Module 5- Activity 3: How does ICT support your Teaching- Learning- Assessment?

Take a moment to Reflect and post your comment in the comment box.


  1. Offer students an opportunity to exchange phone numbers and for those who are interested, help them create a WhatsApp chat group. It can sometimes be difficult for a student to ask for a classmate’s phone number.

    1. It is best way for feed back

    2. ICT can act as a great tool in assessing students and their performance in the classroom.Teachers can use computers to create assessment tasks,deliver these to relevant students and can record and provide grades and feedback to the students.

    3. ICT can act as a great tool in assessing students and their performance in the classroom.Teachers can use computers to create assessment tasks,deliver these to relevant students and can record and provide grades and feedback to the students.

    4. ICT allows students to monitor and manage their own learning, think critically and creatively

    5. ICT allows students to monitor and manage their own learning, think critically and creatively

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. It helps in teaching learning process. It helps teacher to monitor as well as assess students with the help of various ways like by sharing their own videos/audios, sharing their written works etc.

    8. ICT involves multisensory learning tactics. can be used for revision and better understanding, Google form can be used to prepare question paper, quiz, assignments etc. and also be evaluated which can be viewed by students.

  2. ICT classes create much, more enthusiasm among learners. To certain extent I even observed ICT classes are against Noise Pollution too, as the learners remain in pindrop silence.

  3. ICT is very helpful to me to impart education effectively as well as effortlessly. On the other hand, use of ITC helps students to capture concepts better as it keeps their mind active and alert as well as attentive.

  4. Technology helps students to research subjects, share ideas and learn specific skills. Technology allows for such flexibility in learning that it is enabling our students to work in a more collaborative manner. Technology is a key building block in facilitating collaborative learning.

  5. The use of ICTs as presentation tools (through overhead and LCD projectors, television, electronic whiteboards, guided "web-tours", where students simultaneously view the same resources on computer screens) is seen to be of mixed effectiveness. While it may promote class understanding of and discussion about difficult concepts (especially through the display of simulations), such uses of ICTs can re-enforce traditional pedagogical practices and divert focus from the content of what is being discussed or displayed to the tool being utilized.
    The way ICT is used in lessons is influenced by teacher knowledge about their subjects, and how ICT resources can be utilized and related to it. The evidence shows that when teachers use their knowledge of both the subject and the way pupils understood the subject; their use of ICT has a more direct effect on student achievement. As the introduction of ICTs to aid education is often part of a larger change or reform process, it is vital that successful uses of ICTs are promoted and disseminated.

  6. It is a good tool now a days for presenting new ideas while making ppts and videos.To create new interest in the concern subject it is helpful.

  7. ICT classes create much, more enthusiasm among learners. To certain extent I even observed ICT classes are against Noise Pollution too, as the learners remain in pindrop silence.

  8. ICT help the teachers to interact with students, it help in improving the teaching skill, help in innovative teaching. ICT allows the teachers to produce and modify resources quickly and easily.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. ICT helped me to learn a lot of things. i learnt online teaching to students. Even i find students are more enthusiastic to learn many things on computer.So i can say ict made everyone interested in their field.

  11. ICT is very helpful in online teaching.
    We can communicate with so many students at a time just with the help of one app and can teach in many interesting ways with the help of other apps.

  12. It makes teaching and learning both easy and interesting.

  13. ICT help the teachers to interact with students, it help in improving the teaching skill, help in innovative teaching. It allows the teachers to produce and modify resources quickly and easily.
    and helped me to learn a lot of things. I learnt online teaching to students. Even i find students are more enthusiastic to learn many things on computer.So i can say ICT made everyone interested in their field.

  14. ICT helps teachers to interact with students, it helps in improving teachingskill, helps for getting innovative ideas, it helps to create interest in students for learning. I too learn much by using ICT in teaching learning process. By using ICT teaching becomes much progressive with new ideas.

  15. ICT helps a lot in the assesment of teaching learning process. Its a better and efficient way to make contact with students and also make the valuation process transparent. The use of ICT is very useful in creation or new innovative ideas from students as well as teachers

  16. ICT helped me a lot especially in this pandemic.Online teaching needs new strategies in teaching learning process. We learnt new way of assessment i. e googleform.Students now are able to search and get information via ICT. Use of pen tablet, jam board,geogebra,mathsisfun,mathspad etc help to teach and learn online.

  17. ICT is very much important and effective part for education now a days it develop understanding of new material provide feedback,focus, support learning more effectively.

  18. ICT is very important in current situation. Teaching learning process is also going well in this situation which could not happen without it. We teach our students with the help of whatsapp, phone call, google form, ppt etc. So ICT is very important toll for effective learning.

  19. I feel that for a few topics it is effective but not for all the topics

  20. ICT classes create much, more enthusiasm among learners. To certain extent I even observed ICT classes are against Noise Pollution too, as the learners remain in pindrop silence.

  21. ICT helped me to learn a lot of things. i learnt online teaching to students. Even i find students are more enthusiastic to learn many things on computer.So i can say ict made everyone interested in their field.

  22. Ict is very helpfull in current situation. We take proper classes through Google meet and it is very helpfull.

  23. It makes teaching and learning both easy and interesting

  24. Use of ICT to a greater extent helps the students build the concentration and interest in the subject which remain in their mind for a long time. It also helps a teacher to overcome the discipline problem in the class

  25. ICT helps as a supplement to our makes teaching learning more interesting and effective.

  26. ICT is really helpful in situation as now.Reaching out to students has become easy.Content can be easily made available to students through different modes and in more interesting manner.

  27. U Sunitha
    ICT is an affective tool for teaching learning process. It helps children to learn concept quickly and also gives long time memory. especially it is useful during these on line teaching. Online teaching really gave an opportunity for both teachers and students to learn more about his ICT

  28. ICT helps me make my lessons more interesting and effective.It helps me achieve the learning outcome easily , without putting in lots of efforts.The concepts are made very clear to the students especially in the primary classes. Motivating the students is not a difficult task using ICT. Assessment is also very easy using Google forms and sites like ,which reduces the teacher's load and students don't have to wait for the teacher to check their work and then let them know their scores.The instant scores also give joy to the students.

  29. ICT classes create much, more enthusiasm among learners. To certain extent I even observed ICT classes are against Noise Pollution too, as the learners remain in pindrop silence.

  30. ICT classes helps students to save the contents taught and they can also learn it when the facilitator is not present at their own time.

  31. It helps me to bring the whole world to my classroom. From deep space to challenger deep, I travel with my students to every topic they would like to explore.

  32. ICT helps in grabing the attention of students and also help in making their concepts clear and they develop a holistic understanding of the topic

  33. It helps to store ,record and use information, make assessment easy andprovides oppertunity to students to improve their learning .

  34. ICT is very helpful for both teachers and students .it reduces the efforts of teachers to teach and students learn with much interest and enthusiasm.

  35. Information and Communication Technology has given me and students to have access to a world beyond the classroom , it provides opportunities for learning because it enables learners to access, extend, transform and share ideas and information in multi-modal communication styles and format. It helps the learner to share learning resources and spaces, promote
    learner centered and collaborative learning principles and enhance critical thinking, creative thinking and problem solving skills.
    ICTs , transformational tools which, when used appropriately, can promote the shift to a learner-centered environment. It gave universal access to education, equity in education, the delivery of quality learning and teaching, and ' professional development .

  36. The use of ICTs as presentation tools is seen to be of mixed effectiveness. While it may promote class understanding of and discussion about difficult concepts (especially through the display of simulations), such uses of ICTs can re-enforce traditional pedagogical practices and divert focus from the content of what is being discussed or displayed to the tool being utilized.
    The way ICT is used in lessons is influenced by teacher knowledge about their subjects, and how ICT resources can be utilized and related to it. The evidence shows that when teachers use their knowledge of both the subject and the way pupils understood the subject; their use of ICT has a more direct effect on student achievement. As the introduction of ICTs to aid education is often part of a larger change or reform process, it is vital that successful uses of ICTs are promoted and disseminated.


  37. ICT has transformed my teaching learning process to a new level. Students feel more involved and excited to learn through real time experience which is visualized with audio and video.

  38. ICT has been a great help to me and to my students. It changed my teaching- learning to another dimension. Students seems to be more interested and attentive in learning and experiencing through new technology with audio and video. Having presentation in projector room made the students to understand more and easily.

  39. Teaching and learning continues to take place effectively in spite of the present scenerio and it is a virtual classroom

  40. ICT makes communication clear, improved and enjoyable. It create an environment of enthusiasm and joy among the learners.

  41. ICT has changed my teaching learning to another level. Students feel excited in learning through virtual classroom. It reduces the efforts of teachers and children.

  42. Ict makes communication more clear,interesting and effective.students takes more interest.

  43. Ict makes communication more clear,interesting and effective.students takes more interest.

  44. ICT makes it possible to interact with knowledge like never before.

  45. ICT helps me to reach to the teachers ,principals and management of the schools in rural areas and share latest information with them to disseminate to students timely and also train newly recruited teachers on the national goals of education and sharing new education policy of the government but continuously updating and sharing knowledge with all the stake holders from online school of learning .

  46. ICT help the teachers to interact with students, it help in improving the teaching skill, help in innovative teaching. ICT allows the teachers to produce and modify resources quickly and easily.

  47. the student can experience the underworld life in an ocean or in deep forest can be easily get by the amazing videos using robotics animals .

  48. ICT help the teachers to interact with students, it help in improving the teaching skill, help in innovative teaching Ict makes communication more clear,interesting and effective.students takes more interest.

  49. It makes student learn easily. Opens a platform of asking questions. Classes become interactive. Children also become curious of using ICT in the form of making powerpoint and presenting them. Learning develops and it leads to better understanding.

  50. The use of ICT has a more direct impact on student achievement. Itcan promote the shift to a learner-centered environment. It enables learners to access, extend, transform and share ideas and information in multi-modal communication styles and format.

  51. It is very helpful to impart education effectively. It create more interest among the learners. It helps us to store and record the information.

  52. It is very helpful to impart education effectively. It create more interest among the learners. It helps us to store and record the information.

  53. ICT supports greatly in Teaching-Learning assessment. Due to ongoing pandemic crisis, teachers are taking online classes using ICT only in which they prepare lessons using powerpoint presentations, deliver lectures and later share the study material through various digital platforms. Not only this, when it comes to assessment of the students, they are assessed online using various online platforms such as Google form etc. Not only this, the feedback/grade of the students is also provided to the parents through digital platforms only.

  54. ICT helps to share the information very easily and also helps to collect varieties of materials in a very short period of time and also helps to assess.

    PGT (BIO)
    The three beautiful letters ICT has wide dimensions in the field of education that a teacher and a student has to understand and accordingly develop skills in attaining it as early as possible ,as it is the need of the hour. After attending this session we teachers will be more benefitted to use ICT in a wide spectrum in daily teaching learning process and there by making the class more interactive and interesting one than ever.

  56. ICT really help teachers in doing assessment as it is less time consuming,more accurate in making less mistake. . And acts as best communication between the learners and the teachers. .which can be done through telephonic conversation,messenger,whatsapp etc.

  57. ICT makes our assessment in a very short time as well as in an interesting manner which attracts students attention towards itself and saves teachers time side by side needs proper planning and preparation.

  58. ICT helps the teachers and taught in disseminating knowledge by using technology. Its a good platform to be in touch with the latest happenings and to share instantly among the learners through different media.

  59. helps the students build the concentration and interest in the subject which remain in their mind for a long time. It also helps a teacher to overcome the discipline problem in the class

  60. ICT helps in grabing the attention of students and also help in making their concepts clear and they develop a holistic understanding of the topic. ICT helps the teachers and taught in disseminating knowledge by using technology. Its a good platform to be in touch with the latest happenings and to share instantly among the learners through different media.

  61. The use of ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new concepts taught in the class. It is a quick method of assessment
    using technology.

  62. ICTs can enhance the quality of education in several ways: by increasing learner motivation and engagement, by facilitating the acquisition of basic skills, and by enhancing teacher training. ICTs are also transformational tools which, when used appropriately, can promote the shift to a learner-centered environment. “ICT plays a catalytic role in enhancing learning in classroom and beyond. ... Information and communication technologies are extremely influencing every discipline including Education. It is affecting every aspect of education from teaching-learning to assessment and evaluation.

  63. Technology can help teachers assess their students' learning as well as their performance in the classroom. Use of ICT in assessment assists in the construction, delivery, storage or reporting of student assessment tasks, responses, grades or feedback.

  64. IN the present scene ICT is very helpful in online teaching.
    We can communicate with so many students at a time just with the help of one app and can teach in many interesting ways with the help of other apps.and get the feedback / correct the mistakes and resend the work /instant rewards for children by the way of scores and comments

  65. ICT helps in grabing the attention of students and also help in making their concepts clear and they develop a holistic understanding of the topic. It is very helpful to impart education effectively. It create more interest among the learners. It helps us to store and record the information.

  66. ICT supports by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that, I can focus on other aspects of supporting learning. Use of ICT in assessment involves the use of digital devices to assist in the construction, delivery, storage or reporting of student assessment tasks, responses, grades or feedback.

  67. Help students to access learning effectively at anytime and anywhere

  68. During this Pandemic time, ICT has greatly helped in conducting my classes and assessing the students through different platform such as webex meets, whatsapp, googleform , google classroom etc.


  69. Use of ICT is need of the hour specially during Covid-19 Pandemic Teacher's can share educational material can get feedback from students , can give activities to students and assessed them .Using of ICT in the teching learning process more useful and interesting

  70. Its very effective foe learning as well as for assesment.QUICK GK, PUZZLE, CAPITAL OF STATES ARE TOO MANY FEAUTRES WHICH ARE AWAITED BY STUDENTS IN MY CLASS.

  71. The use of ICT helps me to creating, storing, sending information to students and collecting their feed back which helps me to find out the understanding level of students. ICT can enhance the quality of education by increasing learner motivation and engagement.

  72. ICT is an interesting way of teaching ,it can help teachers by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material.

  73. interesting , unbelievable stages in development of animals , plant life can be easlly understood with the help of ICT IN TEACHING

  74. ICT helps the students to research subjects. Share ideas and learn specific skills. ICT helps teachers to interact with students. It helps in improving the teaching skills. It helps to create interest in students for learning. It is very helpful to impart education effectively. It helps us to store and record the information.

  75. ICT helps in teaching a lessons more interesting and effective. The concepts are made very clear to the students especially in the primary classes. Motivating the students is not a difficult task using ICT. Assessment is also very easy using Google forms and sites like ,which reduces the teacher's load and students don't have to wait for the teacher to check their work and then let them know their scores. The instant scores also give joy to the students.

  76. In this pandemic ICT have become the only tool in which we can educate the students in the absence of traditional teaching method in a classroom.
    It has become the only tool where teachers can communicate the lesson, explanations and assignments to the students. The students, inturn with the used of ITC tools, can submit the completed assignments for assessment.

  77. Best way of teaching in present scenario of digital world

  78. Information and communication technologies are currently being used in education to assist students to learn more effectively by providing teachers with access to a wide range of new pedagogy. These technologies are also being used to enable teachers to do administrative tasks more efficiently. This paper outlines a new use for information and communication technologies that offers something different. This new use enables students to show teachers how to improve teaching and, in doing this, it enables students to have more informed and more profitable access to teachers' knowledge and skills. The paper suggests that, although problematic in application, this approach may represent a 'quantum leap' in educational effectiveness.

  79. Assessment is always considered a key
    component in the process of teaching and learning. A
    major role is being played by ICT in making the
    process of assessment easy for teachers. As the use of
    ICT is increasing, the assessment is made now in a new
    and innovative manner. While employing ICT in
    assessment, the recording of responses and providing
    necessary feedback is likely to grow as virtual learning
    environments is growing day by day. Not only this the
    students are being empowered to make use of online or
    web-based assessments which in return help the
    students to do self-assessment of their learning. This
    paper is in support of applying ICT in conducting
    assessment for students. The paper analyses the
    concept of assessment with its types and explores
    various technological tools which will empower the
    teachers to make assessment much more effective in a
    class room situation.

  80. ICT is a part of my teaching learning process and the COVID-19 enables most of us to be active in ICT transaction. I used to share the content and practice question Papers in my BLOG or GOOGLE CLASSROOM L, the students access them, answer questions and upload their answers.

  81. It makes learning easier by tranferring notes or assignment through different forms of media.

  82. ICT is the best platform for executing teaching learning process in this pendamic situation for all school going children present at home.

  83. ICT is the most effective resource to reach out to each and every child in this pandemic. our motto is to see that no child is left behind. It guides in the creation of content ,audio video lessons, images, jamboards, youtube videos to make the teaching and learning very effective and interesting. Children can conduct project survey of course under the guidance of elders. content thus created can be shared. Assignment can be assigned and they can complete them and also submit them in google classrooms. Assessment can be done effectively using google forms, hot potatoes, quizzit. It is a boon if used wisely and properly.
    Mrs Sumathi Madhavan

  84. During this pandemic ,only because of ICT ,teaching learning process is going on. We are in constant touch of students and helping them. Students are also finding this new method of learning quite interesting and doing their best.

  85. During this pandemic ,only because of ICT ,teaching learning process is going on. We are in constant touch of students and helping them. Students are also finding this new method of learning quite interesting and doing their best.

  86. ICT can be used to conduct quiz form of test maintain the records of the children their marks graph averages can be calculated very easily and can maintain records for the whole year without any problem.

    Indu Agarwal
    Kv 2 golconda

  87. ICT is a wonderful tool for effective teaching learning provided it is used aptly and wisely as per the need of the lesson/ content taught.It helps in retaining interest of the children thereby removing the boredom and making the class more lively and teaching learning a joyful and meaningful event.

    Sheela Joseph
    KV2 EME Baroda.

  88. ICT helps us to communicate with our students, help to solved their problems especially during this pandemic and also helps learning easier for them...

  89. ICT can act as a great tool in assessing students and their performance in the classroom.Teachers can use computers to create assessment tasks,deliver these to relevant students and can record and provide grades and feedback to the students.

  90. It makes teaching and learning a joyful activity.

  91. ICT helps in the involvement of multisensory organs of students in learning. Also it helps in giving experiential learning.ICT also help in getting response from students

  92. It is very helpful technology.

  93. Nowadays ICT has become a major tool for the assessment of teaching learning process. Google classroom is one of the best platforms that ICT has offered us. Wherein test responses and marks are always stored and can be retrieved whenever they are needed. All the posts, materials and comments of both the teachers and learners are just a click away. Submission of learners' work before and after the due date can easily be tracked. All in all various platforms offered by ICT have proved to be a boon in educational technology.

  94. ICT is one of the effective tool in classroom teaching. Children could able to understand whole unit taught through ICT lessons. Only thing is many children are staying in rural and remote areas can face little difficulty to attend the classes regularly, especially in this academic year due to Covid-19. As I am working in Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti it is useful tool to adopt in my teaching. Thank you Diksha to provide remarkable course to develop my efficiency in my teaching profession.

  95. ICT helps in the involvement of multisensory organs of students. It helps them in storing ,retrieving and sharing and receiving the information.

  96. The use of ICT by teachers have many benefits, which may even be increased if students themselves are enabled to use ICT in the learning process using ICT can increase students motivation to learn making it enjoyable. use of ICT can also foster personalized and individualized learning.

  97. The use of ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material; and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning.

  98. ICT as a tool to assess students and their performance in classroom. Teachers can show ppt, video, etc for effective teaching learning process.

  99. it is most effective medium to teach the studets

  100. ICT help the teachers to interact with students, it help in improving the teaching skill, help in innovative teaching Ict makes communication more clear,interesting and effective.students takes more is the best medium to transect the learning material to students.

  101. ICT offers a great platform to students and teachers by which they can efficiently communicate and exchange their knowledge and queries with each other

  102. ICT create more interest among the students in improving their study skill

  103. ICT can make the Assessment Interesting. So students can enjoy the assessment and they can be assessed in better way

  104. it is interesting to use ICT in teaching . students takes interest in learning and learning is stable.

  105. ICT supports me in teaching learning assessments like creating assesment tests, creating and sharing resources etc

  106. The use of ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material; and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning.

  107. Information and Communication Technology makes teaching and learning multi dimensional. It helps me to make my subject more interesting and relatable, assessment of students learning, gathering feed backs etc.

  108. ICT helps to teaching students using their multi sensory such as visuals ,audio and other multimedia effects.Assessment can also be done using online test.

  109. ICT is a wonderful tool for effective teaching learning provision. It is used effectively as per the need of the lesson/ content taught. It helps in retaining interest of the children thereby removing the boredom and making the class more lively and teaching learning a joyful and meaningful event. Teaching and learning becomes easier and faster. Like google classroom, g suite, emails and whatsapp etc.

  110. ICT promotes life long learning and it helps students to manage and monitor their studies.It helps to an improved student learning and better teaching methods

  111. ICT helps in teaching students more effectively using PPT. It makes class more lively and children find it easy to remember things which are heard and shown on screen. Different platforms enable
    us to communicate with students more effectively.


  113. ICT helped me a lot especially in this pandemic.Online teaching needs new strategies in teaching learning process. We learnt new way of assessment i. e googleform.Students now are able to search and get information via ICT. Use of pen tablet, jam board,geogebra,mathsisfun,mathspad etc help to teach and learn online.

  114. ICT can be used in testing to administer tests, to score the tests, to analyse the result and to facilitate teachers in assessing learning outcomes. Besides ICT can be integrated in completing student's task such as Portfolio and Project based assessment.

  115. ITC class is interesting and lively,it attracts the attention of the students and make them easy to understand their lessons.

  116. ICT helps in making the teaching-learning process very interesting through google classroom. It helps in assessment, getting feedback and also helps in direct interaction with the students.

  117. ICT has been a great help to me as well as to students. It has changed the concept of teaching-learning into a new height. ICT makes the concept clear to the students easily and that too with great excitement.

  118. ICT has greatly help teachers to reach out to students especially in this time of pandemic.It makes learning easy ,interesting and time consuming.Different mode of media like whats app,zoom and Google besides other tools of digital communication has help students and teachers to learn beyond text and make better sense of learning.

  119. In teaching learning of Mathematics in Senior secondary, I use Geogebra to effectively teach nature of functions. The students are also able to get the exact shape of the curve, its turning points, its increasing and decreasing nature and it is highly useful to learn the concept of maxima and minima.

  120. ICT has come to teachers rescue in this pandemic, making learning more interesting and meaningful. Also it has aided in making teachers more tech savvy

  121. ICT can help teacher by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material,and by taking over some of the role of assessment nad give feedback to students.

  122. ICT helps in clearing the meanings of many words/objects which are not in use in the immediate surroundings of the learners. For example when we use the word BARREL, learners think of the big metallic cylindrical containers used to store liquids, especially petrol/diesel. But when dealing with old world literature, barrel is a wooden cask for storing liquid, especially beer. This can be made clear by using images from the net, from videos and then get feedback from the students. This is just one such examples which is helpful in the teaching-learning process. The various types of questions that can be incorporated in the Google Forms also are very helpful in assessing the understanding of the learners and the effectiveness of the transaction of the concepts by the teacher.

  123. As a teacher we can use computer for assessment tasks,deliver these to relevant students and can record and provide grades and feedback to the students.

  124. Technology helps students to research subjects, share ideas and learn specific skills. Technology allows for such flexibility in learning that it is enabling our students to work in a more collaborative manner. Technology is a key building block in facilitating collaborative learning.

  125. ICT can be used for assessment in teaching learning process by use of google forms for quiz, quiz in kahoot, quiz in quizziz etc. ICT can be used in providing flexibility to students in assessment. On demand examination can become a reality by use of ICT.

  126. ICT is very helpful in online teaching. It make teaching and learning very easy. It helps to achieve the objective of lesson effectively. It obtain active participation from students.

  127. The most innovative and effective medium to teaching, communication and feedback to the students.

  128. ICT help teachers assess our students learning as well as their performance in the classroom. It can also support students to complete their projects.

  129. ICT is very helpful to teaching process its make very easy to make the students understand ,by showing them videos picture etc

  130. ICT can act as a great tool in assessing students and their performance in the classroom.Teachers can use computers to create assessment tasks,deliver these to relevant students and can record and provide grades and feedback to the students

  131. JOAN A LUKE. To create new interest in subject ICT is very useful

  132. ICT is a great boon to modern day education .It is used to plan teaching learning activities effectively to make the concepts clear as well as assessment tool. It can used to give a firsthand like experience about a few natural phenomenon like water cycle. The solar system etc.,

  133. ICT helps the students to understand better as they hear and see the objects clearly. Through picture they can understand the topics.

  134. ICT is very useful in current scenario of covid 19 because it provides interest in subject during online teaching .Students are able to understand the any topic in easy way.

  135. As a music teacher I personally feel its a great tool in teaching learning methodology, making audio ,videos ,presentations of cultural activities creating audio visual material and sharing it to the children and getting feedbacks as well .Information and Communication Technology has given me and students to have access to a world beyond the classroom , it provides opportunities for learning because it enables learners to access, extend, transform and share ideas and information in multi-modal communication styles and format.

  136. ICT support our teaching - learning - assessment as through this technology we can communicate,create,store and manage information.It can impact students learning when we(teachers) understand how to integrate it into curriculum.

  137. ICT have been of immense help in clarifying doubts of the students and also in getting the feedbacks. Students feedbacks helps us to asses their understanding level and also in improving our methods of teaching to them. Students communicate and express more freely using the communication technologies and social media like the WhatsApp etc.

  138. Ict has transformed the class into 3d learning,itmade impossible as simple lucid understandable

  139. The use of ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material; and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning.

  140. ICT is an excellent tool helping both teachers and students in sharing their views, in explanation of concepts through audio-visual medium, in clarifying doubts and in evaluation processes. (Pushplata).

  141. Children can monitor their own learning. Teachers and children can share their vies easily. It is the best tool for feedback.

  142. In present pandemic condition ICT has an important role in teaching, learning and in assessment.Modern technology offers educators a variety of new tools that can be used in the classroom. Technology can help teachers assess their students' learning as well as their performance in the classroom. Use of ICT in assessment involves the use of digital devices to assist in the construction, delivery, storage or reporting of student assessment tasks, responses, grades or feedback.
    Kusum lata

  143. ICT is a today teaching tool.The use of ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material; and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning. In present pandemic condition ICT has an important role in teaching, learning and in assessment.Modern technology offers educators a variety of new tools that can be used in the classroom. Technology can help teachers assess their students' learning as well as their performance in the classroom. Use of ICT in assessment involves the use of digital devices to assist in the construction, delivery, storage or reporting of student assessment tasks, responses, grades or feedback.

  144. ICT has revolutionised all the spheres of teaching learning. It has an impact on the way new age teachers look at the content and deliver the content using appropriate methods. Teachers can also evaluate and create information and to participate in online collaboration activities.

  145. Use of ICT for assessment of teaching learning is very common these days. It utilizes digital devices which helps in constructions of assessments tasks for the students. It helps to score the tests, to analyze the results and to facilitate Teachers in assessing learning outcomes.

  146. ICT can be integrated in completing student’s task such as portfolio and project-based assessment. ICT provides opportunities for students to create electronic versions of their portfolio. ICT can also support students to complete their project. It is essential for teachers to realise that the rubric used to assess e-portfolios and projects must also assess students’ technology use.

  147. ICT helps in teaching learning assessment through google meet ,questionaire on google form ,asking taught topics on whatsapp,google classroom etc and many more ways ....

  148. Use of ICT makes the classroom more interesting way of learning.

  149. ITC helps to teachers for better transaction of methoh of teaching

  150. ICT support our teaching learning process very effectively ,as it uses multipple e-resources that help the learner to attain multisensory learning .the teaher can adopt creative and critical thinking approach ,so that the learner can develop multiple talents .

  151. ICT is an effective tool in dissemination of information to the stakeholders,so that learners attain multisensory learning and adapt for a larger goal

  152. The use of ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material; and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning.

  153. ICT allows students to monitor and manage their own learning, think critically and creatively

  154. ICT helps making the processes of teaching and learning as well as assessment easier and more innovative because with the help of ICT teaching becomes more synthetic and objective. Learning also turns to be very interesting and involving. Assessment with the help of ICT serves the variety of purposes for teachers, students and administrators. Recording of the responses of the students can be done in a scientific manner. Strength and weaknesses of students can be well analyzed and corrected.

  155. The use of ICT led to an improved student learning and better teaching methods.

  156. ICT helps the students to understand the facts well & they can present them well in their own way. Assessment is convenient & proper & transparent record can be maintained.

  157. It's help us teachers to transaction of education in better way of education

  158. Students also get easy understand of subject concern

  159. ICT is very useful in present situation where the whole educational system completely dependent on it. We are making effective use of ICT in teaching learning process using different modes.

  160. ICT stimulates visual auditory and tactile senses of students during teaching-learning-assesment.

  161. The use of ICT supports my Teaching-Learning Assessment in the following ways:-
    1) By storing and recording information about how students are developing
    understanding of new material and by taking over some of the role of assessing and
    providing feedback to students so that I can focus on other aspects of supporting
    learning can be focused on.
    2) Computer based concept mapping with automated scoring helps for summative assessment
    3) Feedback from the computer during the use of test material improves students’ performance
    in later use of the same test material.
    4) ICT helps me to assess students' learning as well as their performance in the classroom.
    5) ICT can be used in testing to administer tests, to score the tests, to analyse the result and to
    facilitate in assessing learning outcomes.
    6) ICT can be integrated in completing student's task project based assessment. .
    Thus, ICT supports me as I have learnt new ways of assessment, tests
    have become interesting.

  162. ICT is useful to complete the projects and other activities in the teaching learning process.

  163. ITC is the best way in teaching learning and assessment of the Students performance.

  164. ICT enhancing the teaching learning process by making it more concrete rather than abstract

  165. Great tool for Librarians also for the assessment of Teaching Learning.

  166. How does ICT support your Teaching- Learning- Assessment?
    ICT plays an important role in the pandemic situation. Instant messenger app like WhatsApp plays an important role in interacting with students as well as parents. Preparing study material, worksheets, Assignment, Activities, MCQ test etc. ICT plays an important role. Sharing different resource material and ask student to give their feedback is also a best way to use ICT. Now students also get used to use technology in learning especially in primary level. But internet connectivity, continuous power supply are essential for ICT. And teacher has to think about adverse effects of using technology especially physical and mental.

  167. Through ICT, we can share various videos and images which illustrates and explains the concepts in a more attractive and effective way.

  168. The use of ICT can help teacher's by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students,so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning.

  169. Ict playing a great role in online teaching. Helping us to reach out to the students.

  170. it is a great tool. It helps to clear the topic and understanding

  171. ICT means information and communication technology is a broader term for information technology (IT) which refer to all communication technology

  172. ITC is helping the teachers to communicate with their students by using different modes in this time of pandemic where students cannot go out for school.

  173. ICT help me to create and share digital content with the students which they can use latter on whenever they required

  174. in this pandemic situation of covid 19,ICT helps teachers to create the topic interestingly ..

  175. By using ICT teacher can deliver the created assessment test,can store the record .it creates more interaction between teacher and and videoes are helpful to students

  176. reduces correction work

  177. Being a kindergarten teacher, I feel it is an important and a very effective tool for the teaching and learning methodology. I upload a lot of videos, audio files, use YouTube links, upload activities, worksheets, do a lot of hand-on activities etc in order to make learning fruitful, enjoyable and enriching for the young minds. ICT plays a vital role in helping the teacher, store, create, retrieve manipulate, send and receive digital information in the form of feedback from the parents.
    Priscilla Vineeth

  178. It is best way for feed back by creating assessment tests, teachers can assess student understanding of the subject, also store the record the progress of a student.

  179. Teaching as well as learning is fast, it draws more attention of the students.

  180. Teaching as well as learning is fast, it draws more attention of the students.

  181. Teaching as well as learning is fast, it draws more attention of the students.

  182. ICT can be used in taking tests,scoring the test,analyse the result and assessing learning outcomes by the teacher.

  183. The teaching - learning process becomes more interesting and effective by the use of I CT. It helps to transfer the same content in different ways which helps the different level learners of the same class room.


    ICT is the best method to get the response of learner very fast. In teaching science it is the greatest tool.

  185. The use of ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material. ICT can enhance the quality of education in several ways: by increasing learner motivation and engagement.

  186. Ict are currently being used in education especially during this tough time,to reached out to help in creating digital information to communicate with learners,it's a great tool to asssest student's performance.

  187. ICT creates more interest among the students in improving their study skill. It creates teaching more interesting ,effective and productive. It promotes life long learning .


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