Module 4- Activity 4: Social Norms and Practices

 Reflect on the following statements and share why certain institutions/ideas and practices require to change

  • Sons are legal heirs of family property 

  • Early marriage of girls

  • Men are caregivers/nurturers 

  • Practice of Dowry 

  • Preference of sons over daughters 

  • Menstrual taboos and myths

  • Restrictions on physical mobility of girls 

  • Girls are non- permanent members of the family

Take a moment to Reflect and post your comment in the comment box.


  1. Offer students an opportunity to exchange phone numbers and for those who are interested, help them create a WhatsApp chat group. It can sometimes be difficult for a student to ask for a classmate’s phone number.

    1. कुरौना वायरस के दौरान मैं बच्चों से इंटरनेट के द्वारा संपर्क में रहे इस दौरान बिना पुस्तकों के शिक्षा को और अधिक रोचक रोचक बनाने के लिए रंगीन टी एल एम का अधिक प्रयोग किया

    2. No,such stereotypes are very wrong and such biases should be totally removed from our society.We as tescherd should take the help of the hidden curriculum of our NCERT texts and help in practicing gender equality in the classrooms and school environment.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. 1. Absolutely wrong practice.
      2.Early marriage is a disaster for girls.
      3.Misconception. Both genders are equally caregivers.
      4.Absolutely wrong.
      5.Wrongs both sons & daughters are same.
      6. Simple biological process.
      7. Wrong.
      8. So wrong stand for girls.

    5. Now a days both boys and girls are same. Early marriage and dowry are not good for society. Some features in girls are biological. They shouldn't be blamed for that. Boys and girls both should be given equal opportunity to grow and progress.

    6. Now a days , the parents and community has changed its mind set to the major extent. but there is much to happen in this direction. Sensitization is the only way out to it. mainly teachers, school management have a crucial role in fulfilling this essential social change to end so many problems and life becomes smooth for every one

    7. In my view both son and daughter are equal and will be given equal opportunities for education and career building. Both are legal heirs and girls should be married after settling in their life. Girls should be given freedom to express their feelings.

    8. 1) Sons are Legal Heirs of family property.
      It is totally an incorrect part if girls don't get a share in the family property. The girl child has also played her role in the family.
      2) Early marriage of girls.
      If the girl is not able to understand herself and her needs then how can she be expected to shoulder the responsibility of a others. She needs to be mature to understand her role in the family.

      3) Men are caregivers/nurturers.
      No, I disagree with this notion. Men and women are capable of performing all the roles equally well.

      4) Practice of Dowry
      I strongly oppose the practice of dowry. It objectifies the women. I believe in gender equality.

      5) Preference of Sons over Daughters.
      I strongly oppose the statement as it is very gender specific. I feel the gender of a child is immaterial.

      6) Menstrual Taboos and Myths
      It is a natural biological process and no religious significance should be attached to it.

      7) Restriction of physical mobility of girls
      Equal liberty should be given to boys and girls.

      8) Girls are non-permanent members of the family
      I feel girls will always be a member of the family.

    9. पुराने रिवाजों को खत्म करने की जरूरत है रूढ़िवादी विचारधाराएं ही लिंगभेद को पैदा करती h

  2. These ideas are to be mandatorily be changed as the expectation of male chidren becomes important in some families till they get male child birth is not controlled. For the sake of population control atleast these attitudes ard to be changed.

  3. Such type of thinking is cherished in the society due to stagnation as well as lack of spread of education to the bottom of society. Spread of education is the solution for all these traditional thinking. Proper education only can eliminate all these wrong thinking.

    1. 1. Absolutely wrong practice.
      2.Early marriage is a disaster for girls.
      3.Misconception. Both genders are equally caregivers.
      4.Absolutely wrong.
      5.Wrongs both sons & daughters are same.
      6. Simple biological process.
      7. Wrong.
      8. So wrong stand for girls.

  4. It has never been a good time to be a woman. Shackled at home, deprived of rights in society, and subjected to gender bias at the workplace, women have borne the brunt of being the weaker sex all through history. Though the skew in rights and treatment hasn’t quite corrected itself, women are possibly in a better place today than ever before. This is because rising awareness, availability of global forums and social media to voice their anguish and angst, changes in laws to empower them, and proactive governments to implement gender neutral laws have all converged to give women a hearing and heft.

  5. Sandhya M. Raje ( T.G.T ENGLISH )

    1. Sons are legal heirs of family property

    2. Early marriage of girls

    3. Men are caregivers/nurturers

    4. Practice of Dowry

    5. Preference of sons over daughters

    6. Menstrual taboos and myths

    7. Restrictions on physical mobility of girls

    8. Girls are non- permanent members of the family

  6. 1. Sons are legal heirs of family property
    NO, In recent time it changes. with time all have to change.
    2. Early marriage of girls.
    NO, First girls should be educated and matured.
    3. Men are caregivers/nurturers
    NO, now a days there is gender equality, Both are equally caregivers.
    4. Practice of Dowry
    NO. Recent time is of gender equality.
    5. Preference of sons over daughters
    NO, But some rules of naming should be change. At maximum places generally children are known by their paternal name. Hence parents prefer sons over daughter. Both son and daughter have to take responsibilty of their parents equally.
    6. Menstrual taboos and myths
    All should understand that Menstrual cycle is natural and important too in life of girls, But some myths and taboos are their. No one should beleive in that.
    7. Restrictions on physical mobility of girls
    Physically girls are not as strong as boys, Girls masculine structure is different then boys. But
    one strong point with girls are they have more patience.
    8. Girls are non- permanent members of the family
    Its wrong, No doubt girls have to handle other family too. but they are also permanent
    member of family.

  7. 1.Sons are legal heirs of family property :- I disagree with the statement both sons and daughters have the equal right in the family property.

    2.Early marriage of girls:- Is Strictly prohibited by the law and I am also against the early marriage of girls. Marriage is not important but the girl should be financially independent and sound

    3.Men are caregivers/nurturers :- To some extend depending upon in which family they are born and brought up. But Most of the times they are dominant in nature

    4.Practice of Dowry :- Don't give and take Dowry. unlawful to practice dowry system.

    5.Preference of sons over daughters :- Both should be treated equally.

    6.Menstrual taboos and myths:- It is the need of the time to create awareness regarding such humiliating taboos and myths in this modern era.

    7.Restrictions on physical mobility of girls :- Girls Should be trained and made physically and mentally strong to move around without any kind of fear and restrictions. Need is to make our sons to respect and treat girls as their subordinates.

    8.Girls are non- permanent members of the family:- No I don't think so. They are part and parcel of family.

  8. I do believe such type of thinking is cherished in the society due to stagnation as well as lack of spread of education to the bottom of society. Spread of education is the solution for all these traditional thinking. Proper education can eliminate all these wrong thinking.Awareness of society is a must needed work.

  9. अधिकांश बातें कुप्रथाओं के अंतर्गत आती हैं जिनका मैं पूरी तरह से विरोध करती हूँ

  10. These ideas are to be mandatorily be changed as the expectation of male chidren becomes important in some families till they get male child birth is not controlled. For the sake of population control atleast these attitudes ard to be changed.

  11. 1. Every child of the family should be the legal heir of family property.
    2. A girl should be allowed to decide about her marriage by herself.
    3. Yes, men are caregivers and nurturers as wall as women.
    4. Practice of dowry should be stopped
    5. Every child should get preference whether it is boy or girl or other gender.
    6. Children should be educated about menstrual taboos and myths.
    7. No restrictions should be applied on mobility of girls.
    8. Girls are the permanent members of family.

  12. All these practices based on gender bias, which is the hurdle of success for any people, family, place, society and country. So it has to be change for the making the society and country better.

    2. A girl should be allowed to decide about her marriage by herself.
    3. To some extend depending upon in which family they are born and brought up. But Most of the times they are dominant in nature.
    4. Practice of dowry is unfair it should be stopped
    5. Both should be treated equally.
    6. All should understand that Menstrual cycle is natural and important too in life of girls, But some myths and taboos are their. No one should beleive in that.
    7. Girls Should be trained and made physically and mentally strong to move around without any kind of fear and restrictions. Need is to make our sons to respect and treat girls as their subordinates.
    8. Girls are the permanent members of family and they handle family too.

  14. Gender discrimination should be removed from the society.
    Right to property should be given to both son and daughter
    Early marriages of girls should be discouraged as it affect the mental and physical health of girl child

  15. Educational awareness is the only philosophy that could eliminate the discrimination of any type. if boys and girls are given equal opportunity to grow and flourish they will certainly make a discrimination free world

  16. In the present women are allowedto go out and earn Since many parents are educated they understand the situation and encourage the children to take part in healthy competition irrespective of gender.So we are finding a positive wave in the development of country.

  17. In the present women are allowedto go out and earn Since many parents are educated they understand the situation and encourage the children to take part in healthy competition irrespective of gender.So we are finding a positive wave in the development of country.

  18. (1) Now a days families are educated and girls are legal heirs of the family property by law also.
    (2) Now there is no early marriage of girls especially in educated family. Girls are educated and becoming doctors, lawyer, teacher, engineer etc.
    (3) Educated families are not taking Dowry.
    (4) Now a days women's are also a caregiver/ nurturers.
    (5) Now a day things are changing preference are also given to the daughters.
    (6) Myths and taboos in relation to menstruation are all changing.
    (7) Restrictions on physical mobility of girls are also changed. They are going for work/ jobs day and night.
    (8) These thoughts are changed of girls are not permanent members of the family. Things are changing through education.

  19. I completely oppose all these things and all these misdeeds must be changed.

  20. These have to change and everything is in the mindset of an individual. Education can bring about a revolutionary change

  21. 1. Sons are legal heirs of family property
    NO, In recent time it changes. with time all have to change.
    2. Early marriage of girls.
    NO, First girls should be educated and matured.
    3. Men are caregivers/nurturers
    NO, now a days there is gender equality, Both are equally caregivers.
    4. Practice of Dowry
    NO. Recent time is of gender equality.
    5. Preference of sons over daughters
    NO, But some rules of naming should be change. At maximum places generally children are known by their paternal name. Hence parents prefer sons over daughter. Both son and daughter have to take responsibilty of their parents equally.
    6. Menstrual taboos and myths
    All should understand that Menstrual cycle is natural and important too in life of girls, But some myths and taboos are their. No one should beleive in that.
    7. Restrictions on physical mobility of girls
    Physically girls are not as strong as boys, Girls masculine structure is different then boys. But
    one strong point with girls are they have more patience.
    8. Girls are non- permanent members of the family
    Its wrong, No doubt girls have to handle other family too. but they are also permanent
    member of family.

  22. 1. Sons are legal heirs of family property
    2. Early marriage of girls
    3. Men are caregivers/nurturers
    4. Practice of Dowry
    5. Preference of sons over daughters
    6. Menstrual taboos and myths
    7. Restrictions on physical mobility of girls
    8. Girls are non- permanent members of the family

  23. 1.Sons are legal heirs of family property :- I disagree with the statement both sons and daughters have the equal right in the family property.

    2.Early marriage of girls:- Is Strictly prohibited by the law and I am also against the early marriage of girls. Marriage is not important but the girl should be financially independent and sound

    3.Men are caregivers/nurturers :- To some extend depending upon in which family they are born and brought up. But Most of the times they are dominant in nature. Shatrughan Kumar Srivastava TGT SST JNV MORADABAD

  24. All these things are very bad.These types of thinking must be changed because both boys and girls are same.

  25. Such types of practices must be stop. To change such events, someone has to start. And we should start it in our own family. Then it will be role model for others.

  26. These types of practices are irrelevant in the present scenario and hence not to be followed by anyone. As a teacher it's our responsibility to sensitize our students about the demerits of such practices. I am totally against the gender discrimination

  27. 1.No, they should not be becuse both son and daughter are equal for parents.
    This stereotype must be eliminated from the society.I am against it .
    2.Child marriages is not legal as the law has decided the age for marriage.l strongly protest early marriage .
    3.I agree men are also caregiver to some extend.
    4.I strongly protest this dowry system.When I was married my father in law told my father I want a well eduated daughter in law not money/ dowry .And they stick to their words.
    5.I don't agree .whether a girl or boy both are precious to their parents .
    6.This is also a problem of society everyone knows the nature then why these myths?
    As a female I know sometimes it becomes a mental torture .
    7.No , they are much more tough and strong physically and mentally .
    8.Dont know how a family can think in this way
    I don't agree.

  28. 1.Sons are legal heirs of family property :- I disagree with the statement both sons and daughters have the equal right in the family property.

    2.Early marriage of girls:- Is Strictly prohibited by the law and I am also against the early marriage of girls. Marriage is not important but the girl should be financially independent and sound

    3.Men are caregivers/nurturers :- To some extend depending upon in which family they are born and brought up. But Most of the times they are dominant in nature

    4.Practice of Dowry :- Don't give and take Dowry. unlawful to practice dowry system.

    5.Preference of sons over daughters :- Both should be treated equally.

    6.Menstrual taboos and myths:- It is the need of the time to create awareness regarding such humiliating taboos and myths in this modern era.

    7.Restrictions on physical mobility of girls :- Girls Should be trained and made physically and mentally strong to move around without any kind of fear and restrictions. Need is to make our sons to respect and treat girls as their subordinates.

    8.Girls are non- permanent members of the family:- No I don't think so. They are part and parcel of family.

  29. A person of this mentality has to be made of the days needs and fair practices under gender equality. We should be more accepting and flexible in the thoughts and break away from the stereotypes.

  30. Educational awareness is the only way to eradicate all the discrimination between men and women

  31. Sons are legal heirs of family property
    NO, I don't think so. I give equal Importance to both.

    Early marriage of girls
    I font believe this.

    Men are caregivers/nurturers
    Yes. I agree with this.

    Practice of Dowry
    I dont support this.

    Preference of sons over daughters
    No, I prefer daughters over sons.

    Menstrual taboos and myths
    In this general practice which all girls have to undergo.

    Restrictions on physical mobility of girls
    Girls have ore patience.

    Girls are non- permanent members of the family
    No, even girls are also members of the family.

  32. Nowadays Daughters are taking care of their old age parents. so daughters should be given equal opportunity to study, to be allowed to take job in faroff place.

  33. Practice of every need to be changed because this creates a discrimination between boys and girls and right from the birth parents prefer to have boys rather than girls since they have to give dowry at the time of marriage.
    Menstrual taboos and myths have to be cleared because near my house one girl when she got mature was made to sit separately this created a fear in her mind and she committed suicide.
    Indu Agarwal
    Kv2 golconda

  34. I feel, the lack of freedom of movement for girls are a reason why many are unable to seek higher education / good job prospects and so on.
    I feel girls aren't consulted while important decisions are taken in the family as they are considered as outsiders after marriage.

  35. If today we as women feel suffocated or unsecured it because of the above statements , perspective that was set up in our mind. But every educated generation tries to break the taboos and free the chains. As a teacher we need to bring the change from the classroom level.
    Indira R Ahmad

  36. The gender discrimination can be eradicated only by proper education system. This education should commence from home. Parents, teachers, society as a whole should be held responsible to bring out this mammoth change to make this world a safe place to live in for all.

  37. The world has changed a lot.Now boys and girls are equal.It is just the mindset.What will you do with a boy whose IQ is below average or who underperforms.He will be a liability forever.It's better to have a child girl or boy who is hardworking and a boon to their family.I think whatever mindset people are having but girls are outperforming boys not only in board exams but everywhere.Recently a girl has secured top rank in NEET exams and new commissioner of KVS is a lady and we have witnessed all the women power who have touched the highest position not only in India but globally.Pratiba Patil,Indira Gandhi,Sucheta Kriplani,Sarojini Naidu,Mother Teresa,J Jayalalitha,Angela Merkel,Jacinda Ardern,Katrin Jakobsdottir,Tsai Ing-wen and the list goes on.

  38. Time has changed.We as Indians are now setting aside these past practices and moving forward for a better India.Everyone is alert and open to changes for a better world

  39. Girls are also should be legal heirs of the family property. 2.marriages after age of 18 only 3.Abolish the practice of dowry 4 Equal importance

  40. Changes are important in all cases for the society to progress

  41. Change is inevitable and is imminent. Hindu property laws provide equal rights to sons and daughters. old stereotypical thoughts should give way to modern and practical approach to abolish the gender discrimination in our society. This is mainly due to lack of knowledge and awareness .Daughters are not tensions but ten sons .The menstrual taboo should be tackled with proper education. Men are equally good caregivers. Educational opportunities and parental and societal support should be extended both to sons and daughters to mould them into good understanding and responsible individuals. Boys too can hand over the floral tribute to guests in the social functions.
    Mrs. Sumathi Madhavan

  42. Such feelings of the society is to be changed with the time . We must change the way we think and talk about woman . More and more awareness programme should be organised to make the people aware .

  43. Such BELIEF SYSTEM needs to be always challenge by our education system because these practices are deeply rooted in the minds of our society.
    Though changes can be seen in today's time but patriarchal minds do not accept these changes completely and therefore tries to these gender stereotypes with their own irrational driven thoughts.
    neha prasad
    kv crpf agartala

  44. "Deeply rooted social norms" that discriminate against women prevent the country's development.
    Social norms are constantly influencing our thoughts and shaping our behavior which is why it is important to call them out as a problem. Moreover, if we hope to achieve gender equality women need to be valued as much as men. This change can be brought by being aware of these existing social norms, to acknowledge them as a problem and to tackle them in a constructive manner. All of this is possible if we on an everyday basis question existing attitudes, norms and behaviors, which can be brought through education .
    Social norm change is really a behavioral change of individuals and groups through educating individuals in true sense

  45. Schools are undoubtedly a good platform to change in stereotypes but it can't be ignored that it's people's mentality that need to be changed. We can teach students about these social norms and inculcate good thinking as well.I think simultaneously people must be given proper guidance about these social evils, by the government at village level also. These stereotypes mostly prevailed in villagers and due to lack of information they act upon accordingly. So first priority is to change the people's mindset through various activities and social media by the government.

    Neema Dorje TGT English
    K V Vikaspuri New Delhi

  46. Children , irrespective of them being boy or girl are legal heirs. no discrimination should be practised.
    girls should not be married off earlier, they should be given chance to complete their studies and be capable to earn for themselves before getting married.
    men and women both are caregivers
    practise of dowry should be stopped. dowry should not be given or taken.
    both sons and daughters should be treated alike.
    menstrual taboos and myths should be done away with. there should not be restriction on the activities of girls during periods.
    restrictions on physical mobility of girls should be done away with. there should not be restrictions just because they are girls
    girls and boys are permanent members of the family. they should not be raised as non permanent members.

  47. Sons are legal heirs of family property

    Early marriage of girls
    No more

    Men are caregivers/nurturers
    no more

    Practice of Dowry

    Preference of sons over daughters
    No more

    Menstrual taboos and myths
    No more

    Restrictions on physical mobility of girls
    No more

    Girls are non- permanent members of the family
    No more
    changed the world

  48. These are age old beliefs and traditions and thinking. It will take some time to be replaced. Hoever, these are being changed gradually.

  49. These practices are practiced in the olden and followed due to lack of education and the world has witnessed that sometimes women leaders are better than men, sometimes women are more intellectual than men so these practices should be erased and equal power and importance should be given to all genders.

  50. 1) Now a days families are educated and girls are legal heirs of the family property by law also.
    (2) Now there is no early marriage of girls especially in educated family. Girls are educated and becoming doctors, lawyer, teacher, engineer etc.
    (3) Educated families are not taking Dowry.
    (4) Now a days women's are also a caregiver/ nurturers.
    (5) Now a day things are changing preference are also given to the daughters.
    (6) Myths and taboos in relation to menstruation are all changing.
    (7) Restrictions on physical mobility of girls are also changed. They are going for work/ jobs day and night.
    (8) These thoughts are changed of girls are not permanent members of the family. Things are changing through education.

  51. These all stereotypical practices really need a change.. they should be abolished. There should be a balance between msle and female child. Why marriage needs to be early or late, it should be according to individual's will.

  52. we should try to avoid such practices .Things are changing now a days so we should change ourselves

  53. It is important to remove these ideas or practices for the development of our country. This type of thinking can be removed by education only.

  54. 1 Most unfair a thing this. But I have come across instances where the family property is divided equally among sons and daughters. Hope this progressive attitude prevails among all and sundry.
    2 Very disastrous a practice this and I am glad this is no longer so although in certain pockets of our country it is still in vogue. This practice should be looked down upon and should be fully abolished.
    3 Both men and woman are nurturers and caregivers AND THERE ARE NO SECOND THOUGHTS ABOUT IT!
    4 Most monstrous and horrendous practice and should be fully done away with.
    5 Ridiculous a preference -- girls are as precious as boys are. We simply can't and shouldn't prefer one over the other!
    6 A very inhuman way of treating girls because boys grow up too so why discriminate only girls for any physical changes that occur in them? The disgusting practice ushered in by patriarchal society!
    6 Not at all sensible as women are equally capable of doing all physical activities that men take ride in doing!
    7 Girls are most loyal to their parents and are far more trustworthy. So how can we call them temporary members of the family!

  55. Gender differences are variances between males and females that are based on biological adaptations that are the same for both sexes. This differs from sex differences in that sex differences are driven by actual biological gender disparity (such as distinct physical differences) rather than by differing environmental factors that affect our cognition and behavior. Sex is typically used to mean a biological difference like traits that are sexually dimorphic (different between males and females) whereas gender is more of a range and can include many different attributes because of the social and cultural influences on sexual behavior. Sex differences therefore refer only to those differences that can be attributed solely to biological difference.

  56. 1. Sons are legal heirs of family property - It is sadly true but in recent times this has changed and now daughters also have equal rights and can be treated as legal heir of family property.

    2. Early marriage of girls - Regarding this point, first of all girls should be given proper education so that they understand what is good and what is bad for them. Subsequently, when they start doing jobs and get matured, they can be married.

    3. Men are caregivers/nurturers - Our society is a male dominated society where men are thought to be as bread-earners and caretakers of the family. But in today's fast changing time, even women can play this part very effectively.

    4. Practice of Dowry - This is a very wrong practice. Dowry should be discouraged.

    5. Preference of sons over daughters - NO, there shouldn't be preference given to male child over female child. Both sons and daughters can now take responsibility of their parents.

    6. Menstrual taboos and myths - All should understand that Menstrual cycle is natural and important in life of girls, but some myths and taboos are their. We should act as per our sensibility and these myths shouldn't be cared for.

    7. Restrictions on physical mobility of girls - With changing times, physical mobility of girls is also now not that strict. With increased security for women, they can go for work/job day and night.

    8. Girls are non- permanent members of the family - Even this point is not valid as girls have now got equal rights and shouldn't be treated as non-permanent members of the family.

  57. All the ideas and practices are old enough for the present situations and to be changed by taking confidence to each and every member of the society. It should be started from one's own family first.

    1. Both sons and daughters are legal heir of family property.
    2. Early marriage should be discourage for both. One should be self depended first before marriage.
    3. Caregivers/nurturers can be anyone. It depends on situation and both sex should be ready for the same.
    4. Taking as well as giving dowry is a sin. It is not only seen in uneducated but also
    (so called) educated families. For this immediate society should come forward to abolish this practice.
    5. Now a days, preference for son or daughter is changing But still a long way to go.
    6. If a girl or female is fit and active during menstrual period can be encouraged to do any activity as per their wish. It's a normal biological process repeats after every 28 days in a female during certain period of life.
    7. If a human is fit, willing and have purpose can mobile irrespective of sex.
    8. Girls are always a member of the family.

    No doubt, Education is a tool by which every ill practices in the society can be stopped.

  58. 1. Its wrong practice.
    2.Early marriage is a disaster not only for girls but also for society.
    3. Both genders are equally caregivers.
    4.100% wrong.
    5.Both sons and daughters are same.
    6. Its a biological process which generally not hampered every day works
    7. No restriction for girls for physical mobility.
    8. Girls are the permanent member of family.

  59. The old order must change giving place to new.The old system suited the then society and they were comfortable till it caused no chaos.Now with the changing needs and psyche the system must change to maintain a proper balance in the society.

    1. Family property must go to the most needy of all the siblings.

    2.Age of Marriage should solely be based on the level of preparedness whether a boy or a girl.

    3.Men are caregivers/nurturers ,the myth is fast changing with the women donning much stronger roles right from the age of Rani of Jhansi to Indira Nooyi.

    4. Dowry giving and accepting ,both be heavily penalised.

    5.Preference of sons over daughters :With the changing roles this preference has taken a back seat in most of the Indian states ,yet where ever it is still prevalent ,foetus determination should be listed among the list of heinous crime and hence penalised.

    6.Menstrual taboos and myths : Awareness regarding this should start right from school .

    7.Restrictions on physical mobility of girls :Government must take the responsibility of providing a secure and safe environ to each of its citizen,which can certainly change the scene.This is much out of fear rather than due to gender biased attitude.

    8.Girls are non- permanent members of the family :Girls are now taking up new roles and soon they would themself change the whole scenario with their new outlook.

  60. No doubt that now a days also gender discrimination present in the both types of families both literate as well as illiterates. But due to education and mass media influence gender biasness reduce. Now both boys and girls get equal chance to perform as per their interest. As per law now girls also have equal write in her fathers properties.

  61. 1. Sons are legal heirs of family property
    yes its . with time all have to change.
    2. Early marriage of girls.
    NO, First girls should be educated and matured.
    3. Men are caregivers/nurturers
    NO, now a days there is gender equality, Both are equally caregivers.
    4. Practice of Dowry. still in practice
    Recent time is of gender equality.
    5. Preference of sons over daughters
    yes down south its still practiced naming of boys and girls should be changed. At maximum places generally children are known by their paternal name. Hence parents prefer sons over daughter. Both son and daughter have to take responsibilty of their parents equally.
    6. Menstrual taboos and myths
    All should understand that Menstrual cycle is natural and important too in life of girls, But some myths and taboos are still in soem families , more light to be thrown in this content
    7. Restrictions on physical mobility of girls
    Physically girls are not as strong as boys, Girls masculine structure is different then boys. But
    one strong point with girls are they have more patience and persistent
    8. Girls are non- permanent members of the family
    Its wrong, No doubt girls have to handle other family too. but they are also permanent
    member of family.

  62. 1.Presently girls are also becoming the legal heirs of their parental property
    2.Totally illeligal but still in practice.
    3.Not true
    4.Very wrong practice and can be removed from our society.
    5.It is one's own choice but gradually decreasing.
    6.Natural process and proper guidance should be provided to teens.
    7.Everyone need a safe and secure environment, if it is provided to all citizens then this difference can be removed.
    8.A son is a son only till he is not married, but a daughter is a daughter throughout her life. So a girl is a permanent member of the family .

  63. 1.Sons are legal heirs of family property - No more holds true in today's times. It was wrongly followed in earlier days also barring some exceptions.

    2.Early marriage of girls - Times have changed but still a lot needs to be done.

    3.Men are caregivers/nurturers - Yes true to the core. In some cases they have proved to be even better than women.

    4.Practice of Dowry - Wrong still some people choose to be "beggars" & some choose to be "buyers of the spouse" who should be identified at the correct time, penalized & isolated by the society as a whole.

    5.Preference of sons over daughters - Wrong by all means

    6.Menstrual taboos and myths- Built around lack of education & can be removed easily by open discussions at all platforms.

    7.Restrictions on physical mobility of girls - Mostly built around insecurities of mind, unsafe neighbourhood & local awareness. More punishment for the guilt/ crime committed is required.

    8.Girls are non- permanent members of the family-Wrong thinking, should be opposed everytime it is dscussed in the family or elsewhere.

  64. Gender discrimination and stereotyping is so itched in our minds that it can be removed thriugh consious efforts and it has nothing to do with education .I have seen my learned colleagues so deeply entrenched in the sereotyping that they are not able to reason and analyze in scientific manner.

  65. 1) This practice requires change because both the siblings are equal.
    2) Early marriage of girls should be banned because of incomplete development.
    3) It is a wrong perception, e.g . Indira Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Merry Kom etc.
    4) It is inhuman practice and should be banned from all corners.
    5) It is wrong thinking because of gender discrimination and lack of knowledge.
    6) It is due to lack of education and inability to understand the biological processes, scientifically.
    7) Feeling of insecurity, lack of knowledge, stereotype and due to social evils.
    8) It is due to the unwritten rules of the society.

  66. 1.Sons are legal heirs of family property :- I disagree with the statement both sons and daughters have the equal right in the family property.
    2.Early marriage of girls - Times have changed but still a lot needs to be done.
    3. Both genders are equally caregivers.
    4. Dowry giving and accepting ,both be heavily penalized.
    5. Now a days, preference for son or daughter is changing But still a long way to go.
    6. If a girl or female is fit and active during menstrual period can be encouraged to do any activity as per their wish. It's a normal biological process repeats after every 28 days in a female during certain period of life.
    7. Restrictions on physical mobility of girls
    Physically girls are not as strong as boys, Girls masculine structure is different then boys. But
    one strong point with girls are they have more patience and persistent.
    8. Girls are non- permanent members of the family - Even this point is not valid as girls have now got equal rights and shouldn't be treated as non-permanent members of the family.

  67. 1.Girls are not giving that much important in all the cases like education
    2. Boys are given education in good school Girls are send to near by school
    3. But nowadays system is changed both boys and girls equal important in edcuation as well as in decision making
    4. In my opinion gender discrimination in the society mostly due to lack of education
    5. Even though the girls are well educated they have to give dowry during marriage this system can be changed because both and girls are equally qulified

  68. Every child of the family should be the legal heir of family property. Equal rights on property is being given importance to remove this difference.
    2. A girl should be allowed to decide about her marriage by herself. The girls should be matured enough by all means to have their own say.
    3. Yes, men are caregivers and nurturers as well as women. But women are playing that role of care takers of the families.
    4. Practice of dowry should be stopped. The question of dowry should not be entertained.
    5. Every child should get preference whether it is boy or girl or other gender. Now a days equal opportunities are emphasized.
    6. Children should be educated about menstrual taboos and myths and they should be made to realize that nothing is impossible to achieve/to compete.
    7. No restrictions should be applied on mobility of girls.
    8. Girls are the permanent members of family.

  69. Most of the above mentioned practices have changed over a period of time. According to law both girls or boys are legal heir of the property. In an educated family both male and female members are caretaker of the family. Most of the above mentioned taboo and myths are due to lack of education . Dowry system should be strongly opposed by people. Above mentioned practices can only be eradicated by educating people.

  70. These ideas are to be changed as the expectation of male children becomes important in some families till they get male child birth is not controlled. For the sake of population control at least these attitudes are to be changed.

  71. Right now this have to change and only education can bring this revolutionary change.

  72. Though we boast of ourselves as citizens of democratic state, yet our country needs a complete haul in the certain traditional outlook/customs. Every child, irrespective of its gender has to have legal share in its parental property. Then only, we can talk about gender equality. Girl empowerment will remain a far cry until we give equal opportunities of education and job to girls instead of marrying them early and thus depriving them of their dreams to be self dependent. "The hand that rocks the cradle, can rule the world', if treated with dignity and trust. All those myths related to menstruation which is simply a biological process, can be broken only through education and empowerment. The change, of course, is there, yet we need confidence, courage, positivism to go extra miles to hammer the nail on the head till gender equality becomes a reality

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

    mother should ask to do all house hold work equally to son and daughter.

  75. There shoud never be any discrimination between a girl and a boy in any family . Both are equally capable of performing the activities if given a suitable environment and without any prejudice.

  76. There should be no discrimination among boys and girls in any field.

  77. 1. As per present situation, girl child and boy child are having equal rights on property.
    2. Government has fixed age for marriage. No question of early marriage
    3. In present days most of the women are taking care of their parents.
    4. Banned dowry system in writing. Practically it need to be banned.
    5. Both should treat equally.
    6. Most of the parents are upgraded their thoughts towards girl child.

  78. Equal oppurtunity for both the girl and boy. Do away with the social taboo, of giving preferences to a particular gender. More opportunities to be created for uplifting the people bringing them to the mainstream. Only Education can bring this change in the society.


  79. Its really sad such notions are prevalent even today though undoubtedly a change is visible in the society if we compare to the past. Girls are getting education & are doing amazingly well in all the fields.Through the hidden curriculum teachers definitely can play a vital role to curb or to put a an end to all such beliefs. They can change the mindset of the people in the society and help in the progress of society by working hard for bringing gender equality in the classes, schools, society and nation at large.

  80. Sons are legal heirs of family property
    "Equal Importance for the members of the family should be given"

    Early marriage of girls
    "Should be avoided early marriages"

    Men are caregivers/nurturers
    "Both the parents are always the best caregivers"

    Practice of Dowry
    "Already Prohibited, should be prosecuted and punished if practised "

    Preference of sons over daughters
    Immediately should be stopped giving preferences sons. Need to bring awareness gender equality in the family especially for sons

    Menstrual taboos and myths
    Needs awareness programs for members of the family including parents, especially to grand parents

    Restrictions on physical mobility of girls
    "They are also equal performers par with others. They should not be restricted, instead they should be thought self protecting techniques and managing any situation".

    Girls are non- permanent members of the family
    "They are permanent members of a family. In fact they are most care givers for their parents and also for their children in the future"

  81. Few myths of mensuration in India which are baseless statements
    You can’t enter a kitchen or cook food for anyone else.

    You can’t enter a place of worship.

    You can only enter a place of prayer once you’ve washed your hair on or after the fourth day.

    You must wash your hair on the first day of your period to clean yourself completely. Butttttt on the contrary…

    If you wash your hair, your flow will be less and it will affect your fertility later in life.

  82. These practises should not be encourage as they helps in integrating gender biases ,they should be banished from the society

  83. Women Empowerment and change of mindset from stereotype concepts are required. Law enforcing agencies and all institutions must be empowered with 50% female. Female folks must raise their voice

  84. o Sons are legal heirs of family property -
    This is should be change. Property should equally distribute among all the family members. Girls should get their right to property even after the marriage.

    o Early marriage of girls
    This malpractice should be abolished. This is biologically proved that minimum age of marriage for girls is 18.

    o Men are caregivers/nurturers
    Both men and women are caregivers. Role of a women may change to daughter to daughter in law but without cooperation of women it is not possible to take care of anything.

    o Practice of Dowry
    Economic harassment of one family from another family. It should be abolished.

    o Preference of sons over daughters
    Both are equal. Role of a mother is very important in patriarch society.

    o Menstrual taboos and myths
    Lack of scientific knowledge causes taboo and myths. Elders in the house should be educated about health and hygiene of girl. Provide sanitary pads at lower cost.

    o Restrictions on physical mobility of girls
    There should be no restriction on physical mobility of girls. We as a society fails when any of our family member is not allowed to go out because of social insecurity.

    o Girls are non- permanent members of the family.
    It is understood in most of families and told to most of the girls from the childhood. They have equal right even after marriage in all assets. They relate girl's non permanent membership with dowry. The explanation is we give you everything in your marriage as a dowry and now you have no right to interfere in families matter after the marriage.

  85. Eduction awareness is only way to change everything is in mind set of individual. Education can bring revolutionary change. Gender discrimination should be removed from society. Such feeling of the society is to be changed with the time. Early marriage ofgirls should be discouragrd.We must change the way we think and talk about female. More and more awareness programme should be organised to make the people aware.

  86. Awareness and strict laws are the only ways to eradicate all the discrimination between men and women.

  87. Gender equality is important and for that the first and foremost factor is proper education.

  88. Gender stereotype mindset needs to be changed through proper education. Boys and girls both have equal rights .If it will happen in reality then violence will decrease .It will be a revolution.

  89. A. This isn’t fair given how girls/women's role has evolved in today’s society. Gender Equality has to be practiced across all levels for the society to remain fair and equitable
    B. An absolutely abhorrent practise that doesn’t take the maturity both physical and mental of the girl/women into account and has to be looked down on.
    C. A totally flawed assumption in the current times when women have become equal or at times even greater nurturers and caregivers
    D. A utopian idea which supports the assumption that since women are confined to the households, they need to be compensated with monetary gifts to make the life of the man worthwhile.
    E. We live in a society where discrimination in any form is looked down on and this specifically is a patriarchal concept which needs to be abolished
    F. The awareness around such biological changes has increased drastically and hence the agae old myths and Taboo’s such as this have no place in the modern world
    G. A good society is where there is equity and equality of men and women and restriction of mobility or any other form of freedom when imposed on girls/women will cause the society to crumble
    H. More than ever we are now seeing the role of girls/women as members who are caregivers of the elderly and hence they are not just permanent but the most important part of the family fabric

  90. 1.Every child has equal right irrespective of the gender
    2.Every girl child should given chance to study build her Career secure her future.
    3. This need to happen more and men should learn to show more empathy care and compassion
    4.Dowry should avoided at any cost
    5 Gender equality should be the foremost concept in education.
    6. Awareness should be created among the boys and girls that menstruation starts means normal growth of a girl

  91. there is no difference between boys and girls child.They should get equal chance everywhere as school or home.

  92. यह जितने भी कथन दिए हुए हैं यह सभी हमारी संकुचित मानसिकता और कुप्रथाओं को दर्शाते हैं। मेरे हिसाब से परिवार में लड़कियों और लड़कों दोनों को बराबर का स्थान मिलना चाहिए । दोनों ही घर के मुख्य सदस्य हैं। लड़कियों का बाल विवाह एक कुप्रथा है जिस पर रोक लगाना अतिआवश्यक है क्योंकि इसका उन पर शारीरिक और मानसिक रूप से दुष्प्रभाव पड़ता है। लड़कियों को माता पिता की संपत्ति में लड़कों के समान हिस्सा मिलना चाहिए क्योंकि वह भी लड़कों के समान परिवार का ही सदस्य हैं ।और घर के कामों में भी लड़के और लड़कियों में कोई फर्क नहीं होना चाहिए। लड़कियों की शारीरिक और जैवकीय अवस्था के कारण से उन पर रोक -टोक करना हमारी संकुचित मानसिकता को दर्शाता है जिससे बाहर निकलना बहुत जरूरी है और शिक्षक होने के नाते हमारा यह कर्तव्य है कि हम अपने भावी नागरिकों को इस संकुचित मानसिकता से बाहर निकालने में पूरा पूरा प्रयास करें।
    कुसुम लता के. वी. ए एफ एस हकीमपेट

  93. Both genders should be treated as equal and plan activities accordingly.

  94. Gender is a social construct therefore, it is important as a society to abolish gender inequality. Also, the practices such as sons being sole heir to property, dowry, early marriage of girls (often without their will) should be looked into and legal help should be given to those in need. And, as a family we must bring up our children to understand that biological differences is not the right tool to judge the credibility of a human being. Change won't happen in a day or two, it might take years to decades but, what we can do is to start small. Change ourselves and only then the society shall change. Because change starts from us.

    The value to interdependence and emptiness give you the total idea of universe as a whole.

  96. 1. Absolutely wrong practice.
    2.Early marriage is a disaster for girls.
    3.Misconception. Both genders are equally caregivers.
    4.Absolutely wrong.
    5.Wrongs both sons & daughters are same.
    6. Simple biological process.
    7. Wrong.
    8. So wrong stand for girls.

  97. Gender is only a biological difference for reproduction . Therefore it shouldnt be treated a social difference , hence both boys and girls be given equal oppurtunities

  98. 1. Sons are legal heirs of family property.
    - Legally this perception is totally improper. As per the latest direction of the Supreme Court the
    girls born even before 2005 are equal heir of family's property.

    2. Early marriage of girls.
    - This practice is also illegal and it must be checked for the holistic development of a nation like

    3. Men are caregivers/nurturers .
    - This perception has no validity especially when son's of the parents do not show care and concern for them. In this critical condition daughters are found to be more caring.

    4. Practice of Dowry.
    - This is the curse of the society. It is one of the great hindrances of the faster development of a
    nation. Marriages unites hearts and so dowry has no role to play.

    5. Preference of sons over daughters.
    - It is the general practice and belief in the society that sons are the bread winner of a family. that
    is why they are preferred to daughters but in the modern society this perception must be done
    away with.

    6. Menstrual taboos and myths.
    - This is one of the biggest handicaps in the balanced development of a women especially in the
    traditional environment of Indian families. People need to be enlightened about bad effects of
    such taboos in the society.

    7. Restrictions on physical mobility of girls.
    - It is generally found that a girl's movement from home to outside is seen as full of dangers
    and fear, while boys are allowed to abundantly move without any restrictions. This is unfair on
    the part of girls and so needs to be terminated at the earliest.

    8. Girls are non- permanent members of the family.
    - In the traditional family system daughters are always considered as "PARAYA DHAN" (Other's
    property). This conception is harmful for the development of a nation, so there is a great need
    of developing a perspective to see both sexes with equality.

  99. 1 Absolutely wrong practice.
    2.Early marriage is a disaster for girls.
    3.Misconception. Both genders are equally caregivers.
    4.Absolutely wrong.
    5.Wrongs both sons & daughters are same.
    6. Simple biological process.

  100. Sons are legal heirs of family property - absolutely wrong

    Early marriage of girls -girl child also having the same power like boys or transgender

    Men are caregivers/nurturers -absolutely wrong

    Practice of Dowry -its a big burden to parents having more than one girl child

    Preference of sons over daughters -its only because of narrow minds

    Menstrual taboos and myths - we have to counsel the people

    Restrictions on physical mobility of girls - we have to give proper information to peoples that girls also same right to move anywhere

    Girls are non- permanent members of the family - girls have to get more attention in this case with that we can save girls life

  101. 1 Sons are legal heirs of family property - Both should have equal rights on the family property. Earlier notion was that daughter used to be others property ( paraya dhan) and had to leave father.s home with dowery after that she did not have any right on fathers property.Now it has changed leagly but still need social reforms.
    2. Early marriage of girls - Marriage should take place when both girls and boys are mature enought to understand the gravity of relationship physicialy and emotionaly.Goverment has fixed marrageable age for both .

    3. Men are caregivers/nurturers - This is an old notion , now a days who is efficient to take care should take responsibility of the family.Now women are getting educated and becoming independent to take care of the responsibility.
    4. Practice of Dowry - Marigable couple should take own resposibilty for marriage they should not be dependent on parents . This can be only achived through education.
    5. Preference of sons over daughters - Both should be treated equally.
    6. Menstrual taboos and myths - All should understand that Menstrual cycle is natural and important in life of girls. This should be corelated with hygein and body changes.It should be taken normal procidure of day to day life.

  102. Both boy and girl are equal. They both have equal rights for Parents property, for education, freedom and way of living. So such norms and practices should be totally abolished from the society.

  103. 1. illogical
    2. unacceptable
    3. totally wrong
    4. Extremely sorry
    5. Selfishness
    6. ignorance
    7. under processes of mental training
    8. must change the social acceptance

  104. .Both son's and daughters should be legal heirs of the family property.

    . Minimum Age for marriage for girls should be increased

    .Not always true

    . Should be immediately stopped legally

    .All are equal in a family

    . awareness and health education to be given from school level

    .No restrictions should be imposed on physical mobility of girls

    .All members of the family have equal rights

  105. 1. false statement..both boys and girls have equal right to the property.
    2. now this practice has been changed.
    3. not at all correct...both men and women are caregivers.
    4. Practice of dowry- still exist in hidden form in the society.
    5. needs to sensitize people regarding this issue.
    6. Changes can be seen in the modern society but still needs to change mindset of people.
    7. Restriction on physical mobility of girls- people should change their perspective and give freedom to both boys and girls.
    8. Lack of Awareness among people

  106. These need to change as they further perpetuate gender stereotypes.

  107. 1. Sons are legal heirs of family property
    NO, In recent time it changes. with time all have to change.
    2. Early marriage of girls.
    NO, First girls should be educated and matured.
    3. Men are caregivers/nurturers
    NO, now a days there is gender equality, Both are equally caregivers.
    4. Practice of Dowry
    NO. Recent time is of gender equality.The government should be strick in lwas
    5. Preference of sons over daughters
    NO, But some rules of naming should be change. At maximum places generally children are known by their paternal name. Hence parents prefer sons over daughter. Both son and daughter have to take responsibilty of their parents equally.
    6. Menstrual taboos and myths
    All should understand that Menstrual cycle is natural and important too in life of girls, But some myths and taboos are their. No one should believe in that.
    7. Restrictions on physical mobility of girls
    Physically girls are not as strong as boys, Girls masculine structure is different then boys. But
    one strong point with girls are they have more patience.
    8. Girls are non- permanent members of the family
    Its wrong, No doubt girls have to handle other family too. but they are also permanent
    member of family.

  108. 1)Sons and daughters are equal and both have equal right to famiy property as also validated by by Law..Succession Laws
    2)Early marriage of girls as practiced earlier has now undergone a change,as girls should be given liberty to Persie their goals and be stakeholders in decision making of family and society
    3)It is unrealistic,as girls have been found to be more caring and loving
    4) Practice of age old tradition needs to be disowned by is a disregard to humanity.Present day girls have stood against it,and society is with them
    5)Sex determination is a biological fact and female foeticide is a legal crime.Both sons and daughters are equal
    6) Menstrual taboos and myths need to be addressed scientifically and education is the only step towards achieving the aim
    7)Instead of restrictions and freedom curtailing,girls should be empowered with necessary education .
    8)Girls after marriage binds two families with societal bonds,leading to eternity
    In this 21st century,when women are moving at same pace as men,in nation building... discrimination of any kind, leading to gender bias is unwanted...right time to unfold new chapter of LIFE

  109. Sons are legal heirs of family property - Daughters can also be the legal heirs of family property.

    Early marriage of girls - can lead to a lot of complications as regards to emotions, biology etc. for the girls and family concerned.

    Men are caregivers/nurturers - Women are real caregivers / nurturers.

    Practice of Dowry - a very bad practice that must be removed.

    Preference of sons over daughters - This is a false belief that sons are better than daughters. In the present modern age it needs to change because daughters are now a days working in every field.

    Menstrual taboos and myths - These must be avoided by spreading awareness about the biological phenomenon.

    Restrictions on physical mobility of girls - These must be avoided as girls are found to be very active and successful in every field of economy.

    Girls are non- permanent members of the family - Girls have always been the first to take care of parents.
    M. K Prabhat

  110. Above statements are not fit in today's situation. In present day scenario , both girls and boys are equal.

  111. 1- No
    2- must not happen
    3- no, women can also do the same.
    4- must be stopped
    5- must stop
    6- must be busted
    7- restrictions must be lifted
    8- false.

  112. There should not be any discrimination on the basis of gender in working place. Boys and girls should be equal in all respects.

  113. Both are heirs of family property.
    Early marriages are still seen in some places
    Dowry is hidden practice
    Sons and daughters must be treated equally

  114. Women Empowerment and change of mindset from stereotype concepts are required. Law enforcing agencies and all institutions must be empowered with 50% female. Female folks must raise their voice.Both boy and girl are equal

  115. We teachers need to play a very significant role in this field and strive to eradicate this motion from the society. Such stereotypes are very wrong and such biases should be totally removed from our society.We as teachers should take the help of the hidden curriculum of our NCERT texts and help in practicing gender equality in the classrooms and school environment.

  116. both son and daughter are equal and will be given equal opportunities for education and career building. Both are legal heirs and girls should be married after settling in their life. Girls should be given freedom to express their feelings.

  117. No..scenes are changing...the concept of SINGLE GIRL CHILD has developed already in society...and it diminishes the such ideology. However, the idea that sons' are still is totally prejudiced..
    Wrong practice,...and is almost overcomed by self reliance felt by parents and daughters..
    No words are to say that the quality of Caregiving rises from mother..a mother can be a father...but father can never be a mother...the words "PARENT"..."PARENTAL CARE" must be deleted ,which are discriminating the social structure
    It is a matter of showoff....and it should denied...neglected and overlooked...
    No need of preferences ..should be created "REFERENCES" in equality..
    Biological is Nature..should not be hindered and discriminated..
    Girls are prominent in society...hence they are permanent members of family...society...and of course in Nature also..

  118. Sons are legal heirs of family property - What about parents who don't have sons, where will their hard earned money go? To some distant male relative? RIDICULOUS! Daughters have equal right as the sons over the family property.
    Mother is the first teacher of the child, and if that teacher is not matured physically and emotionally, then what will the next generation( child) learn? So, absolute NO to child marriage.
    A women who goes out of the house to work provide monetary stability to the family, as well as employment to others - housekeeping staff/cook etc. So, they are caregivers/ nurturers of not only their family, but also of others. Men on the other hand, in most cases make the women of the house housekeepers, cook and maid of all work.
    Practice of Dowry - It is high time that there is a reversal in the flow of dowry.
    Preference of sons over daughters - Daughters were always more capable than the sons and now-a-days when they are being given the same opportunities as the boys they are performing better than the boys in each and every field. So, WHY the preference?
    Menstrual taboos and myths - It is a draconian means to make the girls feel low, repress them and prevent them from achieving more than the boys, which they can always do if given the right opportunities.
    Restrictions on physical mobility of girls - Girls have to overcome their shyness and move forward in every field. They should not pay attention to the negative views of the so called custodians of the society, but should make themselves physically, mentally and emotionally strong to overcome the challenges of free mobility.
    Girls are non- permanent members of the family - Why this thought or view? Daughters are always more attached to their parents than the sons. If the view is due to the fact that girls get married and lower the economic status of the family as dowry has to be given to them, then why not do away with the dowry system and free oneself from this derogatory thought or view that girls are PARAYA DHAN.

  119. Teachers play a critical role to prevent gender stereotypes and reduce gender bias in the classroom. ...
    Always address students equally. ...
    Avoid separating children based on gender. ...
    Learn about children as individuals. ...
    Let the students feel the gender equality right from the classroom

  120. There is as such no difference in boys and girls so they should be given equal opportunity in life.

  121. Sons ate given preference over daughters ,This obsession with sons has led Indians to resort to female feticide on a massive scale. They also provide better nutrition and medical care for boys than girls, and indulge in a host of other practices that discriminate against girls. Even in this day and age, families openly celebrate the birth of a son, while the birth of a daughter is not always greeted in the same manner.

    This indeed needs to be in focus as this preference has sex-selective abortions, in spite of the stringent laws put in place to counter it.Due to which the sex ratio in India is highly disturbed.

  122. 1) Now a days families are educated and girls are legal heirs of the family property by law also.
    (2) Now there is no early marriage of girls especially in educated family. Girls are educated and becoming doctors, lawyer, teacher, engineer etc.
    (3)few families are not taking Dowry but it is still there in the society as curse
    (4) Now a days women's are also a caregiver/ nurturers.
    (5) though things are changing gradually, preference are also given to the daughters still among large population it is not practiced.
    (6) menstruation is a natural biological process ,people have started understanding this.
    (7) Restrictions on physical mobility of girls are also changed. still not fully.
    (8) society is changing gradually ,girls are not now only" paraya dhan " after marriage, with education this gender discrimination of the society has started fading out.

  123. sheeba N
    Misconception. Both genders are equally caregivers.
    with education this gender discrimination of the society has started stopping.
    Education can bring changes in society

  124. 1) Sons are legal heirs of family property:-
    I quote the Article written on The Hindu:-
    “The Supreme Court held that daughters, like sons, have an equal birth right to inherit ancestral property. The court decided that the amended Hindu Succession Act, which gives daughters equal rights to ancestral property, will have a retrospective effect.”
    I am really glad with The Supreme Court’s decision as I feel sons and daughters have equal rights and both should be legal heirs of family property.

    2) Early marriage of girls:- Some of the reasons why early marriage of girls should be
    Early marriage of girls leads to pregnancies during adolescence, put girls’ lives at risk of premature death. Preventing early marriage can help to reduce maternal

    3) Men are caregivers / nurturers:-
    There are gender differences in that men are considered as caregivers / nurturers. Though traditionally, men would be the home provider in terms of earning. But, now gender roles have changed. Women have started working and earning. As a result, they are not only caregivers and nurturers but also providers. So, it is wrong to say that only men are caregivers / nurturers.

    4) Practice of Dowry:-
    Dowry is a social menace which should be abolished immediately. It leads to dowry- related violence and abuse, oppression of women, bride burning, wife murder, domestic violence and female infanticide which are highly detrimental ills perpetrated against Indian women.
    The provisions and acts against dowry in the Indian legal system are largely ineffective and loopholes should be filled so that dowry is completely abolished and the groom and their family should be behind bars who accept dowry.

    5) Preference of sons over daughters:-
    Preference for sons is motivated by economic, religious, social and emotional desires and norms that favour sons and make daughters feel unwanted. Parents think that sons will provide financial and emotional care in their old age. There is a perception that sons add to family wealth and property thus leading to abortion of female foetuses or killing daughters. Sons get preferential treatment thus receiving more praises, more time is invested in them and they are held in high esteem. This preference should stop and parents should treat sons and daughters equally.

    6) Menstrual taboos and myths:-
    Taboos about menstruation become more challenging for the girls to understand about puberty, menstruation and reproductive health. Prohibiting women from entering religious places and castigating them as impure is against human dignity.
    Thus, there is the need to follow a systematic approach while dealing with these issues.

    7) Restrictions on physical mobility of girls:-
    It is observed that women still feel unsafe in public places. Fear of molestation, rape, kidnapping for prostitution and child trafficking are some of the reasons for restrictions on physical mobility of girls. Society and men in particular should be sensitised to these issues and stringent laws could reduce these issues to a great extent.

    8) Girls are non- permanent members of the family:-
    There are many families that the male child will go on to become a source of income for the family and will carry on the family lineage while the girl child will have to be ultimately married off to another family. So, girls are treated as non-permanent members of the family. This is the mentality in the Indian society which needs to stop. Treat girls as equals and be proud to introduce daughters as permanent members of the family.

  125. Sons are legal heirs of family property :Both sons and daughter should be legal heir of family property.This can be done by changing constitutional norms.

    Early marriage of girls:Girls should be made independent financially and choose their field of interest.Then such practice will stop

    Men are caregivers/nurturers :Both Man ans Women are caregivers

    Practice of Dowry :Should be completely abolished through constitutional means

    Preference of sons over daughters :Once girls become educated and financially independent such practice will stop.

    Menstrual taboos and myths:Proper education should be given.

    Restrictions on physical mobility of girls :No such restrictions should exist.However their safety should be taken care of.

    Girls are non- permanent members of the family :This must change since Girls also take care of their parents

  126. Such type of biases should not exist in our society. Both boys and girls are equal .But nowadays things are changing, Sometimes girls take undue advantage of this.All the protection laws are for fair gender.There are many cases of man being harassed.This issue should also be included in our curriculum. Law should protect the both gender equally.

  127. Sons are legal heirs of family property - this orthodox practice needs to stop. Daughters deserve an equal share of family's property and money as do sons.

    Early marriage of girls - it's not only illegal but a draconian act. child marriange is an act of child abuse.

    Men are caregivers/nurturers - this does not hold sense in today's society where women are no less than men

    Practice of Dowry - Illegal and a social dilemma

    Preference of sons over daughters - focus should be laid on gender equality.

    Menstrual taboos and myths - only a proper education regarding this natural body process can bring a change

    Restrictions on physical mobility of girls - Freedom of daughters should be ensured but parents should always keep an eye

    Girls are non- permanent members of the family - once a family member always a family member. love is the key.

  128. 1 Sons are legal heirs of family property - Both should have equal rights on the family property. Earlier notion was that daughter used to be others property and had to leave father's home with dowry after that she did not have any right on fathers property .Now it has changed legally but still need social reforms.
    2. Early marriage of girls - Marriage should take place when both girls and boys are mature enough to understand the gravity of relationship physically and emotionally. Government has fixed marriage age for both .

    3. Men are caregivers/nurturers - This is an old notion , now a days who is efficient to take care should take responsibility of the family. Now women are getting educated and becoming independent to take care of the responsibility.
    4. Practice of Dowry - The couple should take own responsibility for marriage they should not be dependent on parents . This can be only achieved through education.
    5. Preference of sons over daughters - Both should be treated equally.
    6. Menstrual taboos and myths - All should understand that Menstrual cycle is natural and important in life of girls. This should be corelated with hygiene and body changes .It should be taken normal procedure of day to day life.


  129. Certain ideas are required to be changed for the betterment of the society where the people can be proud of the ambiance in which girls are safer and more secured, men are showing respect to opposite gender and both the genders are enjoying equal rights and freedoms. All the mentioned ideas are needed to be changed so that the dream of a prosperous country be fulfilled

  130. 1.They should not be because both son and daughter are equal for parents. So Girls also should be the heirs of the family. This stereotype must be eliminated from society. I am against it .
    2.Child marriages are not legal as the law has given the legal age for marriage. l strongly protest early marriage of girls because they lose so many advantages of life .
    3.I agree men are also caregivers to some extent but women are better nurturers.
    4.I strongly protest this dowry system. In my culture boys give just Rs. 12 as ritual to girls during marriage.
    5. According to me, daughters are better than sons because they are more obedient. They can achieve greater aims and ambitions in life if given proper support and guidelines.But both have equal ability and strengths.
    6. Boys and girls should be taught well by their parents about this. Myths and wrong notions about should be removed through open dialogue.
    7. Boys and girls should be given equal time and opportunity to go out of the house.
    8. Girls are permanent members of the family if they stay there even after marriage.

  131. 1. Sons are legal heirs of family property
    It is changed now both sons and daughters are equal
    2. Early marriage of girls.
    This is not good it effects girls life a lot
    3. Men are caregivers/nurturers
    both are equal
    4. Practice of Dowry
    Bad practise
    5. Preference of sons over daughters
    NO, both should be give equal opprtunities
    6. Menstrual taboos and myths
    The myths should be removed
    7. Restrictions on physical mobility of girls
    Girls are also as strong as boys

  132. Sons are legal heirs of family property, it's an age old stereotype practice and it should be changed. In recent times both girls and boys are equal, educated and responsible beings. Girls can carry the duties which are thought to be only responsibilities of male heir.

  133. These beliefs are followed and adhered to because men and women have been conditioned so over generations. They can be changed only through awareness and more than that, by setting an example by refuting and negating such strange ancient claims. The people and the government have to outrightly reject such ideas on every public platform to make everybody understand that the norms are certainly different in today's world.

  134. Both girls and boys are heirs of the family. Dowry should not be given.Early marriage of the girls is a disaster.Equal responsibility and equal acceptance for women and men should be practiced.

  135. Early Girls marriage is not good.

  136. - Sons are legal heirs of family property: The proposition presupposes that women are an inferior sex as compared to men. In order to change the existing bias in the Indian Society, women need to be entitled with the right to inherit property.
    - Early marriage of girls: Girls who are married at an early age are denied the basic human right to education. Moreover, at a very early age, they are expected to start a family and take responsibility for their children. Thus, they should not be married when they themselves are kids.
    - Men are caregivers/nurturers: A man and woman should be considered equal in a marriage. However, the Indian society expects the women to be child nurturers and the men to be breadwinners. However, such a notion needs to change as men can be as good a nurturer or caregiver.
    - Practice of Dowry: The practice of dowry should be abolished. It creates unnecessary burden on the women's family. The practice of dowry is one of the main reasons why a male child is preferred over a girl child.
    - Preference of sons over daughters: Parents in the Indian society desire male child over girl child because of the social bias existing in the society that men are the breadwinners and women are a burden on the family. Equal opportunity to work should be given to both sons and daughters in order to bring gender parity.
    - Menstrual taboos and myths: Taboos related to menstruation causes mental health issues to women, making them feel bad about their own bodies. It should be understood that it is a natural process.
    - Restrictions on physical mobility of girls: Since women are equal to men and possess the same rights, unnecessary restrictions should not be put on anyone. Every human has a freedom of movement which should not be made contingent on the gender of that person.
    - Girls are non-permanent members of the family: In India, women are expected to live with their husband's family after marriage. However this does not mean that she has left her parent's home permanently. Rather, it should be taken as that she becomes a permanent member of two families.

  137. समाज से लैंगिक भेदभाव को हटाया जाना चाहिए।
    संपत्ति का अधिकार पुत्र और पुत्री दोनों को दिया जाना चाहिए
    । लड़कियों के प्रारंभिक विवाह को हतोत्साहित किया जाना चाहिए क्योंकि इससे बच्चे के मानसिक और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य पर असर पड़ता है

  138. I do believe such type of thinking is cherished in the society due to stagnation as well as lack of spread of education to the bottom of society. Spread of education is the solution for all these traditional thinking. Proper education can eliminate all these wrong thinking.Awareness of society is a must needed work.

  139. Teachers can play vital role to change such practices

  140. Thiugh educated these notions still exist in the society. Girls should be empowered and they themslves have to take initiative to change such concepts. Teachers can play an important role .

  141. Now, Govt. has passed laws making women are also legal heirs of family property

    Govt. has framed minimum age for marriage

  142. Because of the rotten minds the thought got on to be practiced in the time periods. The basic reason for the above mentioned social evils is the lack of education. we have seen the drastic changes in the life of woman since it got flame from Maharastra as well as the other parts of India. it went on flourishing and burning the barriers of the created and imposed thoughts from time to time. Now the sunrise of the progress of the women is vivid no one can curtain. I would say only one thing let India be literate and educated the rest will take its shape automatically.

  143. This practice is wrong. All must be given same opportunities. This practice should be abolished. Dowry system is wrong.

  144. 1. Sons are legal heirs of family property
    Now It is not so. Both son and daughter are equal.
    2. Early marriage of girls.
    In modern times it is not so.
    3. Men are caregivers/nurturers
    The concept of gender equality is strengthened
    4. Practice of Dowry
    Not existing
    5. Preference of sons over daughters
    Both are equal.
    6. Menstrual taboos and myths
    Natural Process. Education of AEP takes care of this aspect.
    7. Restrictions on physical mobility of girls
    Both are equal in all aspects.
    8. Girls are non- permanent members of the family
    Wrong. Both are responsible members of family.


    2. I'm happy that this brutal practice is done away with . It is also punishable
    3. Women are nurturers too. in all aspects even financially women nurture the family.
    4. Dowry? no such thing must be welcomed. both genders have economical power now a days.
    5. Children aregod given gifts. why prefer? accept.
    6. it is a natural process. so care and concern is expected .Taboos related to menstruation causes mental health issues to women, making them feel bad about their own bodies
    7. not needed if girls are equipped to handle all situations. so educate girls and make them capable.
    8. girls have the gift of taking care of paternal, self and inlaws family. So they are members in the center like the set theory of Mathamatics.

  146. 1. Every Child should be legal heirs and nowadays this trend is changing . Girls are also given a share of the family property.
    2. Every girl should have a say in her marriage because it is her life.
    3. Both men and women are caregivers/nurturers.
    4. Practice of Dowry should be totally done away with.
    5. Every Child is precious - there should not be any discrimination.
    6. Every child whether boy or girl should be educated about the menstrual taboos and myths so that there is understanding.
    7. No one should keep a restriction on the movement of girls though keeping in mind their safety.
    8. Every child boy or girl is a permanent member of his/her family.

  147. 1. Sons are legal heirs of family property
    Now a days both son and daughter are equally heirs of the family property.
    2. Early marriage of girls.
    In todays scenario it is stopped, but existing in remote villages.
    3. Men are caregivers/nurturers
    The concept of gender equality is strengthened
    4. Practice of Dowry
    Not existing
    5. Preference of sons over daughters
    Both are equal.
    6. Menstrual taboos and myths
    It is a Natural Process.
    7. Restrictions on physical mobility of girls
    Both are equal in all aspects.
    8. Girls are non- permanent members of the family
    Wrong. Both are responsible members of family.

  148. 1. This is a wrong practice as all siblings in the family have equal rights
    2. It needs change as girls are equally educated as boys
    3. Both women and men are caregivers/nurturers
    4. Considering gender equality the practice of dowry should be stopped
    5. This is a gender bias statement
    6. It is a natural biological process
    7. Considering gender equality there should not be any restrictions on physical mobility of girls
    8. All siblings are permanent members of a family

  149. According to me, both men and women are equal. As for heirs to the property, this depends on the family. The practice of dowry and early marriage for girls should be abolished.

  150. SAPNA

    All these stereotypes are required to change. Society needs to change its mind set. every family member needs to change the thinking concerned with girls.
    every mother should teach her son how to behave with girls.


    May be, the above given two links to the Advertisements are apt examples of differences and equality to be shown between a boy and a girl.

    No doubt, there are biological differences between a man and a woman, but there may not be those all differences to be observed at a larger scale in living in a family. Both of them, at their childhood age, may be nurtured in such a manner that they both develop rapport and respect for the opposite sex in terms of existence, duties and rights that are to be shared by each of them for each other.

    We must remember that man and woman are two co-existing pillars that withstand all the odds and joys of life together. Life will not be wholesome if any one of them collapses.


  153. All such practices and discriminations must be stopped. We must change our view and attitude towards both boys and girls. Boys and girls are not same but they are equal. Both have rights and opportunities.

  154. 1. Sons are legal heirs of family property :
    I am a father of two dughters and I don't think that sons are the heirs of family. I belive that there is no difference between daughters and sons.

    2. Early marriage of girls.
    The legal age for a girl's marriage is 18. But a girl should get married when she is ready. No one should force her. Early marriges before 18 are illegal.

    3. Men are caregivers/nurturers
    Men and women both can be caregivers and nurturers. Equality is important.

    4. Practice of Dowry
    practice of Drowry is illegal. But in some places it's still a tradition which should be erradicated by its roots from the society.

    5. Preference of sons over daughters
    both sons and daughters are equal and should not be treated otherwise.

    6. Menstrual taboos and myths
    It is a Natural Process. It is responsibble for birth of a child so the tabbo round it should be vanished.

    7. Restrictions on physical mobility of girls
    Girls are as strong as boys and hence should not be restricted in any matters.

    8. Girls are non- permanent members of the family
    Girls are part of the family. Even after marriage she is always welcome in her parents home. They are definately permanent members of the faamily.

    Pradeep Verma
    JNV Shegaon
    Buldhana, Maharashtra

  155. 1)A law has been passed where both boy child and the girl child is the legal heir of the family
    2) Early marriage must be stopped immediately if anywhere practice is going on as it is a disaster
    and ruins the life of the girl.
    3) Both genders are equally care givers.
    5) Practice of dowry must be stopped immediately. And if found legal action is to be taken.
    6) Simple biological process - Education plays a vital role.
    7) Wrong
    8) Girls are permanent members of the family and holds a huge responsibility.

  156. Some of the social practices were put into force to fix the roles and duties of man and woman in such a manner that they do not clash or conflict at later stages in their lives when they grow up. Taboos were framed to comfort each sex in terms of their living and becoming social.

    The practices were put into force to create comfort zone around. However, with the passage of time, the mentality of the people changed, and so changed the ideology behind the practices. Now, the same practices are in force, but the mindset and ideology has gone to the worst and thus, it creates the conflicts with the prevailing taboos and social practices.

  157. 1. Girls should be given equal heir in the property.
    2. A girl should be married only when she is ready for it.
    3. All the adults can be caregivers and nurturers.
    4. Dowry is an evil social practice which must be looked down upon
    5. Sons and daughters are equal.
    6. Menstruation is natural and healthy. All the myths and taboos related to it are absurd and must not be encouraged.
    7. Physical mobility gives toned muscles and healthier body. Nobody should be refrained from it.
    8. Girls are inseparable and permanent member of family.

  158. Making equality as real in the life of girl is real transformation of India n society

  159. Activity 2: Analysing Media Portrayal of Gender

    lack of freedom of movement for girls are a reason why many are unable to seek higher education / good job prospects and so on.
    I feel girls aren't consulted while important decisions are taken in the family.
    Since our social system to renounce the home of parents after marriage by girls also caused major role. When co-habitat shall be left on the wishes of bride and grooms then there shall be changes in family system.

  160. o Sons are legal heirs of family property - Since our social system to renounce the home of parents after marriage by girls also caused major role, it shall be changed and option shall be given to newer bride and groom
    o Early marriage of girls - Village Panchayat of the concerned village shall be made responsible for that as presently if any one approaches to Police then it is stopped, but Panchayat/ Sarpanch shall be empowered to counsel such families and if needed can interfere and prevent.
    o Men are caregivers/nurturers - Source of income is generally a man in a family, but household works of women shall be considered and children has to be given equal tasks at home too.
    o Practice of Dowry - Only law is not enough, its implementation shall be strict. Prior to marriage equal distribution of parental assets has to be ensured among sons and daughters by making an open declaration by parents of either side and undertaking shall be signed by the parents, bride and grooms that they haven't offer or received any dowry and the same shall be countersigned by District administration at the time of 'Registration of marriage'.
    o Preference of sons over daughters - Since Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994 is being strictly implemented many of the couples are now adapting living, caring and nurturing daughters like sons. On the other part, some state governments have stopped offering employments, schemes those who have more than two issues. Such acts shall be throughout the country, then definitely society in times to come shall treat equally to both sons and daughters.
    o Menstrual taboos and myths- Nowadays many cinema, advertising have created awareness to some extent. Training under NPE shall focus on the issues and make a extra-curricular activity and educate children to form a new society in future.
    o Restrictions on physical mobility of girls - Safer out shall make girls more mobile.
    o Girls are non- permanent members of the family- Option shall be offered to both families of bride and groom whether they shall continue staying with home of parents of bride or groom. Compulsion of renouncing the home of parents by bride shall be eased.

  161. As per our constitution all these practices are banned. There is an initiative from the Union Govt to increase the marriage age of girls also. It means, laws are already there and are being made, but we have to enforce it in a proper way.

  162. All these stereotype practices need to be changed. Nowadays the mindset of the people has changed a lot. The above mentioned practices lead to a gender biased society, so they need to be changed fo a better and progressive society.

  163. I think, many of us have changed our thoughts and views regarding gender stereotypes . Only few left , but they must also understand that there is no difference between boy and girl , both have same capabilities of equal opportunities is given to them.

  164. gender equality should be promoted

  165. No,such stereotypes are very wrong and such biases should be totally removed from our society.We as tescherd should take the help of the hidden curriculum of our NCERT texts and help in practicing gender equality in the classrooms and school environment.

  166. No,such stereotypes are very wrong and such biases should be totally removed from our society.We as teachers should take the help of the hidden curriculum of our NCERT texts and help in practicing gender equality in the classrooms and school environment.

  167. 1. According to the Hindu Succession Amendment Act of 2005,the female members of the family have been given equal rights to the father's property. I support this Act.
    2. Early marriage of girl is wrong and the Government has also rightly passed an Act to prevent it.
    3. I don't agree with it because it depends on the individual concerned-men or women.
    4. This is an evil social practice and it is rightly banned by the law.
    5. It is wrong to prefer one over the other. Given the equal opportunities both the sons and daughters have equal potential and both are valuable.
    6. This is wrong and common sense and scientific facts should be the guiding factors.
    7. Biological facts and common sense should dictate and not based on gender.
    8. This is a wrong social norm or conception. The concerned individual family should decide the issue on the basis of its merit.

  168. I do agree that such type of thinking is cherished in the society .
    Girls should be given equal heir in the property.
    A girl should be married only when she wants.
    Dowry is an evil social practice which must be looked down upon
    Sons and daughters are equal.
    Menstruation is natural and healthy. All the myths and taboos related to it are absurd and must not be encouraged.
    Physical mobility gives toned muscles and healthier body. Nobody should be refrained from it.
    Girls are inseparable and permanent member of family.

  169. 1. Every child of the family should be the legal heir of family property.
    2. A girl should be allowed to decide about her marriage by herself.
    3. Yes, men are caregivers and nurturers as wall as women.
    4. Practice of dowry should be stopped
    5. Every child should get preference whether it is boy or girl or other gender.
    6. Children should be educated about menstrual taboos and myths.
    7. No restrictions should be applied on mobility of girls.
    8. Girls are the permanent members of family.


  170. Now a days both boys and girls are same. Early marriage and dowry are not good for society. Some features in girls are biological. They shouldn't be blamed for that. Boys and girls both should be given equal opportunity to grow and progress. We should treat boys and girls in same way.

  171. 1 The concept should be finished and girl child should also be a legal heir

    2 A girl should be shelf dependent and able to take his own decision about her life

    3 Yes, men are caregivers and nurturers as wall as women.

    4 This is a curse to society and it should be stopped

    5 each child should be given equal preference and gave them equal opportunities to develop

    6 All the myths and taboos related to it are absurd and must not be encouraged.

    7 should be equal for all

    8 Girls are also a permanent members of the family and their are same as others

  172. o Sons are legal heirs of family property –In the hope that sons would take care of their parents in their old age. But it is not true. Most of the sons do not care about their parents and send them to OLD AGE HOMES.
    o Early marriage of girls – It is because of the social norms only. The parents think that it is their duty to see off their daughters married. They want to do it quickly before they become too old.
    But it is not true. The girls may not be ready psychologically for marriage. They too like to go for jobs.
    o Men are caregivers/nurturers – It is because only male members earn livelihood in most of the families.
    It is not true. Their wives save money by taking care of all members of the family affectionately.
    o Practice of Dowry – Actually , in olden days men were to give money to the Bride’s family. Later, it got changed.
    How many women die of burns , killed, abused and divorced because of dowry?
    o Preference of sons over daughters- The old custom only. If girls are born, they have to be given in marriage with huge amount of money as dowry. The sons are expected to take care of the parents. So sons are preferred. But in many cases, the parents are not given any care by sons.
    o Menstrual taboos and myths : It is a biological cycle only. All these taboos are to be broken.
    o Restrictions on physical mobility of girls : It is based on biological weakness.
    o Girls are non- permanent members of the family. : As because girls are to be married off , their education is not given any importance. Parents think that in future, the girl will earn money and it will go to her in-laws’ house.

  173. Nowadays , a lot of changes are occurring related to gender sensitivity. Parents and other relatives play an important role in inculcating gender neutrality in children followed by teachers .

  174. No difference between a boy and a girl.

  175. 1.its absolutely wrong practice.
    2 .Girls need to be mature enough to understand her role to run the family well.
    3.Both girls and boys are equally caregivers.
    4 .It is very immature thinking, it can't provide a clean,truthful and healthy society.
    5 Wrong conception, both should get equal preference.
    6.Its a natural biological process.
    7 .Both boys and girls should be given equal liberty.
    8.I must say that girls are always be a member of the family.

  176. All these mentioned points are still relevant in our society. These must be sooner or later swept out and hence an egalitarian society be nurtured.

  177. As a teacher, we can help others to think and chage the mindset regarding these issues.

  178. 1) Sons are not only the legal heirs of family property because even daughters are equal heirs
    2) The early marriage of girls should not be done as it takes time to be mature psychologically as well as bodily
    3) No, today even women are caregivers/nurturers
    4) Beti bachao, Beti Padao is only slogan to overcome the preference of sons over daughters as they are more reliable and should be treated equally
    5) These should be reduced
    6) It should not happen
    7) Girls should be considered permannet members as they work really hard


  180. 1. It is a wrong practice. Daughters have equal right .
    2. early marriage is not acceptable, as it could lead an end of her education, low economic opportunities,; Therefore lowering her self confidence, and making her dependent on others Risks of domestic violence and high risk of pregnancy, ill health .
    3.Men are caregivers/nurturers is wrong as women are equally caregivers .
    4.Dowri system portrays women as objects .Should be stopped
    5. Preference of sons over daughters is wrong because girls are equally supportive and share responsibility.
    6.Awareness should be created , that it a natural biological process .
    7.Restrictions on physical mobility of girls : should not be there .
    8. Girls are equally supportive and share responsibilities in family.

  181. These types of stereotypes are wrong and it demotivates and this should not be promoted

  182. दहेज लेना और देना कानूनी अपराध है फिर भी आज तक दहेज लिया जाता है नहीं तो लड़कियां को घरेलू हिंसा का शिकार होना पड़ता है

  183. Kuljeet Kaur Sandhu, AECS 4 - Mumbai

    Sons are legal heirs of family property - Sons as well as daughters are legal heirs of family property.

    Early marriage of girls - With the Law on Child Marriage, child marriage is banned by law.

    Men are caregivers/nurturers - Men as well as women are coregivers and nurturers.

    Practice of Dowry - is illegal in India now.

    Preference of sons over daughters - Both sons and daughters are equal.

    Menstrual taboos and myths- Still followed but need to be done away with starting from one's own house.

    Restrictions on physical mobility of girls - Girls are given freedom in movement.

    Girls are non- permanent members of the family- They are permanent members of the family.

  184. Now a days , the parents and community has changed its mind set to the major extent. but there is much to happen in this direction. Sensitization is the only way out to it. mainly teachers, school management have a crucial role in fulfilling this essential social change to end so many problems and life becomes smooth for every one

  185. It is very right that no such discrimination actually is required but we are all living in a 2 parallel worlds of accepting the reality which exists in the society , criticizing it though personally not being serious to address the route cause. Time to give ample exposure to girls and high time we develop sensitive boys

  186. Sons are legal heirs of family property :No, I do not support this Proposition.

    Early marriage of girls :It must be totally eradicated.

    Men are caregivers/nurturers : No,Girls are no less caretakers or nurturers than boys.

    Practice of Dowry : It must be totally Abandoned. Both Giving and Taking Dowry is a Crime and it must be enforced by Law .But there is a need of bringing a change in our Mindset . At the same time there is the need of a complete Social change. Dowry can not be totally Abolished as long as we people cannot Restrict our Lust for Money & our vanity. We must stop making lavish expenditure on marriage both in CASH and in KIND in the false name of Status Symbol.

    Preference of sons over daughters COMMENT :I disagree.I think both sons and daughters must be given EQUAL weightage.Both should be given equal opportunity to get Education and to Expand their Personality.Once they are educated, they (girls) will become self reliant, self dependent.
    Both sons and daughters MUST be given a status of Equality in the issue of becoming the Legal Heir of Paternal property.

    Menstrual taboos and myths : The Menstrual Taboo is to be accepted as it is a Natural stage in the life of all girls. It is not justified to undermine girls on this account by linking it with any social or ethical Myth.

    Restrictions on physical mobility of girls : Both girls and boys have a Common desire of moving anywhere in this vast world. So it is obligatory on the whole society to facilitate girl's Mobility in the outside world by providing them a safe and secure social environment.

    Girls are non- permanent members of the family : This is a very old social Belief which is still in practice. But it is not a rational thinking. After marriage girls have to shift themselves to their bridegroom's house in most of the patriarchal family/society. It does not delink them from their Parents.

  187. No,such stereotypes are very wrong and such biases should be totally removed from our society.We as tescherd should take the help of the hidden curriculum of our NCERT texts and help in practicing gender equality in the classrooms and school environment


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