis of students previous knowledge in the topic and the interest of the students
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of students previous knowledge in the topic and the interest of the students
ReplyDeletestrategies are to be adopted to bring about a change in the cognitive, affective and psycho- motor behaviour of students through action -oriented, project centered and participatory process ,so that they develop self-confidence, positive attitudes and personal commitment towards environmental protection and improvement of the environment leading to sustainable development.
ReplyDeleteon the basis of past experience and current situations.
ReplyDeleteon the basis of their previous knowledge, age, interest, involvement and available infrastructure , i would adopt my strategies
ReplyDeletePrevious knowledge is must if we r going to start any chapter. Pupil ll take interest
ReplyDelete1. They are responsive to the external environment.
ReplyDelete2. They involve a sustainable advantage.
3. The are consistent with other strategies
4.They provide adequate flexibility
5. They consider the previous acquired knowledge and experience into consideration
6. It takes into account the learning outcome and is devised to produce the same
The learning strategy should be made by using the previous knowledge of the children. A proper brainstorming session and discussion should be conducted in order to explore ideas given by the children.
ReplyDeleteRashmi Raj
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of student's class and previous knowledge &Learning strategies should be adopted as per the learners age, ability, life experiences, previous knowledge of the learners, and interests of the learner
The strategies should be selected on the basis of the first hand learning experience to make the child actively engage, ignite their curiosity and enhanced imagination to enable them to connect to new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them. As a teacher it is very important to plan according to students intrests and understandings so that they can perform enthusiastically all the activities.
ReplyDeletePremendra Bahadur Singh According to the children previous knowledge and their daily life experiences.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of learning outcomes related to topic , resources available and learners
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of what students know, what are the learning outcomes, easily available resources, number of students.
ReplyDeleteThe strategies should be selected on the basis of the learning experience to make the child actively engage, ignite their curiosity and enhanced scientific attitudes to enable them to connect to new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them. As a teacher it is very important to plan according to students intrests and understandings so that they can perform enthusiastically all the activities
ReplyDeleteMonalisa Majumdar (Bhavan's N.S.C.B Vidyaniketan Haldia)
on the basis of students previous knowledge.
ReplyDeleteThe strategies should be selected on the basis of the learning experience to make the child actively engage, ignite their curiosity and enhanced scientific attitudes to enable them to connect to new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them. As a teacher it is very important to plan according to students intrests and understandings so that they can perform enthusiastically all the activities
ReplyDeleteMonalisa Majumdar (Bhavan's NSCB Vidyaniketan Haldia)
Strategies are to be selected for a particular topic on the basis of examination as Indian System of Education is much more examination oriented.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of students' previous knowledge as well as their understanding level, as they are coming from different background which reflects their different learning capacities .
ReplyDeleteStrategies to be formed the basis of the students learning level, previous knowledge and interests so that it will be easy for a child to understand the topic, strategy may not be the same for a particular topic. It may be taken on the basis of the child understanding capacity. Introduce the topic, explain the concept, conduct the activity to understand the concept, and analysis the topic by various pedagogy.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of learners interests, capacity and their previous knowledge, the appropriate strategy that caters the learning needs should be adopted.
ReplyDeleteKeeping in mind the heterogenous learners, I will plan an activity to cater to the needs of visual, auditory, kinesthetic, verbaland cognitive learners.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of the previous knowledge of the students in that topic
ReplyDeleteKeeping in the mind previous knowledge of the students and to make them aware of the other aspects too..will have to plan a strategy in a way to make them in involve to the maximum of their potential which help them in acquiring the knowledge which is needed for their overall development.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of student's previous knowledge and interest in the topic and skills learning.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of students prerequisite knowledge and interest
ReplyDeleteThe strategy should be-
ReplyDelete1. Brainstorming
2. Choose a topic that interests the students.
3. Encourage learning from experience.
4. Integrate technology into the classroom.
5. Utilize visual aids.
6. Implement enquiry based learning.
As a teacher, I will try to enhanced imagination to enable them to connect to new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them.
Strategy should be depend on student interest, on the basis of child previous knowledge and level of child.
ReplyDeleteLearning strategies should be designed as per the children previous knowledge, age group, interest, experiences in daily life. They should indeed cater to develop their skills like problem solving, logical reasoning etc. These strategies should include brain boggling sessions/quiz/story telling/experimentation & analysis/surveys etc.
ReplyDeleteTopic should be divided such that maximum activity can be conducted on that topic.Also multimedia contents should also be added.Students background such as their previous knowledge and interest should be considered.
ReplyDeleteTopic should be divided such that maximum activity can be conducted on that topic.Also multimedia contents should also be added.Students background such as their previous knowledge and interest should be considered.
ReplyDeleteLearning strategies should be formed on the basis of learning ability and the previous knowledge of the learners.
ReplyDeleteStrategy will be on the basis of students interest ,their previous knowledge, available resources and capabilities of the students.
ReplyDeleteStrategy will be on the basis of students interest ,their previous knowledge, available resources and capabilities of the students.
ReplyDeleteStrategies formed should be on the basis of previous knowledge of students,their past experiences , students interests and age ,and transfer of learning and socio-cultural background of the learner
ReplyDelete1. Students age level.
ReplyDelete2. Previous knowledge.
3 . Expected outcomes.
4. Available resources.
5. Socio - economic status.
6. Socio - cultural background.
पर्यावरण अध्ययन में प्रत्येक कक्षा के लिए सीखने के प्रतिफल अलग होते है तथा भाषा औऱ गणित के साथ पढ़ाया जाता है
ReplyDeleteStrategy will be as per the previous knowledge of the student on any given topic.
ReplyDeleteAs per the availability of resources, students previous knowledge and interest and the topic to be covered
ReplyDeleteStrategy will be decided as per the available resources, learners age group,ability ,life experiences,previous knowledge, and interests of the learner.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of students prerequisite knowledge in the topic, the interest of the students and as per the available resources and capabilities of the students one should design the strategy for a particular topic.
ReplyDeleteIn the current situation of pandemic, while the schools are closed and children are at home, the main focus while planning strategy for a particular topic should be on the resources easily available at home or in their surroundings. The children can do these activities under the supervision of some elder at home. Discussions can be initiated and facilitated among children at home, with their elders, or using social media tools. We may later follow-up and take feedback from the parents and encourage them to share their written work, drawings, enactment etc. with their peers and themselves via social media. It may be collected in a folder to bring it to the school when it reopens.
On the basis of students previous knowledge in the topic and the interest of the students ,life experiences and skills learning.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe Strategies should be:-
ReplyDeleteA. Brainstorming
B. Choose the topic that interests the students.
C. Encourage learning from experience.
D. Integrate technology into the classroom.
E. Utilize visual aids.
F. Implement enquiry based learning.
As a teacher,I will try to enhance imagination to enable them to connect to the new ideas to the existing ideas using all the opportunities that are provided to them.
Jhimki Kar
Future Bhubaneswar School
On the basis of the students knowledge and skills.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of student's learning level, previous knowledge and interest, we should be mind to plan our strategies.
ReplyDeleteThe strategy has to be thought of keeping the learning outcomes in mind. Then by looking into the age group of children , their interests, their previous knowledge and their socio cultural backgrounds any activity should be planned .
ReplyDeleteTo select a topic we should keep in mind that the learner get as opportunity to be mentally challenged, the topic should arouse curiosity and enhance creativity. Providing learning experience in their everyday life to allow them to engage meaningfully in the activities.
Strategies are selected from known to unknown and as per their class level.
ReplyDeleteThe learning strategies should be formed on the basis of the previous knowledge of the students, resources available, interest of the students, age group of the students and understanding level of the students.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of their knowledge from simpler to complex, focused on learner centered, scope to explore and create, art integrated, value based connected to life skills. Susan DBS
ReplyDeleteOn the basis of their knowledge from simpler to complex, focused on learner centered, scope to explore and create, art integrated, value based connected to life skills. Susan DBS
ReplyDeleteLearning strategies should be formed on the basis of learning ability and the previous knowledge of the learners.
On the basis of the students learning level, previous knowledge and interests. Introduce the topic, explain the concept, conduct the activity to understand the concept, and analysis the topic by various pedagogy.