Offer students an opportunity to exchange phone numbers and for those who are interested, help them create a WhatsApp chat group. It can sometimes be difficult for a student to ask for a classmate’s phone number.
Whats App is a platform where students can easily connect themselves with teachers and other students,could be used for exchanging ideas,converse and also share study materials.
ICT refers to tools and technology that may help in transmission and processing of information, knowledge and in assessment, analysis of events, situations, learning etc. -Manish Kumar Prabhat
ICT refers to multi sensory learning that is involvement of more than one sense organs.This is through use of visual,auditory, kinesthetic aids.It is to go beyond the text.
ICT means using of computer, PPT, videos in teaching learning process to make teaching more effective. This involves capture, Store, Retreat, edit and transfer of information to others. Students can repeat viewing for better understanding the concepts.
According to my knowledge ICT means enhance our teaching criteria with the help of computer. And all knows the future is AI. Or to make teaching more attractive for our upcoming generation..
Information and Communication technology (ICT) is a powerful tool that can impact students learning but to use this tool effectively and efficiently the teacher must be well versed in handling digital tools. He must be digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum.
ICT has revolutionised all the spheres including teaching-learning. It has an impact on the way new age teachers look at the content, deliver the content using appropriate methods, integrate suitable resources and adopts strategies for the extension of learning and assessment.
I.C.T Stands for "Information and Communication Technologies." I.C.T refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. It is similar to Information Technology (IT), but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.
I heard about the unborn child who gets developed more than 60 percentage of brain.So the more they hear and visualize the more they understand.ICT plays an important role for the teaching learning process with lot of joy and interest.
ICT refers to all communication technologies including internet, wireless networks, social networks management, cell phone, computer, software, video conference, and other media applications and services. It's a broader kind of Information Technology.
ICT refers to all communication technologies including internet, wireless networks, social networks management, cell phone, computer, software, video conference, and other media applications and services. It's a broader kind of Information Technology.
ICT helps all to connect for welfare of the country as well as ourselves. we can share our ideas and teach students in this dangerous situation. teaching and learning process is going on smoothly throughout the country.
ICT - Information and Communication technology. it is a powerful tool that can impact students learning but to use this tool effectively and efficiently the teacher must be well versed in handling digital tools. He must be digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum.It makes message delivery faster, easy to access.
ICT refers to "Information and Communication technology" including internet, wireless networks, social networks management, cell phone, computer, software, video conference, and other media applications and services. It's a broader kind of Information Technology. It has an impact on the way new age teachers look at the content, deliver the content using appropriate methods, integrate suitable resources and adopts strategies for the extension of learning and assessment.
ICT means a way to develop in a new and faster way. Students as well as we grown ups can learn a lot in a better and efficient way to grow. In today's world more and more ICT should be used for the betterment of teaching learning process and other walks of life
Information and communication technology makes the community to know new technologies to make the work completed in convincing, easy way within short duration in every field.
Information and communication technology refer to internet, wireless, network,cell phone, computer software, video conferencing, social networking and other media application and services.
ICT means Information and Communication Technology, which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, cell phones, computers, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services. These are the most important tool for teaching learning process in current situation.
I.C.T Stands for "Information and Communication Technologies." I.C.T refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. It is similar to Information Technology (IT), but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.
ICT - Information and Communication Technology can simply be defined as an electronic medium for receiving and sending information from one place to another.It makes message delivery faster, easy to access. It uses gadgets such as cell phones, the Internet, wireless network, computer, radio, television etc.
ICT has revolutionised all the spheres including teaching-learning. It has an impact on the way new age teachers look at the content, deliver the content using appropriate methods, integrate suitable resources and adopts strategies for the extension of learning and assessment. Shatrughan Kumar Srivastava TGT SST JNV MORADABAD
Information and Communication technology (ICT) is a powerful tool that can impact students learning but to use this tool effectively and efficiently the teacher must be well versed in handling digital tools. He must be digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum.
ICT is a tool which is beyond the textbooks and which enhances the area of knowledge. No doubt internet, PC, cell phone radio, TV tape recorder are influential tools but it's wider use depends upon the availability with the school and at home of students.
ICT refers to the source of information using technology which can be easily operated and available to all. It has revolutionized different areas including teaching field.
Mrs Farath Kuwaise ICT refers a broader kind of Information Technology.It includes internet, whats app , Microsoft Teams , Google meet, other internet applications cellphone applications and other media applications and services. It is an influential tool for a teacher which helps the teaching fraternity to motivate the learner and make the teaching leaning process more effective. M
nformation and Communication technology (ICT) is a powerful tool that can impact students learning but to use this tool effectively and efficiently the teacher must be well versed in handling digital tools. He must be digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum
ICT integration in teaching learning process helps in making students an active learner. Besides, it helps to have a pedagogy which is learner centric.
ICT is a digital platform which gives the opportunity to learn new concepts by the use of multiple organs . For children it is a important tool to get learning experiences
ICT can simply be defined as an electronic medium for receiving and sending information for learning, official use, educational purposes and even entertainment and sports.
ICT refers to a digital platform provide access to information through telecommunications.It helps to acquire knowledge in an easy and effective method.
ICT refers to the set of all communication technologies through devices including internet, wireless networks, social networks management, cell phone, computer, software, video conference, and other media applications and services enabling the learner live or otherwise to connect with the resources of learning etc.
ICT is Teaching and Learning process which refers to that medium through which effective teaching- learning takes place with better teaching as well as assessment methods.
ICT - Information and Communication Technology can simply be defined as an electronic medium for receiving and sending information from one place to another.It makes message delivery faster, easy to access. It uses gadgets such as cell phones, the Internet, wireless network, computer, radio, television etc.
ICT is a tool which is beyond the textbooks and which enhances the area of knowledge. No doubt internet, PC, cell phone radio, TV tape recorder are influential tools but it's wider use depends upon the availability with the school and at home of students.
ICT refers to study, design, development , application, support , implementation , management of computer based information system encompassing radio. TV. cellular phones, satellite systems. network hardware/software and various services , applications associated with them. It is/can be used to support, enhance, and optimize the delivery of information leading to improved learning.
ICT - Information and Communication Technology can simply be defined as an electronic medium for receiving and sending information from one place to another .It makes message delivery faster, easy to access. It uses gadgets such as cell phones, the Internet, wireless network, computer, radio, television etc. We use ICT to create an impression in the minds of the students and for better understanding of the contents.
Every human being has a distinct ability to learn the things they taught. ICT provides that platform to learn the things by listening, visualising and experience. Brain easily Access information, the way it is familiar with. Neema Dorje TGT English KV Vikaspuri
With the development of human brain, humans have invented and discovered various means to ease their efforts to understand as well as develop edge to spread knowledge. ICT is one important tool with which we can understand and learn as well as spread knowledge more powerfully and effectively.
ICT refers to a Information and Communication Technology which is the only option for the students to gain all kinds of information and knowledge within a very short time.
Information and communication technology ( ICT ) is way to communicate in teaching and learning process.Technology makes easy teaching and learning process easy and with more options.
Information and communication technology ( ICT ) is way to communicate in teaching and learning process so that conceptualization is undertaken by the involvement of every sensory organs of a reciever by using updated technology such as audio , visuals and experiencial learning activities.
ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information created and use them to impart knowledge and also assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning
ICT is a broader term than IT. It means Information and Communication Technology. In a school teaching-learning environment, a lot can be taught via Information Technology. It is integration of Communication along with Information. Through this, we lay focus on teaching through internet, wireless networks, and other communication mediums. We need to acquaint students the uses of ICT in modern day scenario so that they feel as if they are living in a global village.
ICT is a tool which is beyond the textbooks and which enhances the area of knowledge. No doubt internet, PC, cell phone radio, TV tape recorder are influential tools but it's wider use depends upon the availability with the school and at home of students.
ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information created and use them to impart knowledge and also assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning , it is a very powerful tool
ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. ICT is defined as the application of technology in processing of information and communication which includes the use of computers and softwares to not only convert and store but also process, transmit and retrieve information. It covers all the products that stores, manipulates and transmit information electronically in a digital form. For example, personal computers, radio, broadband, television, email, web based content repositories, interactive forums, learning management systems, and management information systems etc. are all classified as ICTs.
ICT ie Information Communication Technology is a broader term for Information Technology(IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, mobiles, computers etc.
ICT is about integration of communication and information technology , to make teaching and learning a better experience. It is greatly helpful in imparting knowledge and assessment techniques.
ICT refers to " Information and Communication Technology" .When teachers are digitially trained to use ICT, these approaches can lead to higher order thinking skills, provide creative and individualized options for students to express their understandings. E- learning has emerged has the greatest savior in the present pandemic situation. AECS-2,Mumbai
Kuldeep Kumar : Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is a broader term for Information Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services enabling users to access, retrieve, store, transmit, and manipulate information in a digital form.
ICT is a boon and a magic wand which should be used critically only for the betterment of teachers and students .Its a wonderful tool to connect the subject and the child through teacher
ICT refers to tools and technology that may help in transmission and processing of information, knowledge and in assessment, analysis of events, situations, learning etc.
ICT refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are currently being used in education to assist students to learn more effectively by providing teachers with access to a wide range of new pedagogy.
ICT refers to technologies that provides access to information through telecommunications. It includes internet, wireless networks, cell phones and other communication mediums.
Information and Communication Technologies refers to technologies that comunicate information by the various means. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums. Some common software which can be used for the purposes are WhatsApp ,Facebook, email , Google classroom etc.
ICT is the tool that helps us to stay updated with the changing scenario of the world without getting outdated. As the time passes ,we have to switch to newer modes of learning which is different from the traditional methods.
With ICT students Will get more engaged , this creates many amazing opportunities benefit from integrating some forms of technology in the classroom and to make teaching and learning more effective.
The term, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), refers to forms of technology that are used to transact, store, create, display, share or exchange information by electronic means. This broad definition of ICT includes such technologies as radio, television, video, DVD, pen drives, telephone (both fixed line and mobile phones), satellite systems, computer and network hardware and software like geogebra, desmoes; as well as the equipment and services associated with these technologies, such as video conferencing, e-mail, Google classroom, google forms, google sites, kahoot and blogs.
ICT is a tool which enables the learners to go beyond the textbook for better and clear understanding of concepts which are vague in lecture method. It enacts the learners feel learning with ease.
Poushali Bose Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is a broader term for Information Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is a broader term for Information Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services
Information and Communication Technology(ICT) can simply be defined as an electronic medium for receiving and sending information from one place to another.It makes message delivery faster, easy to access. It uses gadgets such as cell phones, the Internet, wireless network, computer, radio, television etc.
ICT refers to Information and Communication Technology. It is very useful in dissemination of information in any field. It is a boon for the present generation as communication has become faster. During this pandemic, teachers and students have been able to put this tool to the best use. Students enjoy these classes as teachers use more visual medium which help in better retention. Yet it has its own drawback because long hours of sitting in front of devices have caused stress, vision problems, obesity and for older people spondylitis and backache
ICT stands for Information and Communication Technologies It is for both Teachers and learners. It refers to all communications , technologies like internet , computer, cell phone , video conferencing , social networking , software and other media applications and services .
Information and Communication Technology or (ICT)in education, is often used as an extended synonym for information technology (IT), but is usually a more general term that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications, computers, middleware as well as necessary software, storage- and audio-visual systems, which enable users to create, access, store, transmit, and manipulate information for effective concept transfer to the stakeholders.
ICT gives ample opportunities to design the learning experience of the learners and mould them to become a self sufficient person imbibing critical and creative thinking skills.
Using different ICT functions in this pendamic situation enhanced the teaching experience. Sometimes in school the usage of ICT is restricted. But in virtual classrooms the use of ICT in different forms have elevated the Concepts to a fuller extent.
ICT gives ample opportunities to design the learning experience of the learners and mould them to become a self sufficient person imbibing critical and creative thinking skills.
ICT refers to Information and Communication Technology. It is an electronic medium for sending and receiving information. In this pandemic situation, it has become a boon for teaching- learning process.
ICT - Information and Communication Technology can simply be defined as an electronic medium for receiving and sending information from one place to another from anywhere, anytime. It makes message delivery faster, easy to access. It uses gadgets such as cell phones, the Internet, wireless network, computer, radio, television . Using different ICT functions in this pandemic situation has enhanced the teaching learning experience. Sometimes in school the usage of ICT is restricted. But in virtual classrooms the use of ICT in different forms have elevated the concepts to a fuller extent .Using different ICT functions in this Covid 19 situation has helped education reach out to the doorsteps of the students, thereby facilitating students to study at their own time in the comfort of their homes. Sometimes in school the usage of ICT is restricted. But in virtual classrooms the use of ICT in different forms have catered to different learning strategies. Mrs Sumathi Madhavan PRT K V KOLIWADA.MUMBAI
ICT means Information and Communication Technology it includes all kinds of gadgets with which communication becomes very easy in the modern world ICT sales both teachers and students to access various kinds of knowledge sites available.
ICT aids one to learn better , promotes self learning and helps in better understanding and learning of facts and concepts related to different subjects. It makes learning simpler , easier and faster .
ICT refers to use of computers in teaching learning process,so that students get audio visual experience of learning.They learn more when they study through audio visual aids.
ICT is a tool which create interest among children in teaching learning process. It helps a teacher to make his children understand the concept clearly in a short time. Children enjoy learning via ICT.
Whats App is a platform where students can easily connect themselves with teachers and other students,could be used for exchanging ideas,converse and also share study materials.
ICT is technique for the learners to achieve more information about a particular concept and also help the teachers and students . from ICT can the particular concept clearly with short period of time
ICT refers to tools of transmission and processing of knowledge in such a manner that it helps the learner in easy grasping and analysis of it making the learner take the assessment with better preparedness.
ICT refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.Information and communication technology (ICT) can complement, enrich and transform education for the better
ICT means 'information and communication technology' using this in teaching and learning prosses for the clarity and better understanding of various subject, or concept
ICT refers to use of Information and Communication Technology in teaching ,learning process to use multi sensory organ such as visual, audio and other multi media effects in the learners.
ICT refers to tools and technology that may help in transmission and processing of information, knowledge , analysis of events, situations which can make a learner independent ,critical ,creative and a problem solver through proper grooming by visuals ,auditory ,kinesthetic and tactile stimulus.
Information and Communication Technology can simply be defined in its simplest form as an electronic medium for creating, storing, manipulating receiving and sending information from one place to another.It makes message delivery faster, more convenient, easy to access, understand and interpret. It uses gadgets such as cell phones, the Internet, wireless network, computer, radio, television, Satellites, base stations etc. These resources are used to create, store, communicate, transmit and manage information.
ICT refers to information and communication technology.It is mukti sensory learning that involves more than one sense organ and make the teaching -learning interesting and beyond the text book. It is very helpful for reaching 21st century children and sharpen their skill. But it's effective utilisation depend Upon the teachers. KUSUM LATA PRT KV AFS HSKIMPET
ICT refers tp the technology that may help in transmission and processing of information, knowledge and in assessment, analysing the events. It also helps in learning .
ICT refers to a multi-sensory learning experience which provides a learner with visuals, auditory, Kinesthetic and tactile stimulus.ICT has immense possibilities to go beyond text and to make better sense of what children learn.
Information and communication technology makes the community to know new technologies to make the work completed in convincing, easy way within short duration in every field.
ICT refers to modern technical way of teaching learning aids provided to the students for a better interactive and interesting way of teaching learning process.
Amrit kv2jammu It refers to all Communication Technologies including internet , video conferences, wireless Networks, computer software, & other media Applications & services.
ICT makes it possible for the learners to visualize many things that they are unable to understand because they cannot see them/touch/have never heard of. Many things have become extinct, but with help of proper ICT, learners are able to know about them. ICT helps in clearing the concepts through visuals and audio. Online classes have also become possible, interesting and effective due to ICT.
Information and communication technologies which can be integrated with teaching learning and assessment processes to make it a joyful experience for the child.
Information and Communication technology (ICT) is a powerful tool that can impact students learning but to use this tool effectively and efficiently the teacher must be well versed in handling digital tools. He must be digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum.
ICT is the best refers to modern technical way of teaching learning aids provided to the students for a interactive and interesting way of teaching learning process.
I.C.T Stands for "Information and Communication Technologies." I.C.T refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. It is similar to Information Technology (IT), but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.
ICT refers to the technology which helps in transmission of knowledge and information. It enhance the critical and creative skills of the learners. These modern information and technologies helped people to communicate across the world as if they were living next door. By using ICT many innovations are taking place in all the fields whether its agriculture or education.
ICT (Information and Communication Technology) refers to electronic media tools and technologies which provide platform for sharing information, views and data.
ICT is one important tool with which we can understand and learn as well as spread knowledge more powerfully and effectively. ICT plays an important role for the teaching learning process
Information and communications technology (ICT) is an extensional term for information technology (IT) . It covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit, or receive information electronically in a digital form.
ICT which stands for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a broader term for Information Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, video-conferencing, social networking and other media applications and services. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can impact student learning when teachers are digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum. Schools use a diverse set of ICT tools to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information.
ICT provides multisensory approach to learn from beyond the text book ..Teacher will develop creative and critical thinking teaching learning plan .Multiple eresources help the child for multisensory learning
ICT provides multisensory approach to learn from beyond the text book ..Teacher will develop creative and critical thinking teaching learning plan .Multiple eresources help the child for multisensory learning
ICT refers to Information and Communication Technology. This field has gained quite an importance in the recent years. In the education filed, ICT can be used as a teaching aid to help the students understand the conecpts better, faster and easier. Visual aids like smart boards are a great tool in the filed of education.
ICT refers to Information and Communication Technology. This field has gained quite an importance in the recent years. In the education filed, ICT can be used as a teaching aid to help the students understand the conecpts better, faster and easier. Visual aids like smart boards are a great tool in the filed of education.
ICT is the latest breakthrough in the teaching learning process in the education sector of the 21st century of the global world. It has brought radical changes in the way the students are taught and made to learn through internet, mobile phones, computer and VC. With the help of ICT pedagogy becomes interesting, involving, inclusive. This also involves multi-sensory learning processes in and out of the classrooms.
ICT or Information and Communications Technology is an indispensable multisensory learning experience. It provides the user with an enriching learning experience using a variety of visuals, auditory, kinesthetic & tactile sense stimuli.
ICT or the Information & Communication Technology is an opportunity for multi sensory teaching learning so that each child learns in his /her own style... Be it auditory, visual, kinesthetic or tactile. ICT is the way to the ultimate goal of 'No child is left behind'.
ICT is the important tool with which one can understand and learn as well as spread knowledge more effectively. ICT plays an important role for the teaching learning process to make teaching learning process effective in the interest of our students.
Being a school Librarian I can say ICT has great impact to effectively implement the concept of Library 2.0 and further versions which includes Library Blogs through which class and subject wise materials of teachers can be made available to students. Great help during COVID-19 Pandemic.
ITC refers to information and communication technology, which is very important and powerful tools that can impact students as well as teachers to handle digital. It enables teachers in teaching and learning process.
ICT refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. It includes internet, wireless networks, cellphones and other communication media.
Information and Communication Technologies is a broader term for Information Technology, which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, video-conferencing, etc.
ICT refers to multi sensory learning that is involvement of more than one sense organs.This is through use of visual,auditory,aids.It is to go beyond the text.
ICT ..It will help to get more information and knowledge about what we need..and students can easily catch the ideas of a topic or subject more than words.
All learners in a class room is different. So we have to adopt different teaching-learning techniques. I CT gives a multi sensory learning experience to learners.
ICT refers to multi sensory learning that is involvement of more than one sense organs.This is through use of visual,auditory, kinesthetic aids.The learning takes place with the help of technology like internet on cell phones and computers for video classes, tests and assignments.
ICT refers to an advanced technology used for multisensory learning . It helps in making the concept clear to the students and helps in developing interest towards the concept.Today it is used in various forms like what's app, Online classes,ppts, modules,etc.
ICT refers to Information and Communication Technology which has become the major breakthrough in the teaching field. When we adopt a different teaching-learning strategies, ICT provides us with a multi-sensory strategies : Visual, tactile, kinesthetic and auditory stimuli. It is indeed the need of the hour and guides the teacher to go beyond the textbooks and help the students to hone their skills.
ICT refers to INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY which is basic need of current situations. It helps to pass on teaching learning processes on various platform such as online classes , ppt, whats apps etc. Audio visual mode enhances leaning.
Whats App is a platform where students can easily connect themselves with teachers and other students,could be used for exchanging ideas,converse and also share study materials.
ICT refers to an another source of learning for the child to gather additional information, to verify the correctness of what he knows of a particular concept, to reinforce what he has learnt, to develop a deeper insight on the concept through visual mode .
ICT refers to multi sensory learning that involves more than one sense organs. It makes the teaching learning process more vivid, lively ,creative and interesting. It helps the learners to understand the concept easily and solve the problems independently. It has become a boon for teaching -learning process.
ICT - Information and Communication Technology can simply be defined as an electronic medium for receiving and sending information from one place to another from anywhere, anytime. It makes message delivery faster, easy to access. It uses gadgets such as cell phones, the Internet, wireless network, computer, radio, television . Using different ICT functions in this pandemic situation has enhanced the teaching learning experience. Sometimes in school the usage of ICT is restricted. But in virtual classrooms the use of ICT in different forms have elevated the concepts to a fuller extent .Using different ICT functions in this Covid 19 situation has helped education reach out to the doorsteps of the students, thereby facilitating students to study at their own time in the comfort of their homes. Sometimes in school the usage of ICT is restricted. But in virtual classrooms the use of ICT in different forms have catered to different learning strategies. Mrs Sumathi Madhavan PRT K V KOLIWADA.MUMBAI
Integration of ICT in teaching makes learning a joyful experience. It makes use of different senses and thus helps to comprehend and connect the topic better. It helps the teachers to express themselves better and even the learners to learn better.
ICT is an ecosystem of ideas, theories, technologies and tools those are formulated, manipulated and maintained by humans to make the life more productive and comfortable.
ICT is the transaction tool for teachers and students in pedagogical processes. The huge amount of content that is to be delivered to the students in short period of time, the complexity of processes that takes more time to explain and adding novelty to our teaching is possible with the usage of ICT.
ICT - Information and Communication Technology- The study of technology used to handle information and communication .which includes different communication device such as television, radio, cellular phones, computer hardware and software. According to me, some of its uses: 1. Through ICT, a person can attend a class anytime anyplace. 2. teachers can also create an interactive class bringing out their own innovative ideas. Using ICT, a teacher can explain even the most complex concept into a simplified manner in the form of videos, animations,etc.
ICT refers to all communication technologies including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, video conferencing, social networking and other media applications.
ICT refers to Information and Telecommunication Technology that helps in various fields. With regard to education, it helps in dissemination of information, understanding the concepts with visual and audio teaching and learning aids, critically analyzing the concepts and in assessment. It helps both the teachers as facilitators and the learners
ICT permeates all aspects of life proving newer ,better and quicker ways for people to interact ,network ,seek help, gain access to information and learn
ICT refers to a set of technology tools and resources that can create, store and transmit digital information. ICT refers to software on hardware or a process or a system that can create, store, retrieve, manipulate, send and receive digital information.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is a broader term for Information Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is a broader term for Information Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services
I.C.T Stands for "Information and Communication Technologies. ICT helps in clearing the concepts through visuals and audio. Online classes have also become possible, interesting and effective due to ICT.
Games, sports and some physical activities that we do in day to day life promote emotional health and well-being. Examples of some activities are Indoor activities: Crawl under tables, Use an object to practice balance, Jumping jacks, Dancing, Yogic activities …. Outdoor activities: Climbing a ladder, Jumping, crawling, and walking from one area to another, Zig-zag running between obstacles, Jump over various objects, Walking, ...Share some games, sports and activities, which help in fitness under each column. Take a moment to Reflect and post your comment in the comment box.
As a school leader/teacher leader, how can you apply this understanding of the influence of school leadership on student learning in your school? Take a moment to reflect and post your comment in the comment box.
What is the role of personal-social qualities in our everyday life? Do they help in learning? Do teachers play a role in developing the personal-social qualities? Take a moment to Reflect and post your comment in the comment box.
Offer students an opportunity to exchange phone numbers and for those who are interested, help them create a WhatsApp chat group. It can sometimes be difficult for a student to ask for a classmate’s phone number.
ReplyDeleteWhats App is a platform where students can easily connect themselves with teachers and other students,could be used for exchanging ideas,converse and also share study materials.
DeleteICT refers to tools and technology that may help in transmission and processing of information, knowledge and in assessment, analysis of events, situations, learning etc. -Manish Kumar Prabhat
DeleteICT refers to multi sensory learning that is involvement of more than one sense organs.This is through use of visual,auditory, kinesthetic aids.It is to go beyond the text.
DeleteICT refers to a system from where we get information and communicate with each other. Mobile, computer, laptop, TV, internet are used as tools of ICT.
DeleteICT means using of computer, PPT, videos in teaching learning process to make teaching more effective. This involves capture, Store, Retreat, edit and transfer of information to others. Students can repeat viewing for better understanding the concepts.
DeleteAccording to my knowledge ICT means enhance our teaching criteria with the help of computer. And all knows the future is AI. Or to make teaching more attractive for our upcoming generation..
DeleteKaksha kai Priti ek bachay ki protibha alag - alag hoti hai isleyai unahai ek tarikai sai nahi padhaya ja sakta hai
ReplyDeleteKaksha kai Priti ek bachay ki pratibha
ReplyDeletealag - alag hoti hai isleyai unahai ek tarikai sai nahi padhaya ja sakta hai
Use of advanced technology in teaching and learning process.
ReplyDeleteICT has changed the scenario all around .not only this now sports has uplifted by ICT
DeleteICT is a great resource for getting the learners involved
DeleteInformation and Communication technology (ICT) is a powerful tool that can impact students learning but to use this tool effectively and efficiently the teacher must be well versed in handling digital tools. He must be digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum.
ReplyDeleteICT has revolutionised all the spheres including teaching-learning. It has an impact on the way new age teachers look at the content, deliver the content using appropriate methods, integrate suitable resources and adopts strategies for the extension of learning and assessment.
ReplyDeleteI.C.T Stands for "Information and Communication Technologies." I.C.T refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. It is similar to Information Technology (IT), but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.
ReplyDeleteI heard about the unborn child who gets developed more than 60 percentage of brain.So the more they hear and visualize the more they understand.ICT plays an important role for the teaching learning process with lot of joy and interest.
ReplyDeleteसूचना और संचार तकनीकी
ReplyDeleteUse of advanced technology in teaching and learning process.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to all communication technologies including internet, wireless networks, social networks management, cell phone, computer, software, video conference, and other media applications and services. It's a broader kind of Information Technology.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to all communication technologies including internet, wireless networks, social networks management, cell phone, computer, software, video conference, and other media applications and services. It's a broader kind of Information Technology.
ReplyDeleteICT helps all to connect for welfare of the country as well as ourselves. we can share our ideas and teach students in this dangerous situation. teaching and learning process is going on smoothly throughout the country.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteICT refers to Information and Communication Technology, which is very helpful in these COVID-19 days for students and as well as teachers.
ReplyDeleteImplementation of advance technologies like ICT is the need of today education system.
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ReplyDeleteICT - Information and Communication technology. it is a powerful tool that can impact students learning but to use this tool effectively and efficiently the teacher must be well versed in handling digital tools. He must be digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum.It makes message delivery faster, easy to access.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to "Information and Communication technology" including internet, wireless networks, social networks management, cell phone, computer, software, video conference, and other media applications and services. It's a broader kind of Information Technology. It has an impact on the way new age teachers look at the content, deliver the content using appropriate methods, integrate suitable resources and adopts strategies for the extension of learning and assessment.
ReplyDeleteICT means a way to develop in a new and faster way. Students as well as we grown ups can learn a lot in a better and efficient way to grow. In today's world more and more ICT should be used for the betterment of teaching learning process and other walks of life
ReplyDeleteInformation and communication technology makes the community to know new technologies to make the work completed in convincing, easy way within short duration in every field.
ReplyDeleteInformation and communication technology refer to internet, wireless, network,cell phone, computer software, video conferencing, social networking and other media application and services.
ReplyDeleteICT means Information and Communication Technology, which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, cell phones, computers, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services. These are the most important tool for teaching learning process in current situation.
ReplyDeleteInnovative means of teaching that can cater to the needs of many students
ReplyDeleteI.C.T Stands for "Information and Communication Technologies." I.C.T refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. It is similar to Information Technology (IT), but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.
ReplyDeleteICT - Information and Communication Technology can simply be defined as an electronic medium for receiving and sending information from one place to another.It makes message delivery faster, easy to access. It uses gadgets such as cell phones, the Internet, wireless network, computer, radio, television etc.
ReplyDeleteICT has revolutionised all the spheres including teaching-learning. It has an impact on the way new age teachers look at the content, deliver the content using appropriate methods, integrate suitable resources and adopts strategies for the extension of learning and assessment. Shatrughan Kumar Srivastava TGT SST JNV MORADABAD
ReplyDeleteIct means information and communication technology which includes whatsapp, calling , Google meet, pot etc. Which are very helpful in teaching
ReplyDeleteInformation and Communication technology (ICT) is a powerful tool that can impact students learning but to use this tool effectively and efficiently the teacher must be well versed in handling digital tools. He must be digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum.
ReplyDeleteICT is a tool which is beyond the textbooks and which enhances the area of knowledge. No doubt internet, PC, cell phone radio, TV tape recorder are influential tools but it's wider use depends upon the availability with the school and at home of students.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to the source of information using technology which can be easily operated and available to all. It has revolutionized different areas including teaching field.
ReplyDeleteMrs Farath Kuwaise
ReplyDeleteICT refers a broader kind of Information Technology.It includes internet, whats app , Microsoft Teams , Google meet, other internet applications cellphone applications and other media applications and services. It is an influential tool for a teacher which helps the teaching fraternity to motivate the learner and make the teaching leaning process more effective. M
nformation and Communication technology (ICT) is a powerful tool that can impact students learning but to use this tool effectively and efficiently the teacher must be well versed in handling digital tools. He must be digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum
ReplyDeleteICT is very interesting platform to use for teaching learning process.
ReplyDeleteICT integration in teaching learning process helps in making students an active learner. Besides, it helps to have a pedagogy which is learner centric.
ReplyDeleteICT is a digital platform which gives the opportunity to learn new concepts by the use of multiple organs . For children it is a important tool to get learning experiences
ReplyDeleteIn present situation ICT is a boon for both learners and teachers
ReplyDeleteICT can simply be defined as an electronic medium for receiving and sending information for learning, official use, educational purposes and even entertainment and sports.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to Information Communication Tools which facilitates in making teaching learning process a cake walk
ReplyDeleteICT refers to a digital platform provide access to information through telecommunications.It helps to acquire knowledge in an easy and effective method.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to the set of all communication technologies through devices including internet, wireless networks, social networks management, cell phone, computer, software, video conference, and other media applications and services enabling the learner live or otherwise to connect with the resources of learning etc.
ReplyDeleteICT is Teaching and Learning process which refers to that medium through which effective teaching- learning takes place with better teaching as well as assessment methods.
ReplyDeleteICT - Information and Communication Technology can simply be defined as an electronic medium for receiving and sending information from one place to another.It makes message delivery faster, easy to access. It uses gadgets such as cell phones, the Internet, wireless network, computer, radio, television etc.
ReplyDeleteICT is a tool which is beyond the textbooks and which enhances the area of knowledge. No doubt internet, PC, cell phone radio, TV tape recorder are influential tools but it's wider use depends upon the availability with the school and at home of students.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to study, design, development , application, support , implementation , management of computer based information system encompassing radio. TV. cellular phones, satellite systems. network hardware/software and various services , applications associated with them. It is/can be used to support, enhance, and optimize the delivery of information leading to improved learning.
ReplyDeleteICT - Information and Communication Technology can simply be defined as an electronic medium for receiving and sending information from one place to another .It makes message delivery faster, easy to access. It uses gadgets such as cell phones, the Internet, wireless network, computer, radio, television etc. We use ICT to create an impression in the minds of the students and for better understanding of the contents.
It is an important technology for teaching and learning to take place effectively.
ReplyDeleteEvery human being has a distinct ability to learn the things they taught. ICT provides that platform to learn the things by listening, visualising and experience.
ReplyDeleteBrain easily Access information, the way it is familiar with.
Neema Dorje
TGT English
KV Vikaspuri
With the development of human brain, humans have invented and discovered various means to ease their efforts to understand as well as develop edge to spread knowledge. ICT is one important tool with which we can understand and learn as well as spread knowledge more powerfully and effectively.
ReplyDeleteTechnology makes easy teaching and learning process easy and with more options.we can have impact on the life of students by using of technology
ReplyDeleteICT refers to Information and Communication Technology. Any technology that makes the education smoother , easier and convenient is ICT.
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ReplyDeleteICT refers to a Information and Communication Technology which is the only option for the students to gain all kinds of information and knowledge within a very short time.
ReplyDeleteICT is Information and Communication Technology.
ReplyDeleteICT is a powerful tool in teaching learning process.It helps students to gain knowledge related to day to day learning
ReplyDeleteICT is very much needed to sharpen the skill in 21st century
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ReplyDeleteInformation and communication technology ( ICT ) is way to communicate in teaching and learning process.Technology makes easy teaching and learning process easy and with more options.
ReplyDeleteInformation and communication technology ( ICT ) is way to communicate in teaching and learning process so that conceptualization is undertaken by the involvement of every sensory organs of a reciever by using updated technology such as audio , visuals and experiencial learning activities.
ReplyDeleteICT refer to all available technology around us which enhance teaching learning process.
ReplyDeleteICT can help teachers by storing and recording information created and use them to impart knowledge and also assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning
ReplyDeleteICT is a broader term than IT. It means Information and Communication Technology. In a school teaching-learning environment, a lot can be taught via Information Technology. It is integration of Communication along with Information. Through this, we lay focus on teaching through internet, wireless networks, and other communication mediums. We need to acquaint students the uses of ICT in modern day scenario so that they feel as if they are living in a global village.
ReplyDeleteICT is a tool which is beyond the textbooks and which enhances the area of knowledge. No doubt internet, PC, cell phone radio, TV tape recorder are influential tools but it's wider use depends upon the availability with the school and at home of students.
ReplyDeleteICT can help teachers by storing and recording information created and use them to impart knowledge and also assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning , it is a very powerful tool
ReplyDeleteICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. ICT
ReplyDeleteis defined as the application of technology in processing of information
and communication which includes the use of computers and
softwares to not only convert and store but also process, transmit
and retrieve information. It covers all the products that stores,
manipulates and transmit information electronically in a digital form.
For example, personal computers, radio, broadband, television, email,
web based content repositories, interactive forums, learning
management systems, and management information systems etc.
are all classified as ICTs.
ICT ie Information Communication Technology is a broader term for Information Technology(IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, mobiles, computers etc.
ReplyDeleteICT is transmission of information and communication through technology to keep in pace with the changing trends and scenario of the world.
ReplyDeleteICT is about integration of communication and information technology , to make teaching and learning a better experience. It is greatly helpful in imparting knowledge and assessment techniques.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to " Information and Communication Technology" .When teachers are digitially trained to use ICT, these approaches can lead to higher order thinking skills, provide creative and individualized options for students to express their understandings. E- learning has emerged has the greatest savior in the present pandemic situation.
Kuldeep Kumar : Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is a broader term for Information Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services enabling users to access, retrieve, store, transmit, and manipulate information in a digital form.
ReplyDeleteICT means no lagging in any studies now.All informations are only in our limit by one touch or say in our finger
ReplyDeleteICT is a boon and a magic wand which should be used critically only for the betterment of teachers and students .Its a wonderful tool to connect the subject and the child through teacher
ReplyDeleteICT refers to tools and technology that may help in transmission and processing of information, knowledge and in assessment, analysis of events, situations, learning etc.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are currently being used in education to assist students to learn more effectively by providing teachers with access to a wide range of new pedagogy.
ReplyDeleteUse of every means of technology in educating students
ReplyDeleteICT refers to technologies that provides access to information through telecommunications. It includes internet, wireless networks, cell phones and other communication mediums.
ReplyDeleteInformation and Communication Technologies refers to technologies that comunicate information by the various means. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums. Some common software which can be used for the purposes are WhatsApp ,Facebook, email , Google classroom etc.
ReplyDeleteICT is the tool that helps us to stay updated with the changing scenario of the world without getting outdated. As the time passes ,we have to switch to newer modes of learning which is different from the traditional methods.
ReplyDeleteWith ICT students Will get more engaged , this creates many amazing opportunities benefit from integrating some forms of technology in the classroom and to make teaching and learning more effective.
ReplyDeleteICT is tool for better teaching -learning process
ReplyDeleteThe term, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), refers to forms of technology that are used to transact, store, create, display, share or exchange information by electronic means. This broad definition of ICT includes such technologies as radio, television, video, DVD, pen drives, telephone (both fixed line and mobile phones), satellite systems, computer and network hardware and software like geogebra, desmoes; as well as the equipment and services associated with these technologies, such as video conferencing, e-mail, Google classroom, google forms, google sites, kahoot and blogs.
ReplyDeleteICT is a tool which enables the learners to go beyond the textbook for better and clear understanding of concepts which are vague in lecture method. It enacts the learners feel learning with ease.
ReplyDeletePoushali Bose
ReplyDeleteInformation and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is a broader term for Information Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is a broader term for Information Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services
ReplyDeleteInformation and Communication Technology(ICT) can simply be defined as an electronic medium for receiving and sending information from one place to another.It makes message delivery faster, easy to access. It uses gadgets such as cell phones, the Internet, wireless network, computer, radio, television etc.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to Information and Communication Technology. It is very useful in dissemination of information in any field. It is a boon for the present generation as communication has become faster. During this pandemic, teachers and students have been able to put this tool to the best use. Students enjoy these classes as teachers use more visual medium which help in better retention. Yet it has its own drawback because long hours of sitting in front of devices have caused stress, vision problems, obesity and for older people spondylitis and backache
ReplyDeleteICT stands for Information and Communication Technologies It is for both Teachers and learners. It refers to all communications , technologies like internet , computer, cell phone , video conferencing , social networking , software and other media applications and services .
ReplyDeleteInformation and Communication Technology or (ICT)in education, is often used as an extended synonym for information technology (IT), but is usually a more general term that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications, computers, middleware as well as necessary software, storage- and audio-visual systems, which enable users to create, access, store, transmit, and manipulate information for effective concept transfer to the stakeholders.
ReplyDeleteICT represent Information and communication Technology. It provides scope for involving students. It is a challenging area in the education.
ReplyDeleteICT gives ample opportunities to design the learning experience of the learners and mould them to become a self sufficient person imbibing critical and creative thinking skills.
ReplyDeleteUsing different ICT functions in this pendamic situation enhanced the teaching experience. Sometimes in school the usage of ICT is restricted. But in virtual classrooms the use of ICT in different forms have elevated the
ReplyDeleteConcepts to a fuller extent.
ICT gives ample opportunities to design the learning experience of the learners and mould them to become a self sufficient person imbibing critical and creative thinking skills.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to the technologies that help in multisensory learning experiences.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to Information and Communication Technology. It is an electronic medium for sending and receiving information. In this pandemic situation, it has become a boon for teaching- learning process.
ReplyDeleteICT - Information and Communication Technology can simply be defined as an electronic medium for receiving and sending information from one place to another from anywhere, anytime. It makes message delivery faster, easy to access. It uses gadgets such as cell phones, the Internet, wireless network, computer, radio, television . Using different ICT functions in this pandemic situation has enhanced the teaching learning experience. Sometimes in school the usage of ICT is restricted. But in virtual classrooms the use of ICT in different forms have elevated the concepts to a fuller extent .Using different ICT functions in this Covid 19 situation
ReplyDeletehas helped education reach out to the doorsteps of the students, thereby facilitating students to study at their own time in the comfort of their homes. Sometimes in school the usage of ICT is restricted. But in virtual classrooms the use of ICT in different forms have catered to different learning strategies.
Mrs Sumathi Madhavan
ICT means Information and Communication Technology it includes all kinds of gadgets with which communication becomes very easy in the modern world ICT sales both teachers and students to access various kinds of knowledge sites available.
ReplyDeleteIndu Agarwal
Kv no.2 golconda
ICT aids one to learn better , promotes self learning and helps in better understanding and learning of facts and concepts related to different subjects. It makes learning simpler , easier and faster .
ReplyDeleteICT refers to using technology in the teaching learning process.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to use of computers in teaching learning process,so that students get audio visual experience of learning.They learn more when they study through audio visual aids.
ReplyDeleteICT is a tool which create interest among children in teaching learning process. It helps a teacher to make his children understand the concept clearly in a short time. Children enjoy learning via ICT.
ReplyDeleteWhats App is a platform where students can easily connect themselves with teachers and other students,could be used for exchanging ideas,converse and also share study materials.
ReplyDeleteICT is technique for the learners to achieve more information about a particular concept and also help the teachers and students . from ICT can the particular concept clearly with short period of time
ReplyDeleteThe information & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY IS VERY much needed in the present situation.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to tools of transmission and processing of knowledge in such a manner that it helps the learner in easy grasping and analysis of it making the learner take the assessment with better preparedness.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to tools of transmission and processing of knowledge in such amanner that the learner finds it easy to understand and apply the knowledge.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.Information and communication technology (ICT) can complement, enrich and transform education for the better
ReplyDeleteICT refers to set of technological tools and resources that can create, store and transmit digital information.
ReplyDeleteICT is a tool that brings both teacher and students together to join and learn in the same platform effectively.
ReplyDeleteITC is a very essential tool which makes bonding between teacher and students in classroom .
ReplyDeleteICT is very important because with help of ict the concepts can be taught in a gamified way and that gives long last learning to the students
ReplyDeleteICT means 'information and communication technology' using this in teaching and learning prosses for the clarity and better understanding of various subject, or concept
ReplyDeleteICT refers to use of Information and Communication Technology in teaching ,learning process to use multi sensory organ such as visual, audio and other multi media effects in the learners.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to tools and technology that may help in transmission and processing of information, knowledge , analysis of events, situations which can make a learner independent ,critical ,creative and a problem solver through proper grooming by visuals ,auditory ,kinesthetic and tactile stimulus.
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ReplyDeleteSet of technology tools and resources used to create , store , transmit , share it exchange digital information .
ReplyDeleteInformation and Communication Technology can simply be defined in its simplest form as an electronic medium for creating, storing, manipulating receiving and sending information from one place to another.It makes message delivery faster, more convenient, easy to access, understand and interpret. It uses gadgets such as cell phones, the Internet, wireless network, computer, radio, television, Satellites, base stations etc. These resources are used to create, store, communicate, transmit and manage information.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to information and communication technology.It is mukti sensory learning that involves more than one sense organ and make the teaching -learning interesting and beyond the text book. It is very helpful for reaching 21st century children and sharpen their skill. But it's effective utilisation depend Upon the teachers.
ICT refers tp the technology that may help in transmission and processing of information, knowledge and in assessment, analysing the events. It also helps in learning .
ReplyDeleteICT refers to a multi-sensory learning experience which provides a learner with visuals, auditory, Kinesthetic and tactile stimulus.ICT has immense possibilities to go beyond text and to make better sense of what children learn.
ReplyDeleteInformation and communication technology makes the community to know new technologies to make the work completed in convincing, easy way within short duration in every field.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to modern technical way of teaching learning aids provided to the students for a better interactive and interesting way of teaching learning process.
ReplyDeleteAmrit kv2jammu
ReplyDeleteIt refers to all Communication Technologies including internet , video conferences, wireless Networks, computer software, & other media Applications & services.
ICT makes it possible for the learners to visualize many things that they are unable to understand because they cannot see them/touch/have never heard of. Many things have become extinct, but with help of proper ICT, learners are able to know about them. ICT helps in clearing the concepts through visuals and audio. Online classes have also become possible, interesting and effective due to ICT.
ReplyDeleteInformation and communication technologies which can be integrated with teaching learning and assessment processes to make it a joyful experience for the child.
ReplyDeleteinformation and communication tegnologies are the various tegniques that teacher apply in integrating with teaching learning process
ReplyDeleteInformation and Communication technology (ICT) is a powerful tool that can impact students learning but to use this tool effectively and efficiently the teacher must be well versed in handling digital tools. He must be digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum.
ReplyDeleteICT is the best refers to modern technical way of teaching learning aids provided to the students for a interactive and interesting way of teaching learning process.
ReplyDeleteICT is the use of latest software and tools in teaching learning process making the learner to get advantage of wide variety of learning experiences.
ReplyDeleteICT is the use of latest software and tools in teaching learning process making the learner to get advantage of wide variety of learning experiences.
ReplyDeleteICT is a tool for better understanding
ReplyDeleteI.C.T Stands for "Information and Communication Technologies." I.C.T refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. It is similar to Information Technology (IT), but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.
ReplyDeleteOct is more useful to bring every abstract concept into mind of the child
ReplyDeleteGSRBhaskar 9441315566
ICT refers to the technology which helps in transmission of knowledge and information. It enhance the critical and creative skills of the learners. These modern information and technologies helped people to communicate across the world as if they were living next door. By using ICT many innovations are taking place in all the fields whether its agriculture or education.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to all communication technologies and it goes beyond textbooks. It is a multisensory learning experience.
ReplyDeleteICT (Information and Communication Technology) refers to electronic media tools and technologies which provide platform for sharing information, views and data.
ReplyDeleteIntegreted classroom teaching
ReplyDeleteICT is one important tool with which we can understand and learn as well as spread knowledge more powerfully and effectively. ICT plays an important role for the teaching learning process
ReplyDeleteInformation and communications technology (ICT) is an extensional term for information technology (IT) . It covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit, or receive information electronically in a digital form.
ReplyDeleteICT which stands for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a broader term for Information Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, video-conferencing, social networking and other media applications and services.
ReplyDeleteInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) can impact student learning when teachers are digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum. Schools use a diverse set of ICT tools to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information.
ICT provides multisensory approach to learn from beyond the text book ..Teacher will develop creative and critical thinking teaching learning plan .Multiple eresources help the child for multisensory learning
ReplyDeleteICT provides multisensory approach to learn from beyond the text book ..Teacher will develop creative and critical thinking teaching learning plan .Multiple eresources help the child for multisensory learning
ReplyDeleteICT refers to Information and Communication Technology. This field has gained quite an importance in the recent years. In the education filed, ICT can be used as a teaching aid to help the students understand the conecpts better, faster and easier. Visual aids like smart boards are a great tool in the filed of education.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to Information and Communication Technology. This field has gained quite an importance in the recent years. In the education filed, ICT can be used as a teaching aid to help the students understand the conecpts better, faster and easier. Visual aids like smart boards are a great tool in the filed of education.
ReplyDeleteICT is the latest breakthrough in the teaching learning process in the education sector of the 21st century of the global world. It has brought radical changes in the way the students are taught and made to learn through internet, mobile phones, computer and VC. With the help of ICT pedagogy becomes interesting, involving, inclusive. This also involves multi-sensory learning processes in and out of the classrooms.
ReplyDeleteICT or Information and Communications Technology is an indispensable multisensory learning experience.
ReplyDeleteIt provides the user with an enriching learning experience using a variety of visuals, auditory, kinesthetic & tactile sense stimuli.
ICT means Information and Communication Technology . It is a multi-sensory learning experience.
ReplyDeleteICT or the Information & Communication Technology is an opportunity for multi sensory teaching learning so that each child learns in his /her own style... Be it auditory, visual, kinesthetic or tactile. ICT is the way to the ultimate goal of 'No child is left behind'.
ReplyDeleteICT is the important tool with which one can understand and learn as well as spread knowledge more effectively. ICT plays an important role for the teaching learning process to make teaching learning process effective in the interest of our students.
ReplyDeleteICT is a platform to share digital information between teachers and students using various social media.
ReplyDeleteBeing a school Librarian I can say ICT has great impact to effectively implement the concept of Library 2.0 and further versions which includes Library Blogs through which class and subject wise materials of teachers can be made available to students. Great help during COVID-19 Pandemic.
ReplyDeleteITC refers to information and communication technology, which is very important and powerful tools that can impact students as well as teachers to handle digital. It enables teachers in teaching and learning process.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. It includes internet, wireless networks, cellphones and other communication media.
ReplyDeleteI CT is very effective tool in teaching learning process.
ReplyDeleteIt is a combination of Technological and physical resources
ReplyDeleteInformation and Communication Technologies is a broader term for Information Technology, which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, video-conferencing, etc.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to multi sensory learning that is involvement of more than one sense organs.This is through use of visual,auditory,aids.It is to go beyond the text.
ReplyDeleteICT ..It will help to get more information and knowledge about what we need..and students can easily catch the ideas of a topic or subject more than words.
ReplyDeleteAll learners in a class room is different. So we have to adopt different teaching-learning techniques. I CT gives a multi sensory learning experience to learners.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to multi sensory learning that is involvement of more than one sense organs.This is through use of visual,auditory, kinesthetic aids.The learning takes place with the help of technology like internet on cell phones and computers for video classes, tests and assignments.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to an advanced technology used for multisensory learning .
ReplyDeleteIt helps in making the concept clear to the students and helps in developing interest towards the concept.Today it is used in various forms like what's app, Online classes,ppts, modules,etc.
ICT refers to Information and Communication Technology which has become the major breakthrough in the teaching field. When we adopt a different teaching-learning strategies, ICT provides us with a multi-sensory strategies : Visual, tactile, kinesthetic and auditory stimuli. It is indeed the need of the hour and guides the teacher to go beyond the textbooks and help the students to hone their skills.
ReplyDeleteIt refers to extensive learning through various electronic platforms,media, information & technology
ReplyDeleteICT refers to INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY which is basic need of current situations. It helps to pass on teaching learning processes on various platform such as online classes , ppt, whats apps etc. Audio visual mode enhances leaning.
Whats App is a platform where students can easily connect themselves with teachers and other students,could be used for exchanging ideas,converse and also share study materials.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to an another source of learning for the child to gather additional information, to verify the correctness of what he knows of a particular concept, to reinforce what he has learnt, to develop a deeper insight on the concept through visual mode .
ReplyDeleteICT refers to multi sensory learning that involves more than one sense organs. It makes the teaching learning process more vivid, lively ,creative and interesting. It helps the learners to understand the concept easily and solve the problems independently. It has become a boon for teaching -learning process.
ReplyDeleteICT - Information and Communication Technology can simply be defined as an electronic medium for receiving and sending information from one place to another from anywhere, anytime. It makes message delivery faster, easy to access. It uses gadgets such as cell phones, the Internet, wireless network, computer, radio, television . Using different ICT functions in this pandemic situation has enhanced the teaching learning experience. Sometimes in school the usage of ICT is restricted. But in virtual classrooms the use of ICT in different forms have elevated the concepts to a fuller extent .Using different ICT functions in this Covid 19 situation
ReplyDeletehas helped education reach out to the doorsteps of the students, thereby facilitating students to study at their own time in the comfort of their homes. Sometimes in school the usage of ICT is restricted. But in virtual classrooms the use of ICT in different forms have catered to different learning strategies.
Mrs Sumathi Madhavan
Integration of ICT in teaching makes learning a joyful experience. It makes use of different senses and thus helps to comprehend and connect the topic better. It helps the teachers to express themselves better and even the learners to learn better.
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ReplyDeleteIct refers to that kind of technology that anyone gain any right information from the help of any type of tools which is electronic or non electronic.
ReplyDeleteICT is an ecosystem of ideas, theories, technologies and tools those are formulated, manipulated and maintained by humans to make the life more productive and comfortable.
ReplyDeleteICT is the transaction tool for teachers and students in pedagogical processes. The huge amount of content that is to be delivered to the students in short period of time, the complexity of processes that takes more time to explain and adding novelty to our teaching is possible with the usage of ICT.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to a wide term which involves the entire human sensory system to initiate responding and reacting using the technological platforms.
ReplyDeleteICT - Information and Communication Technology- The study of technology used to handle information and communication .which includes different communication device such as television, radio, cellular phones, computer hardware and software. According to me, some of its uses:
ReplyDelete1. Through ICT, a person can attend a class anytime anyplace.
2. teachers can also create an interactive class bringing out their own innovative ideas.
Using ICT, a teacher can explain even the most complex concept into a simplified manner in the form of videos, animations,etc.
ICT refers to all communication technologies including the internet, cell phones, mobile, network ond other media applications and services.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to resources which facilitates storing and transmissing information
ReplyDeleteICT is a way to communicate to enhance teaching learning process.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to all communication technologies including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, video conferencing, social networking and other media applications.
ReplyDeleteICT refers to Information and Telecommunication Technology that helps in various fields. With regard to education, it helps in dissemination of information, understanding the concepts with visual and audio teaching and learning aids, critically analyzing the concepts and in assessment. It helps both the teachers as facilitators and the learners
ReplyDeleteICT permeates all aspects of life proving newer ,better and quicker ways for people to interact ,network ,seek help, gain access to information and learn
ReplyDeleteICT refers to a set of technology tools and resources that can create, store and transmit digital information. ICT refers to software on hardware or a process or a system that can create, store, retrieve, manipulate, send and receive digital information.
ReplyDeleteInformation and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is a broader term for Information Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services.
ReplyDeleteInformation and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is a broader term for Information Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services
ReplyDeleteI.C.T Stands for "Information and Communication Technologies. ICT helps in clearing the concepts through visuals and audio. Online classes have also become possible, interesting and effective due to ICT.