PRABHAKAR JHA. PRINCIPAL JNV MANDLA.M.P. Schools can largely contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly atmosphere not only in schools but also in the society. Schools can do a lot by initiating a lot of activities which develop the creation of such a society/nation which is free from Gender-bias.
In school as a Teacher we can explain why not to use the sexual abusing words. Once children come to know they practice this and they can change the society where they live.Eventually, today's children are the future.
schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. sensitizing children about gender equality. framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members.
To pave effective ways to prevent child abuse in schools ,we need to set up well vigilant and informed community that is confident in making judgments, and assertive in taking actions.
School can play a pivotal role in this prevalent problem arising in education industry . School will administrators can divide the whole school students among mentors . Behavioural counselor should be allowed to conduct frequent counselling sessions amongst small group of students. Feedback forms ,every students personal dosier will act as a catalyst to reduce child abuse in school premises. trust building exercises and making students leader on rotational basis ,formulation of clear cut and strict rules against sexual harassment and the execution of the same plays a great role.
Child abuse can be prevented through gender sensitisation. If all members are aware and dutiful towards their roles and children are made aware of their gender roles and good touch and bad touch; they should be supported and encouraged to report any such unfortunate incidences to teachers whom they trust.
School plays an important role in a child next to is home. Most of the time children spent there so it as to make them understand about gender sensitivity and friendly movement as a human beings with all .
Schools play a vital role in preventing sexusl abuse in children.Not to ignore if any child wants to make any complaint against any firm of sexual abuse.By creating such activities which would make the children aware about different forms of sexual abuses.Teachers can play the lead role by being friendly with such children so that they do not hesitate to disclose the matter and the culprit involved in such abuse.
In school we have to explain why not to use sexual abusing words. We can consult their parents also for not using gender bias words. If make our students and their parents aware about this, we can stop this.
In school as a Teacher we can explain why not to use the sexual abusing words. Once children come to know they practice this and they can change the society where they live.Eventually, today's children are the future
As a teacher we can say if start teaching students we should clear their concept and then we can try to make sure that how child should aware of sexual abusing if we can teach them about the demerit of such bad habit then it will b helpful for the students to implement at home and also in society
Every staff must be vigilant to make school a secure place.Sessions on gender sensitization and short films of GOOD TOUCH & BAD TOUCH to be shown to students.
Teachers have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in schools. In school a Teacher can explain why not to use the sexual abusing words. Once children come to know they practice this and they can change the society where they live.Eventually, today's children are the future
Teachers are the single most important factor in creating an effective and inclusive classroom. ... A child-friendly school recognizes, encourages and supports children's growing capacities as learners by providing a school culture, teaching behaviours and curriculum content that are focused on learning and the learner. School that Is Safe and Responsive to All... Focus on academic achievement. ... Involve families in meaningful ways. ... Develop links to the community. ... Emphasize positive relationships among students and staff. ... Discuss safety issues openly. ... Treat students with equal respect. ... Create ways for students to share their concerns.
In school we have to explain why not to use sexual abusing words. We can consult their parents also for not using gender bias words. If make our students and their parents aware about this, we can stop this.
Teacher's can help students to make aware them about good touch,and bad touch.and if someone try to do wrong they can tell their teachers without any hesitation.It is our sole duty and responsibility to keep children grow in an environment that build their confidence friendship, and happiness security irrespective of the family circumstances or background and each time Teacher's should be vigilant.
Teachers have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in schools. In school a Teacher can explain why not to use the sexual abusing words. Once children come to know they practice this and they can change the society where they live.Eventually, today's children are the future
Teacher is second parent a child . It is a place where a child spend most of the time. School can play a better role to create a gender sensitive and gender friendly environment in the school .once children learn to live in this environment they will change the society automatically.
Teachers and school authorities should Establish connection and be empathetic towards children, ,build their confidence irrespective of the family circumstances or background and each time Teacher's should be vigilan and, listen to students.
Teacher's can help students to make aware them about good touch,and bad touch.and if someone try to do wrong they can tell their teachers without any hesitation. children grow in an environment that build their confidence friendship, and happiness security irrespective of the family circumstances or background and each time Teacher's should be vigilant.
Create a fearless atmosphere in the school among students and teachers, so children are ready to inform the matter. Educate students about bad touch and good touch.
Schools can form a committee to monitor the behavioral changes in any child. Awareness among the students regarding bad behaviors of people around them .
School can train teachers as to how to help students be aware of good touch,and bad touch.there should be school counselor mandatoryly so that if the students are not feeling comfortable talking to teacher, they can go to him/her. Teachers need to be vigilant all the time weather they teach that a student or not. Thank you Ancy Davis, PGT Social Science, St.Arnold's Central School,Pune
Depending on the age and maturity of children,awareness programs can be conducted for students.Encourage parents to have pep talks about sexual development and help children to speak honestly and openly.
The school is the one social institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent, ongoing contact. School authorities have primary responsibility for the care and welfare of their pupils. The school is a privileged setting to prevent, recognize and intervene on situations that threaten children’s welfare and development. Thus, schools must ensure a safe environment for children which can be achieved through some measures as below 1) implement school-based education programmes for prevention of child sexual abuse, tailored to different ages and cognitive levels 2)Have clear procedures and programs for child protection in the school - Give direction to school management, teachers and staff regarding the identification and response to child protection concerns and the continued support of the child. 3) Designate a person responsible for child protection issues who has the specific skills, motivation and knowledge required – 4) Monitor the progress of children considered to be at risk - Contribute to the prevention of child sexual abuse through curricular provision 5) Provide or access training for teachers and members of the management team to ensure that they have a good working knowledge of child protection issues and procedures 6)- Have clear written procedures in place concerning action to be taken where allegations are received against school employees Lastly the ‘school’ has to be vigilant and provide friendly and safe word spaces with children in the classroom, to reduce child sexual abuse
Teachers have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in schools. In school a Teacher can explain why not to use the sexual abusing words. Once children come to know they practice this and they can change the society where they live.Eventually, today's children are the future
School is the second home for a child who spends a lot of precious time with the teacher. School and teacher plays an important role in a child next to is home. there so it as to make them understand about gender sensitivity and friendly movement as a human beings with all .conduct separate sessions for boys and girls and listen to their talks and keep a constant watch on any child found to be disturbed too and then carry on with any sort of investigation
Teachers should build a strong understanding bond with his/her students so that they can communicate with the teacher about csa if any occurs with them. Sensitising the children through audio/visual resources will also help
Teachers are the single most important factor in creating an effective and inclusive classroom. ... A child-friendly school recognizes, encourages and supports children's growing capacities as learners by providing a school culture, teaching behaviours and curriculum content that are focused on learning and the learner. School that Is Safe and Responsive to All... Focus on academic achievement. ... Involve families in meaningful ways. ... Develop links to the community. ... Emphasize positive relationships among students and staff.
Teachers can help students to make aware them about good touch,and bad touch.and if someone try to do wrong they can tell their teachers without any hesitation
School authorities have primary responsibility for the care and welfare of their pupils. The school is a privileged setting to prevent, recognize and intervene on situations that threaten children’s welfare and development.Teacher's can help students to make aware them about good touch,and bad touch.It is the educator's role to report any suspicions of child abuse and neglect.Reporting is just the beginning of the child protection process. Treatment, rehabilitation, the strengthening of thefamily, and prevention still lie ahead. Traditionally, the roles of school and educator in child abuse and neglecthave ended with reporting, but this is changing. Increasingly, educators are providing assistance and support to CPS staff by sharing relevant information about specific families and children after they have been reported; byproviding services for the child, the parent, and the family; and by participating on a multidisciplinary team. Schools can also become actively involved in community efforts to reduce the incidence of child maltreatment
By providing serious information in a light and friendly manner,sensitization of good touch and bad touch, positive awareness of sexual and behavioural changes during puberty etc.
We should always be kind to the students so that the could share their feelings and experiences with us. We should listen their conversation patiently so thet they wouldn't be afraid. We shouldn't compare them to others
making the children aware of different situations where they are likely undergo sexual harassments and taking the children to confidence and listening to them giving free access to to gradience cell.
The school is the one social institution outside the family whete children go everyday. School authorities have primary responsibility for the care and welfare of their pupils. The school is a privileged setting to prevent, recognize and intervene on situations that threaten children’s welfare and development. Thus, schools must ensure a safe environment for children which can be achieved through some measures as below 1) implement school-based education programmes for prevention of child sexual abuse, tailored to different ages and cognitive levels 2)Have clear procedures and programs for child protection in the school - Give direction to school management, teachers and staff regarding the identification and response to child protection concerns and the continued support of the child. 3) Designate a person responsible for child protection issues who has the specific skills, motivation and knowledge required – 4) Monitor the progress of children considered to be at risk - Contribute to the prevention of child sexual abuse through curricular provision 5) Provide or access training for teachers and members of the management team to ensure that they have a good working knowledge of child protection issues and procedures 6)- Have clear written procedures in place concerning action to be taken where allegations are received against school employees Lastly the ‘school’ has to be vigilant and provide friendly and safe word spaces with children in the classroom, to reduce child sexual abuse
Avoiding students stay in lonely places, creating awareness about the topic to remain safe and secure, reducing the distance between parents and themselves and teachers and students to talk about it freely to have quicker solution.
School plays an important role for a child next to home. Most of the time children spend there so it as to make them understand about gender sensitivity and friendly movement as a human beings with all .
schools play vital role to make aware children about bad and good touch. they should not be left unattended or in lonely places. counselling of parents are also required as these offences take place at home.
At the time of appointment, teachers should be asked about POCSO Act. They should be aware of the act. Sensitization of staff including support staff to be conducted on regular basis. Teachers to attend the trainings on the same. Environment of the school should be such that students and staff can discuss their issues freely with the concerned authorities.
In school we have to explain why not to use sexual abusing words. We can consult their parents also for not using gender bias words. If make our students and their parents aware about this, we can stop this.
Teacher's can help students to make aware them about good touch,and bad touch.and if someone try to do wrong they can tell their teachers without any hesitation.It is our sole duty and responsibility to keep children grow in an environment that build their confidence friendship, and happiness security irrespective of the family circumstances or background and each time Teacher's should be vigilant.
n school we have to explain why not to use sexual abusing words. We can consult their parents also for not using gender bias words. If make our students and their parents aware about this, we can stop this.
Schools and Teachers can take the following preventive measures: a. Creating safe spaces for discussions. b. Complaint/Suggestion Box in school for children to submit the written complaints about sexual abuse. c. Providing awareness to teaching & non-teaching staff and parents. d. Have open discussions on Gender, Child Sexual Abuse, Self Defense. e. Having Child Protection Policy including safe recruitment policy. f. Providing awareness to children on Online Safety, Online Grooming, Safe and Unsafe Touch. g. Doing regular safety audits of school including staff, infrastructure etc.
School plays an important role in a child next to is home. Most of the time children spent there so it as to make them understand about gender sensitivity and friendly movement as a human beings with all .
In school we have to explain why not to use sexual abusing words. We can consult their parents also for not using gender bias words. If make our students and their parents aware about this, we can stop this.
school can be prevent the CSA by taking the following steps 1. Introducing sex education in school syllabus 2. Conducting awareness programs abt CSA and the POSCO Act to teachers as well as children 3. fixing camera everywhere and monitoring the powerful person and their action. if scl comes to know take the proper action on the person. 4. conducting classes to non-teaching staff too. 5. counselling session shd be included in the TT of the school 6.Anecdotal of the child shd check by the head every week n find the indicators and take proper action. (Anecdotal record is mandatory in scl)
School can prevent CSA by Providing information about good touch and bad touch, information about children's right, information about POCSO act to the children and all stakeholders of the school.
Teacher is second parent a child . School is a place where a child spend most of the time and so it can play a better role to create a gender sensitive and gender friendly environment . Teachers can make them aware and explain about good and bad touch. We can counsel their parents also for avoiding gender bias words. Children should be educated well about sex education. Last but not the least I feel that training of self defense can be included in the Physical education curriculum.
All those that matter in the school must firstly fathom that boys can be abused too. Usually we presume that it can happen to only girls and thus overlook the fact that all children are vulnerable and become easy targets for a monster lurking in the corner. All including the principal, teachers and counsellors must be on the toes always for negligence of any kind can lead to disastrous consequences and child may be physically and emotionally scarred for life. Sudden changes that can be observed in a child like suddenly losing interest in academics, becoming regularly irregular, or turning all of a sudden aggressive, not taking part in any activity and looking woebegone and lost could be signs of abuse. Teachers need to be understanding with such children and never to discuss in their presence their excruciating issues with other teachers. A message box can be put in the school for those poor children who are hesitant to put forth their problems in person. The head of the school must be accessible and approachable for only then either the teachers or the students can freely air their views. Good rapport with the parents to helps for who knows the parent at home could be the monster too. Indifferent attitude is something no school should resort to. Instead an ambience of empathy should prevail in the school so that every child feels secure and safe and can open his/her heart out without fear of any kind.
By ensuring a safe environment Trustworthy persons around the child Making the child aware of different forms of abuse and asking the child to report the same in case of any eventuality. Developing a feeling of trust and showing concern for the child. Vigilant staff Making all aware about the POCSO act.
Schools can play a vital role by being vigilant. sensitizing children about gender equality. setting code of conduct for students, teachers and other staff members.
Schools must provide safe learning environment for children.Schools must have counsellors and staff nurse who can observe any unusual behaviour of children and report the matter.Children should be educated about their rights and they must have confidence to report any abuse to them.
The school is the one social institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent, ongoing contact. Therefore, it is particularly well-suited for identifying endangered children, including those who are being sexually maltreated. Today, many schools are striving to become more effective participants in prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce the complex problem of child abuse.
School can play a role by making students aware about gender equality,from the beginning so they can think and act . Savita Thalor PRT KV No 1 HBK salawala dehradun
School can play a major role by sensitizing children about good and bad touch . They can organize programmes which create awareness about some sensitive issues. A talk by child counsellors periodically can be organized.
Schools play a vital role in preventing sexual abuse in children. Not to ignore if any child wants to make any complaint against any firm of sexual abuse. By creating such activities which would make the children aware about different forms of sexual abuses. Teachers can play the lead role by being friendly with such children so that they do not hesitate to disclose the matter and the culprit involved in such abuse.
Schools can sensitize/ educate all the stakeholders including teachers, students, staff, parents and the society by through properly designed programmes for separate groups as per the requirements of the guidelines/rules of the act
SCHOOLS PLAY VITAL ROLE FOR PREVENTING CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE BY IMPLEMENTING THE FOLLOWING MEASURES 1. Frequent workshops and PTM, awareness programmes. 2. Placing Complaint/Suggestion Box in school for children to submit the written complaints about sexual abuse. 3. Talk on Self Defense. 4. Displaying help line - Child line is India's first and the world's largest, 24-hour telephonic helpline service that is accessible to anyone calling on 1098 5. Doing regular safety audits of school including staff, infrastructure etc.
The schools can be vigilant and managed in such a way as to leave no or least scope for CSA-with CCTV at vantage points, regular monitoring of the same, sensitising and educating the students and the staffs about the POCSO Act and following zero tolerance policy in case of proven CSA.
ALKA To pave effective ways to prevent child abuse in schools ,we need to set up well vigilant and informed community that is confident in making judgments, and assertive in taking actions.
School can do a lot in preventing child abuse. The school should appoint a counsellor and should create awareness among all the staffs - teaching and non teaching. The school should continuously check the footage of CCTV and should educate all the staffs about POSCO Act. A suggestion box should be set-up in the school.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. Sensitizing children about gender equality, framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members is a pre-requisite. Installation of CCTVs in the premises, employing school counsellors must be done. Conducting awareness program must be taken up from time to time. Teachers must be friendly with students so that students can feel free to confide in him/her to share her experiences if any untoward incident takes place.
To pave effective ways to prevent child abuse in schools ,we need to set up well vigilant and informed community that is confident in making judgments, and assertive in taking actions.
Schools have a very important role in safeguarding children against sexual abuse. Teachers who are the second parent of the children should always be vigilant and alert regarding this issue. At the same time the management should also be supportive regarding this issue by providing infrastructure like CCTV cameras, Security system by appointing both male and female security personnel etc. Even the children who wish to go to washrooms should not be sent alone. As stated in my previous blog, sex education should be included as a part of the curriculum. Gender sensitisation is a topic which all the staff and students should be made aware of. 1098 helpline number should be displayed prominently. Empathise with the victims. Regular contacts should be held with parents and familiarise with the children's social environment. The school counsellor should regularly conduct sessions with the students. Good touch/Bad touch and Komal videos should be shown to students.
Schools play a vital role in preventing sexual abuse in children. Not to ignore if any child wants to make any complaint against any form of sexual abuse. By creating such activities which would make the children aware about different forms of sexual abuses. Teachers can play the lead role by being friendly with such children so that they do not hesitate to disclose the matter and the culprit involved in such abuse. Sensitize children about various forms of abuses and the agencies to report . Arrange many awareness programs and defense sections ,Counselling and fixing CCTV also to safe guard these issues.
Teachers have been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in schools. In school a Teacher can explain why not to use the sexual abusing words. Once children come to know they practice this and they can change the society where they live. Teachers also provide emotional support to the children.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. sensitizing children about gender equality, framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members, arranging workshops to provide awareness to teaching & non-teaching staff and parents, create awareness among children on Online Safety, Online Grooming, Safe and Unsafe Touch.
Amit Kumar Pandey ,KV Berhampore Schools can play an important role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. Everyone should be educated about gender equality, code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members.Workshops can be arranged to provide awareness to teaching & non-teaching staff and parents.
Teachers play an important role in preventing the child sexual abuse because the child spend most of the time there. The teachers should emphasize in teaching moral and ethical values right from primary stages. Awareness about online sexual assaults should be taught . Teacher counsellors plays amajor role to observe each and every child's behaviour from time to time . Hazard related to online exposer to sexuality is to warned to children in secondary stages . Workshops should be conducted for this awareness.
School and teacher plays an important role in a child next to is home so as to make them understand about gender sensitivity and friendly movement as a human beings with all .
Gender sensitivity awareness activities like demonstrations, group activities, role play, etc. Conducting workshops on abuse, especially sexual. General discussions with students on a regular basis. Verification of all employees. Child abuse action committee Female attendees in school buses. Installing and ensuring proper working of CCTVs, etc.
Schools can play a vital role in creating awareness about the issue through various programmes like role play, film shows etc., and by imparting value based education to groom the growing buds to grow up as responsible citizens who can raise their voice against such atrocities in the future too.
Never ignore any complaint against any firm of sexual abuse. By creating such activities which would make the children aware about different forms of sexual abuses. Screen the movie by unicef about child abuse.....KOMAL
Teachers SHOULD BE friendly with children so that they disclose the matter and the culprit involved in ABUSE.
Schools play an important role in a child's life. Most of the time of the children is spent in the school and many important things like gender sensitivity and gender equality can be dealt with at school in a friendly manner . Teacher counsellors can conduct various workshops to create awareness among the students.
schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. sensitizing children about gender equality. framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members.
Keeping complaint box in the school for such a abuse and keeping track of such a complaints. Making cell which will take action on such thing quickly. Mentoring and addition of value added education in the curriculum will give the best results
Teacher is considered as second parent for children. Teacher can help students to make aware them about good touch and bad touch. Friendly environment should be provided by a teacher so that a child can share their problems with a teacher without hesitation.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by counselling students and other stake holders, creating awareness, gender sensitization ,and making all aware about the POCSO act.
Create a workshop. Child should be aware about bad and good touch. Gender sensitive concerns should be in curriculum. Child aware about the constitutional. Rights.
Schools can play a very important role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. Sensitize children about gender equality, framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members, installing CCTV etc can definitely hep.
Schools must ensure a safe environment for children and must be able to track their evolution, in order to notify to the competent authorities any identified situation of vulnerability. For this reason it is the responsibility of the school to: - Have clear procedures and programs for child protection in the school - Give direction to school management, teachers and staff regarding the identification and response to child protection concerns and the continued support of the child. - Designate a person responsible for child protection issues who has the specific skills, motivation and knowledge required - Monitor the progress of children considered to be at risk - Contribute to the prevention of child sexual abuse through curricular provision - Provide or access training for teachers and members of the management team to ensure that they have a good working knowledge of child protection issues and procedures - Have clear written procedures in place concerning action to be taken where allegations are received against school employees. It is a collective efforts of all stakeholders to prevent Children's Sexual Abuse.
School can play a major role by sensitizing children about good and bad touch . They can organize programmes which create awareness about some sensitive issues. A talk by child counsellors periodically can be organized.
School plays an important role in a child next to is home. Most of the time children spent there so it as to make them understand about gender sensitivity and friendly movement as a human beings with all .
This can be done by sensitizing students especially in primary section, about GOOD N BAD TOUCH through various activities like film show. Cartoon characters, comic, role play, story telling, open discussion and sharing their views n experiences in a fearless n friendly environment . If any case comes into picture it's secrecy must be maintained with due respect and appropriate actions to be taken at the earliest.
Schools can largely contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly atmosphere not only in schools but also in the society. Schools can do a lot by initiating a lot of activities which develop the creation of such a society/nation which is free from Gender-bias.
Teacher facilitator can play a vital role. Emotional support is very important for the children in school.By councelling, showing them videos,short movies , creating awareness,involving parents are some ways to prevent child abuse.
Create awareness among children on the topic. Observe behaviour changes in children, gain confidence of children and be close to them, listen to what the child has to confide...these steps could save a child's life from getting deformed from child sexual abuse.
a) school can teach children about good touch and bad touch. b) children can be taught through discussion and documentaries. c) teacher counselors can ko be called to tell about the subject.
Schools can largely contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly atmosphere not only in schools but also in the society. Schools can do a lot by initiating a lot of activities which develop the creation of such a society/nation which is free from Gender-bias.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse. Schools can create a safe environment in which there is no possibility of such crime. Schools can play a vital role in finding out if a child is undergoing in any of such activities in family or social life and reporting it to the appealing authorities. Anand Parkash, Rewari
School authorities have primary responsibility for the care and welfare of their pupils. The school is a privileged setting to prevent, recognize and intervene on situations that threaten children’s welfare and development.
Teachers are connected with students after their parents , so teacher can play a good role by educating students about such incidents in a decent way also with the help of parents.
Teachers can play a very vital role by helping students to make aware of about good touch and bad touch by conducting a workshop on Gender sensitization. Make the classroom a friendly one where a student will be comfortable to share their problems with the teacher.
School is a social agency which have found such sexual abuse cases reported lately. however, the school personnel and the school could take necessary cautions in order to avoid such an heinous crime. Some suggestions possibly are- 1. conducive, healthy atmosphere 2. availability of teachers 3. Recruitment of trained counselors 4. Conduction of awareness workshops 5. Installation of CCTV Cameras, etc
Schools can largely contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly atmosphere not only in schools but also in the society. Schools can do a lot by initiating a lot of activities which develop the creation of such a society/nation which is free from Gender-bias.
School can play a big roll to create awareness about child abuse. It can create trust among students so they can feel safe in school and shair with teachers . Teachers can be first person who can identifies if any changes accure in chhils' behaviour . Schoo can cunduct PTA to creater awareness among society because it is duty of every adult to give a safe enviounment to our children . Schoo can provide suddgestion bos or such boxes in school where child can share his feeling in written
Imparting more vigilance through installing CCTV, well organised monitoring staff, screening of personnels who are involved in day to day activities of the school etc.
Schools management can play vital role to prevent child abuse. School managent must make and stricky follow safe school environment. They should take student saxual abuse on top priority and there should be saxual prevention team should be for formed keeping teaching ,non teaching and schools managemnt as team. Should make policy for prevention of saxual abuse ,behavior observation sheet must be prepared for all staff and police varification of all staff must be done. Technology should be enhanced to keep eye on each individual by cctv camera. SMS system for student reaching and leaving school. Awaresss traing for prevention of saxual abuse and behavioral training should be reviewed by school management. Vinita Devi PRT ,KV HBK1 , DEHRADUN
schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. sensitizing children about gender equality. framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. Sensitizing teachers, non teaching staff about different types of abuse, about gender equality, putting up cctv cameras in place and making audit of it on a regular basis, providing safe environment, an environment which builds up trust so that the child can talk about it without getting intimidated, doing activities which would make children aware of the abuses and what to do in such cases.
Schools can play a vital role, first of all by providing a secured environment, having thorough security norms, tight security, CCTV installed checking the footage, help staff background check, grievance boxes or grievances call for children where the child can confide their problems and most important to build a trust relationship with the child so that they can come to the teacher, when they face any problem. Kartey and MARTIALarts training to make them self dependent. Are the few ways the schools can adopt.
School is a place where all the children are spending lot of time. If awareness can be developed at this stage. it will have a larger impact in society.
Kavita Kharge (K. V. No. 1AFS Pune) By being vigiclent and by creating awareness among students. Tight security, backgroud check of all people working in school can play a vital role in providing secure environment to the students.
1.Suggestion/complaint box for children in school to report any such behaviourvin writing. 2.Creating awareness among parents, students and staff members. 3.Group discussions at school level on Gender sensitivity, sexual abuse etc. 4."online safety" measures awareness among children. 5."safe and unsafe touch distinction by children. 6.Regular safety audit of CCTV Camera Systems of School. 7.Regular meeting for safety for children (Once 2 months)
schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. sensitizing children about gender equality. framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of CSA. The children in the school to be made aware of good and bad touch. They should be given an environment in which they can feel free to speak about the mishap if there is any. Teachers and other staff members are to be made aware of the CSA and the measures to be taken for responding to it and for its prevention.
Teacher's can help students to make aware them about good touch,and bad touch.It is the educator's role to report any suspicions of child abuse and neglect. Reporting is just the beginning of the child protection process. Treatment, rehabilitation, the strengthening of the family, and prevention still lies ahead. Traditionally, the roles of school and educator in child abuse and neglect have ended with reporting, but this is changing. hence vigilance during duty and after duty hours is must for all stake holders in school to avoid sexual abuse of any child.
Schools play a vital role in preventing sexual abuse in children. Schools can prevent CSA by Providing information about good touch and bad touch, by educating all the stakeholders including teachers, students, staff, parents and the society through properly designed programmes based on the rules about children's right, information about POCSO act and Children should be educated well about sex education. I feel that training of self-defense can be included in the Physical education curriculum.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. Sensitizing teachers, non teaching staff about different types of abuse, about gender equality, putting up cctv cameras in place and making audit of it on a regular basis, providing safe environment, an environment which builds up trust so that the child can talk about it without getting intimidated, doing activities which would make children aware of the abuses and what to do in such cases. School would create awareness programmers in form of plays seminars, workshops, so that children would be aware about the situations where child abuse can be occurred.
role play to educate,awareness class to all stake holders,periodical counceliing ,impart self defence training ,vigilance at schools at all occasions.etc are useful to prevent the abuse.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of child sexual abuse (CSA) by creating a gender sensitive and gender friendly environment. The stake holders can sensitize children about gender equality. Every school should have a counselor to conduct counselling sessions for all age groups. Besides, Nodal teachers of Adolescence Education Program (AEP) can take up certain issues related to adolescent behavioural changes, good touch and bad touch etc. Every school should maintain a complain box kept near administrative section where students should feel free to write and drop their complains. Every school should appoint a coach for teaching martial arts , this will build confidence in the child and he/she can defend himself/herself. Important phone numbers including childline number should be displayed at the strategic points in the Vidyalaya. CCTV cameras in and around the school building having recording facility should be installed.
Schools must ensure a safe environment for children and must be able to track their evolution, in order to notify to the competent authorities any identified situation of vulnerability. For this reason it is the responsibility of the school to: - Have clear procedures and programs for child protection in the school - Give direction to school management, teachers and staff regarding the identification and response to child protection concerns and the continued support of the child. - Designate a person responsible for child protection issues who has the specific skills, motivation and knowledge required - Monitor the progress of children considered to be at risk - Contribute to the prevention of child sexual abuse through curricular provision - Provide or access training for teachers and members of the management team to ensure that they have a good working knowledge of child protection issues and procedures - Have clear written procedures in place concerning action to be taken where allegations are received against school employees. It is a collective efforts of all stakeholders to prevent Children's Sexual Abuse.
Teacher can contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly atmosphere not only in schools but also in the society. Teachers can build a bond with his/her students so that they can communicate with the teacher about anything happen to them. Teacher can do a lot by initiating a lot of activities which develop the creation of such a school/society which is free from Gender-bias.
Schools play an extremely vital role in creating a safe haven for all the students. It should be a bias-free and gender sensitive environment where all the students will be taken care of - physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically.
School can play a vital role in awareness among children about gender sensibility and equality . If the childrens are aware of it they will protest they will ask for help and school should also take initiative in increasing there vigilance and protection
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by following some measures: 1. Involve families in meaningful ways. 2.Develop links to the community. 3.Emphasize positive relationships among students and staff. 4.Implement school-based education programmes for prevention of child sexual abuse, tailored to different ages and cognitive levels 5.Have clear procedures and programs for child protection in the school - Give direction to school management, teachers and staff regarding the identification and response to child protection concerns and the continued support of the child. 6. Designate a person responsible for child protection issues who has the specific skills, motivation and knowledge required – 7. Monitor the progress of children considered to be at risk - Contribute to the prevention of child sexual abuse through curricular provision 8. Provide or access training for teachers and members of the management team to ensure that they have a good working knowledge of child protection issues and procedures 9. Have clear written procedures in place concerning action to be taken where allegations are received against school employees 10. Lastly the ‘school’ has to be vigilant and provide friendly and safe word spaces with children in the classroom, to reduce child sexual abuse
In school we have to explain why not to use bad words. We can consult their parents also for not using gender bias words. If make our students and their parents aware about this, we can stop this.
We as teachers have to make our children aware about it through film shows ( Eg. Komal) , posters , small talks on good and bad touch , role play , dramas , installing CCTV cameras and police verification of all the non-staff. Students should be taught about self-defense also. A suggestion box should be there and if any child give anonymous message in the box , school management should take strict disciplinary action if found guilty .
schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. sensitizing children about gender equality. framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members.
Create a fearless atmosphere in the school among students and teachers, so children are ready to inform the matter. Educate students about bad touch and good touch.Students should be taught about self-defense also. A suggestion box should be there and if any child give anonymous message in the box , school management should take strict disciplinary action if found guilty . KUSUM LATA KV SFS HAKIMPET
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by-- setting a committe of school teachers who are always vigilant on the sexual child issues,creating an environment safe for the child in all the respects,counsellors in the school should be appointed and complaint box to set up where their problems can be handled properly.
MKP KVS School can play a vital role in preventing CSA. There can be different procedures and techniques. 1. Creation of a gender sensitive environment can be a great tool in this regard. 2. Moral Education 3. Regular counselling services for Students, Teachers and staff. 4. Effective implementation of AEP. 5. Implementation of Suggestion /complaint box for children in school to report any such behaviour. 6. Creating awareness among parents, students and staff members. 7. Regular group discussions / workshops etc at school level on Gender sensitivity, sexual abuse etc. 8. Regular monitoring by CCTV. 9. Child Rights Protection Cell
School can play an important role in spreading awareness among children regarding good and bad touch, ways of acting in emergency situation if the abuse is happening at home, counselling services in school can help the child communicate the issue. In developed countries, schools have the right to call child protection services if they have any evidence on child abuse or mistreatment
School can play a very important role like: 1.Developing a healthy atmosphere. 2.By bringing the stake holders closer to each other. 3.Trained counselor should be appointed. 4.Monitoring of the students. 5.Teacher should in touch with the parents. etc.
School can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by making students, parents and community aware about POSCO &., GENDER SENSITIZATION, by making students mentally and physically strong through Yoga , techniques of self defense and Moral education.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. sensitizing children about gender equality. framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members. Schools should be a safe haven for students as well as for staff members too.Cameras should be installed .Students should be exposed to self defensive techniques .
Schools can definitely play an important role by sensitizing the children about sexual abuse, Good and Bad Touch. Teachers can guide the children about the issue and can create awareness amongst children and the parents.
School can play very important role as even the small children can be taught about good and bad touch. And observing the children plays very important role as any deviation from his or her normal behavior can indicate something wring
Jayesh Patel Tgt-Science Jnv-Gandhinagar Create a fearless atmosphere in the school among students and teachers, so children are ready to inform the matter. Educate students about bad touch and good touch.Students should be taught about self-defense also. A suggestion box should be there and if any child give anonymous message in the box , school management should take strict disciplinary action if found guilty .
All stakeholders have a great role to play to make children aware, educate about Child Abuse and support. Listening to them and providing with a conducive environment will also help
Teachers are the second parents of the students, so they should talk more and connect with them so that they feel free to express their views and feelings. In schools we can make them aware about good touch and bad touch.
We need to create a society which is free from gender bias. Schools play an important role in shaping the personality of a child. So, as teachers, we need to inculcate those values and qualities in students, so that they are able to do away with the age old prejudices and stereotypes which exist in our society and eradicate discrimination. Sex education is also a must from sixth grade onwards for both boys and girls.
To prevent CSA in school, -it is very important to have interactive sessions with the students to let them be aware of CSA in its various forms. -During PTM the parents should be sensitized towards the emotional needs of their wards and also to be aware of the changes in their behaviour. - the teachers and students should maintain a very friendly relationship so that the students are able to share all their problems with their teachers. - there should be sessions on self- defence to empower the children. - it is very important to maintain a safe environment and let the students feel that they are safe there in all respect.
Teacher's can help students to make aware them about good touch,and bad touch.and if someone try to do wrong they can tell their teachers without any hesitation. children grow in an environment that build their confidence friendship, and happiness security irrespective of the family circumstances or background and each time Teacher's should be vigilant.
Children can be made aware and sensitise about the good touch and bad touch . School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse by being vigilant all the time Children can be sensitise about gender equality,code of conduct for teachers and students and other staff members.
Schools play a vital role in preventing sexusl abuse in children.Not to ignore if any child wants to make any complaint against any firm of sexual abuse.By creating such activities which would make the children aware about different forms of sexual abuses.Teachers can play the lead role by being friendly with such children so that they do not hesitate to disclose the matter and the culprit involved in such abuse.
School can give sex education as well as what to do and how to do when someone is sexually abusing child inside or outside school. Children should be taught first of all what do you mean by sex abusing.
To set up a special committee responsible for - Training teachers to handle such situations - Sensitizing staff and students both -Frequent infrastructure audits like looking at CCTV footage on regular basis -Peer watchout scheme -Conducive and friendly environment - Safe movement areas
School plays an important role in a child next to is home. Most of the time children spent there so it as to make them understand about gender sensitivity and friendly movement as a human beings with all .
Schools can largely contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly atmosphere in schools and society as well. Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, by being vigilant throughout. We need to sensitize children about gender equality and set up a well vigilant and informed community that is confident in making judgments, and assertive in taking actions.Teacher's can make children aware about good and bad touch and also to inform/share with their teachers without any hesitation if they have seen/experienced anything wrong. It is our sole duty and responsibility to keep children grow in a positive environment that builds/boosts their confidence.
We teacher facilitators can and do play a vital role too. A child comes in direct and close contact with us for a considerable duration each day. Keeping a hawk's eye on their activities is a binding duty of every teacher. A teacher is aware of a student's nature and habits. Any change in that should be immediately taken notice of and dealt with. Everyone should aim for a society that is free of child abuse and aspire for a world that is free of any exploitation of children. Schools sure can show the way.
In school we have to explain why not to use sexual abusing words. We can consult their parents also for not using gender bias words.School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse by being vigilant all the time.
The school is the one social institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent, ongoing contact. Therefore, it is particularly well-suited for identifying endangered children, including those who are being sexually maltreated. Today, many schools are striving to become more effective participants in prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce the complex problem of child abuse.
Schools can play a remarkable role in preventing sexusl abuse in children school children arer very close to their teachers as well as their classmates. They could be educate about good touch and bad touch by any person and what could they if they found themselves in a condition where someone is trying to do any abusing activity with them.
Anita Thakre K. V. VSN Nagpur Schools can play very important role in prevention of child sexual abuse by making children aware about gender, child sexual abuse, good touch and bad touch, online safety and self defense. For this activities like open discussion, showing films like 'Komal', poster making, Role plays etc. can be organized. School can provide awareness to staff, parents and also in society. Teachers play a vital role by building confidence in students. Schools can creat safe places for disclosure like suggestions box for children.
school can help a lot in prevention of child sexual abuse. A teacher can observe the child's behavior. if a child's behavior is suddenly changed or he isolates himself or remain silent , these symptoms can be noticed. The change in the behaviour of a person in school toward a child can also be observed. Moreover the awareness of children about sexual abuse is very important. A school should counsel its students regarding such abuse and its types to make them understand what child sexual abuse is. How to identify it and to whom it can be reported so that a sexually abused child do not hesitate to report this crime.
School can play a very important role in the prevention of child sex abuse by maintaining a vigilant environment and giving attention to any abnormal observation about the child (no matter how small or insignificant it may appear)
Schools play a vital role in preventing sexusl abuse in children.Not to ignore if any child wants to make any complaint against any firm of sexual abuse.By creating such activities which would make the children aware about different forms of sexual abuses.Teachers can play the lead role by being friendly with such children so that they do not hesitate to disclose the matter and the culprit involved in such abuse
Schools play a vital role in preventing sexual abuse in children. Not to ignore if any child wants to make any complaint against any firm of sexual abuse. By creating such activities which would make the children aware about different forms of sexual abuses. Teachers can play the lead role by being friendly with such children so that they do not hesitate to disclose the matter and the culprit involved in such abuse Avoiding students stay in lonely places, creating awareness about the topic to remain safe and secure, reducing the distance between parents and themselves and teachers and students to talk about it freely to have quicker solution.
A school is a second home for students where a student spends many hours . So a school should be a safe premises .To prevent sexual abuse in schools the teaching staff and the support staff should be sensitized from time to time.At the same time children from lower classes itself should be educated to differentiate between good touch and bad touch.
Schools can largely contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly atmosphere not only in schools but also in the society. Schools can do a lot by initiating a lot of activities which develop the creation of such a society/nation which is free from Gender-bias. Teachers play an important role in preventing the child sexual abuse because the child spend most of the time there. The teachers should emphasize in teaching moral and ethical values right from primary stages. Awareness about online sexual assaults should be taught . Teacher counsellors plays a major role to observe each and every child's behaviour from time to time . Hazard related to online exposure to sexuality is to warned to children in secondary stages . Workshops should be conducted for this awareness.
Schools can largely contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly atmosphere not only in schools but also in the society. Schools can do a lot by initiating a lot of activities which develop the creation of such a society/nation which is free from Gender-bias.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. sensitizing children about gender equality. framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members. Closed circuit camera to be fitted in all lobbies, Main entry and Exit points and outside Toilets.
School can play a vital role in preventing sexual abuse by being vigilant, making arrangements for monitoring like functional CCT tv camera, conduction of awareness session for students and staff, counselling session . Information regarding child help line number, placing complaint box .For primary class teachers should be more aware and children should to told about good and bad touch .
School can prevent CSA by Providing information about good touch and bad touch, information about children's right, information about POCSO act to the children and all stakeholders of the school.
prevent child abuse in schools ,we need to set up well vigilant and informed community that is confident in making judgments, and assertive in taking actions.
Teach the children regarding good touch and bad touch ensure to take steps to make school safe and secure safety audit of school and staff awareness to students and staff Support for children who reveal they were abused. timely reporting to police in case abuse takes place
Games, sports and some physical activities that we do in day to day life promote emotional health and well-being. Examples of some activities are Indoor activities: Crawl under tables, Use an object to practice balance, Jumping jacks, Dancing, Yogic activities …. Outdoor activities: Climbing a ladder, Jumping, crawling, and walking from one area to another, Zig-zag running between obstacles, Jump over various objects, Walking, ...Share some games, sports and activities, which help in fitness under each column. Take a moment to Reflect and post your comment in the comment box.
As a school leader/teacher leader, how can you apply this understanding of the influence of school leadership on student learning in your school? Take a moment to reflect and post your comment in the comment box.
What is the role of personal-social qualities in our everyday life? Do they help in learning? Do teachers play a role in developing the personal-social qualities? Take a moment to Reflect and post your comment in the comment box.
ReplyDeleteSchools can largely contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly atmosphere not only in schools but also in the society.
Schools can do a lot by initiating a lot of activities which develop the creation of such a society/nation which is free from Gender-bias.
In school as a Teacher we can explain why not to use the sexual abusing words. Once children come to know they practice this and they can change the society where they live.Eventually, today's children are the future.
Deleteschools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. sensitizing children about gender equality. framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members.
DeleteTo pave effective ways to prevent child abuse in schools ,we need to set up well vigilant and informed community that is confident in making judgments, and assertive in taking actions.
DeleteSchool can play a pivotal role in this prevalent problem arising in education industry . School will administrators can divide the whole school students among mentors . Behavioural counselor should be allowed to conduct frequent counselling sessions amongst small group of students. Feedback forms ,every students personal dosier will act as a catalyst to reduce child abuse in school premises. trust building exercises and making students leader on rotational basis ,formulation of clear cut and strict rules against sexual harassment and the execution of the same plays a great role.
DeleteChild abuse can be prevented through gender sensitisation. If all members are aware and dutiful towards their roles and children are made aware of their gender roles and good touch and bad touch; they should be supported and encouraged to report any such unfortunate incidences to teachers whom they trust.
DeleteSchool plays an important role in a child next to is home. Most of the time children spent there so it as to make them understand about gender sensitivity and friendly movement as a human beings with all .
ReplyDeleteSchools play a vital role in preventing sexusl abuse in children.Not to ignore if any child wants to make any complaint against any firm of sexual abuse.By creating such activities which would make the children aware about different forms of sexual abuses.Teachers can play the lead role by being friendly with such children so that they do not hesitate to disclose the matter and the culprit involved in such abuse.
DeleteIn school we have to explain why not to use sexual abusing words. We can consult their parents also for not using gender bias words. If make our students and their parents aware about this, we can stop this.
ReplyDeleteIn school as a Teacher we can explain why not to use the sexual abusing words. Once children come to know they practice this and they can change the society where they live.Eventually, today's children are the future
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher we can say if start teaching students we should clear their concept and then we can try to make sure that how child should aware of sexual abusing if we can teach them about the demerit of such bad habit then it will b helpful for the students to implement at home and also in society
ReplyDeleteEvery staff must be vigilant to make school a secure place.Sessions on gender sensitization and short films of GOOD TOUCH & BAD TOUCH to be shown to students.
DeleteTeachers have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in schools.
ReplyDeleteIn school a Teacher can explain why not to use the sexual abusing words. Once
children come to know they practice this and they can change the society where they live.Eventually, today's children are the future
Teachers are the second parents of the students so they should talk more and connect with them to feel free to Express their views.
ReplyDeleteTeachers are the single most important factor in creating an effective and inclusive classroom. ... A child-friendly school recognizes, encourages and supports children's growing capacities as learners by providing a school culture, teaching behaviours and curriculum content that are focused on learning and the learner.
ReplyDeleteSchool that Is Safe and Responsive to All...
Focus on academic achievement. ...
Involve families in meaningful ways. ...
Develop links to the community. ...
Emphasize positive relationships among students and staff. ...
Discuss safety issues openly. ...
Treat students with equal respect. ...
Create ways for students to share their concerns.
In school we have to explain why not to use sexual abusing words. We can consult their parents also for not using gender bias words. If make our students and their parents aware about this, we can stop this.
ReplyDeleteTeacher's can help students to make aware them about good touch,and bad touch.and if someone try to do wrong they can tell their teachers without any hesitation.It is our sole duty and responsibility to keep children grow in an environment that build their confidence friendship, and happiness security irrespective of the family circumstances or background and each time Teacher's should be vigilant.
ReplyDeleteTeachers have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in schools.
ReplyDeleteIn school a Teacher can explain why not to use the sexual abusing words. Once
children come to know they practice this and they can change the society where they live.Eventually, today's children are the future
Teacher is second parent a child . It is a place where a child spend most of the time. School can play a better role to create a gender sensitive and gender friendly environment in the school .once children learn to live in this environment they will change the society automatically.
ReplyDeleteTeachers and school authorities should Establish connection and be empathetic towards children, ,build their confidence irrespective of the family circumstances or background and each time Teacher's should be vigilan and, listen to students.
ReplyDeleteTeacher's can help students to make aware them about good touch,and bad touch.and if someone try to do wrong they can tell their teachers without any hesitation. children grow in an environment that build their confidence friendship, and happiness security irrespective of the family circumstances or background and each time Teacher's should be vigilant.
ReplyDeleteChild sexual abuse can be stopped by increasing awareness and confidence among students and their families.
ReplyDeleteCreate a fearless atmosphere in the school among students and teachers, so children are ready to inform the matter. Educate students about bad touch and good touch.
ReplyDeleteBy giving the awareness about this to children by psychological services and prevention measures to protect against the abuse.
ReplyDeleteSchools can form a committee to monitor the behavioral changes in any child. Awareness among the students regarding bad behaviors of people around them .
ReplyDeleteSchool can train teachers as to how to help students be aware of good touch,and bad touch.there should be school counselor mandatoryly so that if the students are not feeling comfortable talking to teacher, they can go to him/her. Teachers need to be vigilant all the time weather they teach that a student or not.
ReplyDeleteThank you
Ancy Davis, PGT Social Science, St.Arnold's Central School,Pune
Depending on the age and maturity of children,awareness programs can be conducted for students.Encourage parents to have pep talks about sexual development and help children to speak honestly and openly.
ReplyDeleteThe school is the one social institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent, ongoing contact. School authorities have primary responsibility for the care and welfare of their pupils. The school is a privileged setting to prevent, recognize and intervene on situations that threaten children’s welfare and development.
ReplyDeleteThus, schools must ensure a safe environment for children which can be achieved through some measures as below 1) implement school-based education programmes for prevention of child sexual abuse, tailored to different ages and cognitive levels
2)Have clear procedures and programs for child protection in the school - Give direction to school management, teachers and staff regarding the identification and response to child protection concerns and the continued support of the child.
3) Designate a person responsible for child protection issues who has the specific skills, motivation and knowledge required –
4) Monitor the progress of children considered to be at risk - Contribute to the prevention of child sexual abuse through curricular provision
5) Provide or access training for teachers and members of the management team to ensure that they have a good working knowledge of child protection issues and procedures
6)- Have clear written procedures in place concerning action to be taken where allegations are received against school employees
Lastly the ‘school’ has to be vigilant and provide friendly and safe word spaces with children in the classroom, to reduce child sexual abuse
Staff members can play imp.role in building self confidence and a good relation with students so that students can talk freely
Teachers have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in schools.
ReplyDeleteIn school a Teacher can explain why not to use the sexual abusing words. Once
children come to know they practice this and they can change the society where they live.Eventually, today's children are the future
School is the second home for a child who spends a lot of precious time with the teacher.
ReplyDeleteSchool and teacher plays an important role in a child next to is home. there so it as to make them understand about gender sensitivity and friendly movement as a human beings with all .conduct separate sessions for boys and girls and listen to their talks and keep a constant watch on any child found to be disturbed too and then carry on with any sort of investigation
Teachers should build a strong understanding bond with his/her students so that they can communicate with the teacher about csa if any occurs with them. Sensitising the children through audio/visual resources will also help
ReplyDeleteTeachers are the single most important factor in creating an effective and inclusive classroom. ... A child-friendly school recognizes, encourages and supports children's growing capacities as learners by providing a school culture, teaching behaviours and curriculum content that are focused on learning and the learner.
ReplyDeleteSchool that Is Safe and Responsive to All...
Focus on academic achievement. ...
Involve families in meaningful ways. ...
Develop links to the community. ...
Emphasize positive relationships among students and staff.
Teachers can help students to make aware them about good touch,and bad touch.and if someone try to do wrong they can tell their teachers without any hesitation
School authorities have primary responsibility for the care and welfare of their pupils. The school is a privileged setting to prevent, recognize and intervene on situations that threaten children’s welfare and development.Teacher's can help students to make aware them about good touch,and bad touch.It is the educator's role to report any suspicions of child abuse and neglect.Reporting is just the beginning of the child protection process. Treatment, rehabilitation, the strengthening of thefamily, and prevention still lie ahead. Traditionally, the roles of school and educator in child abuse and neglecthave ended with reporting, but this is changing. Increasingly, educators are providing assistance and support to CPS staff by sharing relevant information about specific families and children after they have been reported; byproviding services for the child, the parent, and the family; and by participating on a multidisciplinary team. Schools can also become actively involved in community efforts to reduce the incidence of child maltreatment
ReplyDeleteschools can make committees of the teachers who could identify such cases with help of other children and counsel them.
ReplyDeleteBy providing serious information in a light and friendly manner,sensitization of good touch and bad touch, positive awareness of sexual and behavioural changes during puberty etc.
ReplyDeleteWe should always be kind to the students so that the could share their feelings and experiences with us. We should listen their conversation patiently so thet they wouldn't be afraid. We shouldn't compare them to others
ReplyDeleteEncourage students to talk about any bad touch they feel about, make others aware of the laws in this. Ensure safe environment.
ReplyDeletechildren should be educated well about sex education
ReplyDeletemaking the children aware of different situations where they are likely undergo sexual harassments and taking the children to confidence and listening to them giving free access to to gradience cell.
ReplyDeleteThe school is the one social institution outside the family whete children go everyday. School authorities have primary responsibility for the care and welfare of their pupils. The school is a privileged setting to prevent, recognize and intervene on situations that threaten children’s welfare and development.
ReplyDeleteThus, schools must ensure a safe environment for children which can be achieved through some measures as below 1) implement school-based education programmes for prevention of child sexual abuse, tailored to different ages and cognitive levels
2)Have clear procedures and programs for child protection in the school - Give direction to school management, teachers and staff regarding the identification and response to child protection concerns and the continued support of the child.
3) Designate a person responsible for child protection issues who has the specific skills, motivation and knowledge required –
4) Monitor the progress of children considered to be at risk - Contribute to the prevention of child sexual abuse through curricular provision
5) Provide or access training for teachers and members of the management team to ensure that they have a good working knowledge of child protection issues and procedures
6)- Have clear written procedures in place concerning action to be taken where allegations are received against school employees
Lastly the ‘school’ has to be vigilant and provide friendly and safe word spaces with children in the classroom, to reduce child sexual abuse
ReplyDeleteAvoiding students stay in lonely places, creating awareness about the topic to remain safe and secure, reducing the distance between parents and themselves and teachers and students to talk about it freely to have quicker solution.
ReplyDeleteSchool plays an important role for a child next to home. Most of the time children spend there so it as to make them understand about gender sensitivity and friendly movement as a human beings with all .
ReplyDeleteschools play vital role to make aware children about bad and good touch. they should not be left unattended or in lonely places. counselling of parents are also required as these offences take place at home.
ReplyDeleteAt the time of appointment, teachers should be asked about POCSO Act. They should be aware of the act. Sensitization of staff including support staff to be conducted on regular basis. Teachers to attend the trainings on the same.
ReplyDeleteEnvironment of the school should be such that students and staff can discuss their issues freely with the concerned authorities.
In school we have to explain why not to use sexual abusing words. We can consult their parents also for not using gender bias words. If make our students and their parents aware about this, we can stop this.
ReplyDeleteTeacher's can help students to make aware them about good touch,and bad touch.and if someone try to do wrong they can tell their teachers without any hesitation.It is our sole duty and responsibility to keep children grow in an environment that build their confidence friendship, and happiness security irrespective of the family circumstances or background and each time Teacher's should be vigilant.
ReplyDeleten school we have to explain why not to use sexual abusing words. We can consult their parents also for not using gender bias words. If make our students and their parents aware about this, we can stop this.
ReplyDeleteIn school we have to explain abiut good and bad touch. We can counsel their parents also for avoiding gender bias words.
ReplyDeleteTeachers are the second parents of the students so they should talk more and connect with them to feel free to Express their views.
ReplyDeleteSchools and Teachers can take the following preventive measures:
ReplyDeletea. Creating safe spaces for discussions.
b. Complaint/Suggestion Box in school for children to submit the written complaints about sexual abuse.
c. Providing awareness to teaching & non-teaching staff and parents.
d. Have open discussions on Gender, Child Sexual Abuse, Self Defense.
e. Having Child Protection Policy including safe recruitment policy.
f. Providing awareness to children on Online Safety, Online Grooming, Safe and Unsafe Touch.
g. Doing regular safety audits of school including staff, infrastructure etc.
Jhimki Kar
Future Bhubaneswar School
School plays an important role in a child next to is home. Most of the time children spent there so it as to make them understand about gender sensitivity and friendly movement as a human beings with all .
ReplyDeleteIn school we have to explain why not to use sexual abusing words. We can consult their parents also for not using gender bias words. If make our students and their parents aware about this, we can stop this.
ReplyDeleteschool can be prevent the CSA by taking the following steps
ReplyDelete1. Introducing sex education in school syllabus
2. Conducting awareness programs abt CSA and the POSCO Act to teachers as well as children
3. fixing camera everywhere and monitoring the powerful person and their action. if scl comes to know take the proper action on the person.
4. conducting classes to non-teaching staff too.
5. counselling session shd be included in the TT of the school
6.Anecdotal of the child shd check by the head every week n find the indicators and take proper action. (Anecdotal record is mandatory in scl)
School can prevent CSA by
ReplyDeleteProviding information about good touch and bad touch, information about children's right, information about POCSO act to the children and all stakeholders of the school.
Teacher is second parent a child . School is a place where a child spend most of the time and so it can play a better role to create a gender sensitive and gender friendly environment . Teachers can make them aware and explain about good and bad touch. We can counsel their parents also for avoiding gender bias words. Children should be educated well about sex education. Last but not the least I feel that training of self defense can be included in the Physical education curriculum.
ReplyDeleteAll those that matter in the school must firstly fathom that boys can be abused too. Usually we presume that it can happen to only girls and thus overlook the fact that all children are vulnerable and become easy targets for a monster lurking in the corner. All including the principal, teachers and counsellors must be on the toes always for negligence of any kind can lead to disastrous consequences and child may be physically and emotionally scarred for life. Sudden changes that can be observed in a child like suddenly losing interest in academics, becoming regularly irregular, or turning all of a sudden aggressive, not taking part in any activity and looking woebegone and lost could be signs of abuse. Teachers need to be understanding with such children and never to discuss in their presence their excruciating issues with other teachers. A message box can be put in the school for those poor children who are hesitant to put forth their problems in person. The head of the school must be accessible and approachable for only then either the teachers or the students can freely air their views. Good rapport with the parents to helps for who knows the parent at home could be the monster too. Indifferent attitude is something no school should resort to. Instead an ambience of empathy should prevail in the school so that every child feels secure and safe and can open his/her heart out without fear of any kind.
ReplyDeleteBy ensuring a safe environment
ReplyDeleteTrustworthy persons around the child
Making the child aware of different forms of abuse and asking the child to report the same in case of any eventuality.
Developing a feeling of trust and showing concern for the child.
Vigilant staff
Making all aware about the POCSO act.
Schools can play a vital role by being vigilant. sensitizing children about gender equality. setting code of conduct for students, teachers and other staff members.
ReplyDeleteSchools must provide safe learning environment for children.Schools must have counsellors and staff nurse who can observe any unusual behaviour of children and report the matter.Children should be educated about their rights and they must have confidence to report any abuse to them.
ReplyDeleteThe school is the one social institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent, ongoing contact. Therefore, it is particularly well-suited for identifying endangered children, including those who are being sexually maltreated. Today, many schools are striving to become more effective participants in prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce the complex problem of child abuse.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a role by making students aware about gender equality,from the beginning so they can think and act .
ReplyDeleteSavita Thalor
KV No 1 HBK salawala dehradun
School can play a major role by sensitizing children about good and bad touch . They can organize programmes which create awareness about some sensitive issues. A talk by child counsellors periodically can be organized.
ReplyDeleteSchools play a vital role in preventing sexual abuse in children. Not to ignore if any child wants to make any complaint against any firm of sexual abuse. By creating such activities which would make the children aware about different forms of sexual abuses. Teachers can play the lead role by being friendly with such children so that they do not hesitate to disclose the matter and the culprit involved in such abuse.
ReplyDeleteSchools can sensitize/ educate all the stakeholders including teachers, students, staff, parents and the society by through properly designed programmes for separate groups as per the requirements of the guidelines/rules of the act
ReplyDelete1. Frequent workshops and PTM, awareness programmes.
2. Placing Complaint/Suggestion Box in school for children to submit the written complaints about sexual abuse.
3. Talk on Self Defense.
4. Displaying help line - Child line is India's first and the world's largest, 24-hour telephonic helpline service that is accessible to anyone calling on 1098
5. Doing regular safety audits of school including staff, infrastructure etc.
schools can make committees of the teachers who could identify such cases with help of other children and counsel them.
ReplyDeleteThe schools can be vigilant and managed in such a way as to leave no or least scope for CSA-with CCTV at vantage points, regular monitoring of the same, sensitising and educating the students and the staffs about the POCSO Act and following zero tolerance policy in case of proven CSA.
ReplyDeleteTo pave effective ways to prevent child abuse in schools ,we need to set up well vigilant and informed community that is confident in making judgments, and assertive in taking actions.
School can do a lot in preventing child abuse. The school should appoint a counsellor and should create awareness among all the staffs - teaching and non teaching. The school should continuously check the footage of CCTV and should educate all the staffs about POSCO Act. A suggestion box should be set-up in the school.
ReplyDeleteSchools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. Sensitizing children about gender equality, framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members is a pre-requisite. Installation of CCTVs in the premises, employing school counsellors must be done. Conducting awareness program must be taken up from time to time. Teachers must be friendly with students so that students can feel free to confide in him/her to share her experiences if any untoward incident takes place.
ReplyDeleteTo pave effective ways to prevent child abuse in schools ,we need to set up well vigilant and informed community that is confident in making judgments, and assertive in taking actions.
ReplyDeleteSchools have a very important role in safeguarding children against sexual abuse. Teachers who are the second parent of the children should always be vigilant and alert regarding this issue. At the same time the management should also be supportive regarding this issue by providing infrastructure like CCTV cameras, Security system by appointing both male and female security personnel etc. Even the children who wish to go to washrooms should not be sent alone. As stated in my previous blog, sex education should be included as a part of the curriculum. Gender sensitisation is a topic which all the staff and students should be made aware of. 1098 helpline number should be displayed prominently. Empathise with the victims. Regular contacts should be held with parents and familiarise with the children's social environment. The school counsellor should regularly conduct sessions with the students. Good touch/Bad touch and Komal videos should be shown to students.
ReplyDeleteSchools play a vital role in preventing sexual abuse in children. Not to ignore if any child wants to make any complaint against any form of sexual abuse. By creating such activities which would make the children aware about different forms of sexual abuses. Teachers can play the lead role by being friendly with such children so that they do not hesitate to disclose the matter and the culprit involved in such abuse. Sensitize children about various forms of abuses and the agencies to report . Arrange many awareness programs and defense sections ,Counselling and fixing CCTV also to safe guard these issues.
ReplyDeleteTeachers have been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in schools.
ReplyDeleteIn school a Teacher can explain why not to use the sexual abusing words. Once
children come to know they practice this and they can change the society where they live. Teachers also provide emotional support to the children.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. sensitizing children about gender equality, framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members, arranging workshops to provide awareness to teaching & non-teaching staff and parents, create awareness among children on Online Safety, Online Grooming, Safe and Unsafe Touch.
ReplyDeleteBy conducting awareness programmes for students, staff and society.
ReplyDeleteTeacher should give knowledge about sex education, not to use sexual abusing words .
ReplyDeleteAmit Kumar Pandey ,KV Berhampore
ReplyDeleteSchools can play an important role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. Everyone should be educated about gender equality, code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members.Workshops can be arranged to provide awareness to teaching & non-teaching staff and parents.
Teachers play an important role in preventing the child sexual abuse because the child spend most of the time there. The teachers should emphasize in teaching moral and ethical values right from primary stages. Awareness about online sexual assaults should be taught . Teacher counsellors plays amajor role to observe each and every child's behaviour from time to time . Hazard related to online exposer to sexuality is to warned to children in secondary stages . Workshops should be conducted for this awareness.
ReplyDeleteSchool and teacher plays an important role in a child next to is home so as to make them understand about gender sensitivity and friendly movement as a human beings with all .
ReplyDeleteGender sensitivity awareness activities like demonstrations, group activities, role play, etc.
ReplyDeleteConducting workshops on abuse, especially sexual.
General discussions with students on a regular basis.
Verification of all employees.
Child abuse action committee
Female attendees in school buses.
Installing and ensuring proper working of CCTVs, etc.
School can play a role to provide different activity for awareness to children for child sexual abuse
ReplyDeleteSchools can play a vital role in creating awareness about the issue through various programmes like role play, film shows etc., and by imparting value based education to groom the growing buds to grow up as responsible citizens who can raise their voice against such atrocities in the future too.
ReplyDeletemaheswari sagdevan
ReplyDeleteNever ignore any complaint against any firm of sexual abuse.
By creating such activities which would make the children aware about different forms of sexual abuses.
Screen the movie by unicef about child abuse.....KOMAL
Teachers SHOULD BE friendly with children so that they disclose the matter and the culprit involved in ABUSE.
Schools play an important role in a child's life. Most of the time of the children is spent in the school and many important things like gender sensitivity and gender equality can be dealt with at school in a friendly manner . Teacher counsellors can conduct various workshops to create awareness among the students.
ReplyDeleteschools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. sensitizing children about gender equality. framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members.
ReplyDeleteKeeping complaint box in the school for such a abuse and keeping track of such a complaints. Making cell which will take action on such thing quickly. Mentoring and addition of value added education in the curriculum will give the best results
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role by sensitizing the Students towards the issue
ReplyDeleteTeacher is considered as second parent for children. Teacher can help students to make aware them about good touch and bad touch. Friendly environment should be provided by a teacher so that a child can share their problems with a teacher without hesitation.
ReplyDeleteSchools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by counselling students and other stake holders, creating awareness, gender sensitization ,and making all aware about the POCSO act.
ReplyDeleteCreate a workshop.
ReplyDeleteChild should be aware about bad and good touch.
Gender sensitive concerns should be in curriculum.
Child aware about the constitutional. Rights.
Schools can play a very important role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. Sensitize children about gender equality, framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members, installing CCTV etc can definitely hep.
ReplyDeleteSchools must ensure a safe environment for children and must be able to track their evolution, in order to notify to the competent authorities any identified situation of vulnerability. For this reason it is the responsibility of the school to: - Have clear procedures and programs for child protection in the school - Give direction to school management, teachers and staff regarding the
ReplyDeleteidentification and response to child protection concerns and the continued support of the child.
- Designate a person responsible for child protection issues who has the specific skills, motivation and knowledge required - Monitor the progress of children considered to be at risk
- Contribute to the prevention of child sexual abuse through curricular provision - Provide or access training for teachers and members of the management team to ensure that they have a good working knowledge of child protection issues and procedures - Have clear written procedures in place concerning action to be taken where allegations are received against school employees. It is a collective efforts of all stakeholders to prevent Children's Sexual Abuse.
School can play a major role by sensitizing children about good and bad touch . They can organize programmes which create awareness about some sensitive issues. A talk by child counsellors periodically can be organized.
ReplyDeleteTeachers are the second parents of the students so they should talk more and connect with them to feel free to Express their views.
ReplyDeleteSchool plays an important role in a child next to is home. Most of the time children spent there so it as to make them understand about gender sensitivity and friendly movement as a human beings with all .
ReplyDeleteThis can be done by sensitizing students especially in primary section, about GOOD N BAD TOUCH through various activities like film show. Cartoon characters, comic, role play, story telling, open discussion and sharing their views n experiences in a fearless n friendly environment .
ReplyDeleteIf any case comes into picture it's secrecy must be maintained with due respect and appropriate actions to be taken at the earliest.
Schools must be vigilant all the time .Students must be made aware towards gender equality and any type of bad behavior
ReplyDeleteSchools can largely contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly atmosphere not only in schools but also in the society.
ReplyDeleteSchools can do a lot by initiating a lot of activities which develop the creation of such a society/nation which is free from Gender-bias.
Teacher facilitator can play a vital role. Emotional support is very important for the children in school.By councelling, showing them videos,short movies , creating awareness,involving parents are some ways to prevent child abuse.
ReplyDeleteBy arranging awareness programs, councelling sessions, keeping suggestion boxes, etc
ReplyDeleteCreate awareness among children on the topic. Observe behaviour changes in children, gain confidence of children and be close to them, listen to what the child has to confide...these steps could save a child's life from getting deformed from child sexual abuse.
ReplyDeletea) school can teach children about good touch and bad touch.
ReplyDeleteb) children can be taught through discussion and documentaries.
c) teacher counselors can ko be called to tell about the subject.
Schools can largely contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly atmosphere not only in schools but also in the society.
ReplyDeleteSchools can do a lot by initiating a lot of activities which develop the creation of such a society/nation which is free from Gender-bias.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse. Schools can create a safe environment in which there is no possibility of such crime.
ReplyDeleteSchools can play a vital role in finding out if a child is undergoing in any of such activities in family or social life and reporting it to the appealing authorities.
Anand Parkash, Rewari
School authorities have primary responsibility for the care and welfare of their pupils. The school is a privileged setting to prevent, recognize and intervene on situations that threaten children’s welfare and development.
ReplyDeleteCouncelling and guidance can help the chid to avoid these type of situation
ReplyDeleteBy awareness program, councelling, suggestion box, proper infrastructure avoiding dark and remote places.
ReplyDeleteTeachers are connected with students after their parents , so teacher can play a good role by educating students about such incidents in a decent way also with the help of parents.
ReplyDeleteAge appropriate awareness programs can be arranged in school
ReplyDeleteTeachers can play a very vital role by helping students to make aware of about good touch and bad touch by conducting a workshop on Gender sensitization. Make the classroom a friendly one where a student will be comfortable to share their problems with the teacher.
ReplyDeleteClassroom should be friendly and students should be made aware
ReplyDeleteSchool is a social agency which have found such sexual abuse cases reported lately. however, the school personnel and the school could take necessary cautions in order to avoid such an heinous crime. Some suggestions possibly are-
ReplyDelete1. conducive, healthy atmosphere
2. availability of teachers
3. Recruitment of trained counselors
4. Conduction of awareness workshops
5. Installation of CCTV Cameras, etc
Schools can largely contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly atmosphere not only in schools but also in the society.
ReplyDeleteSchools can do a lot by initiating a lot of activities which develop the creation of such a society/nation which is free from Gender-bias.
School can play a big roll to create awareness about child abuse. It can create trust among students so they can feel safe in school and shair with teachers . Teachers can be first person who can identifies if any changes accure in chhils' behaviour . Schoo can cunduct PTA to creater awareness among society because it is duty of every adult to give a safe enviounment to our children . Schoo can provide suddgestion bos or such boxes in school where child can share his feeling in written
ReplyDeleteImparting more vigilance through installing CCTV, well organised monitoring staff, screening of personnels who are involved in day to day activities of the school etc.
ReplyDeleteVinita Singh Tomar
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time sensitizing children about gender equality.
Schools management can play vital role to prevent child abuse. School managent must make and stricky follow safe school environment. They should take student saxual abuse on top priority and there should be saxual prevention team should be for formed keeping teaching ,non teaching and schools managemnt as team.
ReplyDeleteShould make policy for prevention of saxual abuse ,behavior observation sheet must be prepared for all staff and police varification of all staff must be done.
Technology should be enhanced to keep eye on each individual by cctv camera.
SMS system for student reaching and leaving school.
Awaresss traing for prevention of saxual abuse and behavioral training should be reviewed by school management.
Vinita Devi
schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. sensitizing children about gender equality. framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members.
ReplyDeleteSchools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. Sensitizing teachers, non teaching staff about different types of abuse, about gender equality, putting up cctv cameras in place and making audit of it on a regular basis, providing safe environment, an environment which builds up trust so that the child can talk about it without getting intimidated, doing activities which would make children aware of the abuses and what to do in such cases.
ReplyDeleteSchools can play a vital role, first of all by providing a secured environment, having thorough security norms, tight security, CCTV installed checking the footage, help staff background check, grievance boxes or grievances call for children where the child can confide their problems and most important to build a trust relationship with the child so that they can come to the teacher, when they face any problem. Kartey and MARTIALarts training to make them self dependent. Are the few ways the schools can adopt.
ReplyDeleteSchool is a place where all the children are spending lot of time. If awareness can be developed at this stage. it will have a larger impact in society.
ReplyDeleteKavita Kharge (K. V. No. 1AFS Pune)
ReplyDeleteBy being vigiclent and by creating awareness among students. Tight security, backgroud check of all people working in school can play a vital role in providing secure environment to the students.
1.Suggestion/complaint box for children in school to report any such behaviourvin writing.
ReplyDelete2.Creating awareness among parents, students and staff members.
3.Group discussions at school level on Gender sensitivity, sexual abuse etc.
4."online safety" measures awareness among children.
5."safe and unsafe touch distinction by children.
6.Regular safety audit of CCTV Camera Systems of School.
7.Regular meeting for safety for children
(Once 2 months)
schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. sensitizing children about gender equality. framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members.
ReplyDeleteSchools can play a vital role in the prevention of CSA. The children in the school to be made aware of good and bad touch. They should be given an environment in which they can feel free to speak about the mishap if there is any. Teachers and other staff members are to be made aware of the CSA and the measures to be taken for responding to it and for its prevention.
ReplyDeleteTeacher's can help students to make aware them about good touch,and bad touch.It is the educator's role to report any suspicions of child abuse and neglect. Reporting is just the beginning of the child protection process. Treatment, rehabilitation, the strengthening of the family, and prevention still lies ahead. Traditionally, the roles of school and educator in child abuse and neglect have ended with reporting, but this is changing. hence vigilance during duty and after duty hours is must for all stake holders in school to avoid sexual abuse of any child.
ReplyDeleteTeacher should be vigilant, awareness campagn, open discussion help to prevent child sexual abuse.
ReplyDeleteawareness among the students about it
ReplyDeleteawareness among the students about it
ReplyDeleteSchools play a vital role in preventing sexual abuse in children. Schools can prevent CSA by
ReplyDeleteProviding information about good touch and bad touch, by educating all the stakeholders including teachers, students, staff, parents and the society through properly designed programmes based on the rules about children's right, information about POCSO act and Children should be educated well about sex education. I feel that training of self-defense can be included in the Physical education curriculum.
Once children come to know they practice this and they can change the society where they live.Eventually, today's children are the future
ReplyDeleteSchools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. Sensitizing teachers, non teaching staff about different types of abuse, about gender equality, putting up cctv cameras in place and making audit of it on a regular basis, providing safe environment, an environment which builds up trust so that the child can talk about it without getting intimidated, doing activities which would make children aware of the abuses and what to do in such cases.
ReplyDeleteSchool would create awareness programmers in form of plays seminars, workshops, so that children would be aware about the situations where child abuse can be occurred.
role play to educate,awareness class to all stake holders,periodical counceliing ,impart self defence training ,vigilance at schools at all occasions.etc are useful to prevent the abuse.
ReplyDeleteBy educating students and all stake holders.
ReplyDeleteSchools can play a vital role in the prevention of child sexual abuse (CSA) by creating a gender sensitive and gender friendly environment. The stake holders can sensitize children about gender equality. Every school should have a counselor to conduct counselling sessions for all age groups. Besides, Nodal teachers of Adolescence Education Program (AEP) can take up certain issues related to adolescent behavioural changes, good touch and bad touch etc. Every school should maintain a complain box kept near
ReplyDeleteadministrative section where students should feel free to write and drop their complains. Every school should appoint a coach for teaching martial arts , this will build confidence in the child and he/she can defend himself/herself. Important phone numbers including childline number should be displayed at the strategic points in the Vidyalaya. CCTV cameras in and around the school building having recording facility should be installed.
Schools must ensure a safe environment for children and must be able to track their evolution, in order to notify to the competent authorities any identified situation of vulnerability. For this reason it is the responsibility of the school to: - Have clear procedures and programs for child protection in the school - Give direction to school management, teachers and staff regarding the
ReplyDeleteidentification and response to child protection concerns and the continued support of the child.
- Designate a person responsible for child protection issues who has the specific skills, motivation and knowledge required - Monitor the progress of children considered to be at risk
- Contribute to the prevention of child sexual abuse through curricular provision - Provide or access training for teachers and members of the management team to ensure that they have a good working knowledge of child protection issues and procedures - Have clear written procedures in place concerning action to be taken where allegations are received against school employees. It is a collective efforts of all stakeholders to prevent Children's Sexual Abuse.
Schools can educate children, be vigilant and lookout for any sudden change in a child. Then they can consult parents and talk to the child.
ReplyDeleteSchool has to be vigilant and provide friendly and safe word spaces with children in the classroom, to reduce child sexual abuse.
ReplyDeleteMake children aware of these abuses and provide a friendly atmosphere in the school.
ReplyDeleteTeacher can contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly
ReplyDeleteatmosphere not only in schools but also in the society. Teachers can build a bond with his/her
students so that they can communicate with the teacher about anything happen to them. Teacher can do a lot by initiating a lot of activities which develop
the creation of such a school/society which is free from Gender-bias.
Schools play an extremely vital role in creating a safe haven for all the students. It should be a bias-free and gender sensitive environment where all the students will be taken care of - physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in awareness among children about gender sensibility and equality .
ReplyDeleteIf the childrens are aware of it they will protest they will ask for help and school should also take initiative in increasing there vigilance and protection
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by following some measures:
ReplyDelete1. Involve families in meaningful ways.
2.Develop links to the community.
3.Emphasize positive relationships among students and staff.
4.Implement school-based education programmes for prevention of child sexual abuse, tailored to different ages and cognitive levels
5.Have clear procedures and programs for child protection in the school - Give direction to school management, teachers and staff regarding the identification and response to child protection concerns and the continued support of the child.
6. Designate a person responsible for child protection issues who has the specific skills, motivation and knowledge required –
7. Monitor the progress of children considered to be at risk - Contribute to the prevention of child sexual abuse through curricular provision
8. Provide or access training for teachers and members of the management team to ensure that they have a good working knowledge of child protection issues and procedures
9. Have clear written procedures in place concerning action to be taken where allegations are received against school employees
10. Lastly the ‘school’ has to be vigilant and provide friendly and safe word spaces with children in the classroom, to reduce child sexual abuse
In school we have to explain why not to use bad words. We can consult their parents also for not using gender bias words. If make our students and their parents aware about this, we can stop this.
ReplyDeleteWe as teachers have to make our children aware about it through film shows ( Eg. Komal) , posters , small talks on good and bad touch , role play , dramas , installing CCTV cameras and police verification of all the non-staff. Students should be taught about self-defense also.
ReplyDeleteA suggestion box should be there and if any child give anonymous message in the box , school management should take strict disciplinary action if found guilty .
schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. sensitizing children about gender equality. framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members.
ReplyDeleteCreate a fearless atmosphere in the school among students and teachers, so children are ready to inform the matter. Educate students about bad touch and good touch.Students should be taught about self-defense also.
ReplyDeleteA suggestion box should be there and if any child give anonymous message in the box , school management should take strict disciplinary action if found guilty .
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by-- setting a committe of school teachers who are always vigilant on the sexual child issues,creating an environment safe for the child in all the respects,counsellors in the school should be appointed and complaint box to set up where their problems can be handled properly.
ReplyDeleteMKP KVS
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in preventing CSA. There can be different procedures and techniques.
1. Creation of a gender sensitive environment can be a great tool in this regard.
2. Moral Education
3. Regular counselling services for Students, Teachers and staff.
4. Effective implementation of AEP.
5. Implementation of Suggestion /complaint box for children in school to report any such behaviour.
6. Creating awareness among parents, students and staff members.
7. Regular group discussions / workshops etc at school level on Gender sensitivity, sexual abuse etc.
8. Regular monitoring by CCTV.
9. Child Rights Protection Cell
School can play an important role in spreading awareness among children regarding good and bad touch, ways of acting in emergency situation if the abuse is happening at home, counselling services in school can help the child communicate the issue.
ReplyDeleteIn developed countries, schools have the right to call child protection services if they have any evidence on child abuse or mistreatment
School can play a very important role like:
ReplyDelete1.Developing a healthy atmosphere.
2.By bringing the stake holders closer to each other.
3.Trained counselor should be appointed.
4.Monitoring of the students.
5.Teacher should in touch with the parents. etc.
Pgt-(kv iit Guwahati)
School can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by making students, parents and community aware about POSCO &., GENDER SENSITIZATION, by making students mentally and physically strong through Yoga , techniques of self defense and Moral education.
ReplyDeleteSchools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. sensitizing children about gender equality. framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members. Schools should be a safe haven for students as well as for staff members too.Cameras should be installed .Students should be exposed to self defensive techniques .
ReplyDeleteSchools can definitely play an important role by sensitizing the children about sexual abuse, Good and Bad Touch. Teachers can guide the children about the issue and can create awareness amongst children and the parents.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play very important role as even the small children can be taught about good and bad touch. And observing the children plays very important role as any deviation from his or her normal behavior can indicate something wring
ReplyDeleteJayesh Patel
Create a fearless atmosphere in the school among students and teachers, so children are ready to inform the matter. Educate students about bad touch and good touch.Students should be taught about self-defense also.
A suggestion box should be there and if any child give anonymous message in the box , school management should take strict disciplinary action if found guilty .
All stakeholders have a great role to play to make children aware, educate about Child Abuse and support. Listening to them and providing with a conducive environment will also help
ReplyDeleteTeachers are the second parents of the students, so they should talk more and connect with them so that they feel free to express their views and feelings. In schools we can make them aware about good touch and bad touch.
ReplyDeleteWe need to create a society which is free from gender bias. Schools play an important role in shaping the personality of a child. So, as teachers, we need to inculcate those values and qualities in students, so that they are able to do away with the age old prejudices and stereotypes which exist in our society and eradicate discrimination.
ReplyDeleteSex education is also a must from sixth grade onwards for both boys and girls.
To prevent CSA in school,
ReplyDelete-it is very important to have interactive sessions with the students to let them be aware of CSA
in its various forms.
-During PTM the parents should be sensitized towards the emotional needs of their wards and
also to be aware of the changes in their behaviour.
- the teachers and students should maintain a very friendly relationship so that the students
are able to share all their problems with their teachers.
- there should be sessions on self- defence to empower the children.
- it is very important to maintain a safe environment and let the students feel that they are safe
there in all respect.
Teacher's can help students to make aware them about good touch,and bad touch.and if someone try to do wrong they can tell their teachers without any hesitation. children grow in an environment that build their confidence friendship, and happiness security irrespective of the family circumstances or background and each time Teacher's should be vigilant.
ReplyDeleteChildren can be made aware and sensitise about the good touch and bad touch . School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse by being vigilant all the time
ReplyDeleteChildren can be sensitise about gender equality,code of conduct for teachers and students and other staff members.
Schools play a vital role in preventing sexusl abuse in children.Not to ignore if any child wants to make any complaint against any firm of sexual abuse.By creating such activities which would make the children aware about different forms of sexual abuses.Teachers can play the lead role by being friendly with such children so that they do not hesitate to disclose the matter and the culprit involved in such abuse.
ReplyDeleteSchools can largely contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly atmosphere not only in schools but also in the society.
ReplyDeleteSchool can give sex education as well as what to do and how to do when someone is sexually abusing child inside or outside school. Children should be taught first of all what do you mean by sex abusing.
ReplyDeleteTo set up a special committee responsible for
ReplyDelete- Training teachers to handle such situations
- Sensitizing staff and students both
-Frequent infrastructure audits like looking at CCTV footage on regular basis
-Peer watchout scheme
-Conducive and friendly environment
- Safe movement areas
School plays an important role in a child next to is home. Most of the time children spent there so it as to make them understand about gender sensitivity and friendly movement as a human beings with all .
ReplyDeleteSchools can largely contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly atmosphere in schools and society as well. Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, by being vigilant throughout. We need to sensitize children about gender equality and set up a well vigilant and informed community that is confident in making judgments, and assertive in taking actions.Teacher's can make children aware about good and bad touch and also to inform/share with their teachers without any hesitation if they have seen/experienced anything wrong. It is our sole duty and responsibility to keep children grow in a positive environment that builds/boosts their confidence.
ReplyDeleteWe teacher facilitators can and do play a vital role too. A child comes in direct and close contact with us for a considerable duration each day. Keeping a hawk's eye on their activities is a binding duty of every teacher. A teacher is aware of a student's nature and habits. Any change in that should be immediately taken notice of and dealt with. Everyone should aim for a society that is free of child abuse and aspire for a world that is free of any exploitation of children. Schools sure can show the way.
ReplyDeleteIn school we have to explain why not to use sexual abusing words. We can consult their parents also for not using gender bias words.School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse by being vigilant all the time.
ReplyDeleteSchool can contribute by providing conducive environment and awarenes about gender sensitivity among the staff & students
ReplyDeleteconducive environment and awarenes about gender
ReplyDeleteSchool can contribute by providing conducive environment and
ReplyDeleteawarenes sabout gender sensitivity among the staff & students
The school is the one social institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent, ongoing contact. Therefore, it is particularly well-suited for identifying endangered children, including those who are being sexually maltreated. Today, many schools are striving to become more effective participants in prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce the complex problem of child abuse.
ReplyDeleteTeachers are the second parents of the students so they should talk more and connect with them to feel free to Express their views
ReplyDeleteSchools can play a remarkable role in preventing sexusl abuse in children school children arer very close to their teachers as well as their classmates. They could be educate about good touch and bad touch by any person and what could they if they found themselves in a condition where someone is trying to do any abusing activity with them.
ReplyDeleteAnita Thakre
ReplyDeleteK. V. VSN Nagpur
Schools can play very important role in prevention of child sexual abuse by making children aware about gender, child sexual abuse, good touch and bad touch, online safety and self defense. For this activities like open discussion, showing films like 'Komal', poster making, Role plays etc. can be organized. School can provide awareness to staff, parents and also in society. Teachers play a vital role by building confidence in students. Schools can creat safe places for disclosure like suggestions box for children.
By telling them about good and bad touch ,vigilent and empathetic .
ReplyDeleteBy providing conducive environment in the school for students and all staff members and awarenes for preventing about such ill behaviour
ReplyDeleteTeachers are the second parents of the students so they should talk more and connect with them to feel free to Express their views.
ReplyDeleteschool can help a lot in prevention of child sexual abuse. A teacher can observe the child's behavior. if a child's behavior is suddenly changed or he isolates himself or remain silent , these symptoms can be noticed. The change in the behaviour of a person in school toward a child can also be observed. Moreover the awareness of children about sexual abuse is very important. A school should counsel its students regarding such abuse and its types to make them understand what child sexual abuse is. How to identify it and to whom it can be reported so that a sexually abused child do not hesitate to report this crime.
ReplyDeleteSchool's are responsible for the all round development of children . We can educate children about this and help in creating awareness in children.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a very important role in the prevention of child sex abuse by maintaining a vigilant environment and giving attention to any abnormal observation about the child (no matter how small or insignificant it may appear)
ReplyDeleteSchools play a vital role in preventing sexusl abuse in children.Not to ignore if any child wants to make any complaint against any firm of sexual abuse.By creating such activities which would make the children aware about different forms of sexual abuses.Teachers can play the lead role by being friendly with such children so that they do not hesitate to disclose the matter and the culprit involved in such abuse
ReplyDeleteTeachers are the second parents of the students so they should talk more and connect with them to feel free to Express their views
ReplyDeleteSchools play a vital role in preventing sexual abuse in children. Not to ignore if any child wants to make any complaint against any firm of sexual abuse. By creating such activities which would make the children aware about different forms of sexual abuses. Teachers can play the lead role by being friendly with such children so that they do not hesitate to disclose the matter and the culprit involved in such abuse Avoiding students stay in lonely places, creating awareness about the topic to remain safe and secure, reducing the distance between parents and themselves and teachers and students to talk about it freely to have quicker solution.
ReplyDeleteMadhu Sharma LPSS Rajsamand
ReplyDeleteA school is a second home for students where a student spends many hours . So a school should be a safe premises .To prevent sexual abuse in schools the teaching staff and the support staff should be sensitized from time to time.At the same time children from lower classes itself should be educated to differentiate between good touch and bad touch.
Schools can largely contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly atmosphere not only in schools but also in the society.
ReplyDeleteSchools can do a lot by initiating a lot of activities which develop the creation of such a society/nation which is free from Gender-bias.
Teachers play an important role in preventing the child sexual abuse because the child spend most of the time there. The teachers should emphasize in teaching moral and ethical values right from primary stages. Awareness about online sexual assaults should be taught . Teacher counsellors plays a major role to observe each and every child's behaviour from time to time . Hazard related to online exposure to sexuality is to warned to children in secondary stages . Workshops should be conducted for this awareness.
Schools can largely contribute in creating a Gender Sensitive and Gender friendly atmosphere not only in schools but also in the society.
ReplyDeleteSchools can do a lot by initiating a lot of activities which develop the creation of such a society/nation which is free from Gender-bias.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by being vigilant all the time. sensitizing children about gender equality. framing code of conducts for students, teachers and other staff members. Closed circuit camera to be fitted in all lobbies, Main entry and Exit points and outside Toilets.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in preventing sexual abuse by being vigilant, making arrangements for monitoring like functional CCT tv camera, conduction of awareness session for students and staff, counselling session . Information regarding child help line number, placing complaint box .For primary class teachers should be more aware and children should to told about good and bad touch .
ReplyDeleteSchool can prevent CSA by
ReplyDeleteProviding information about good touch and bad touch, information about children's right, information about POCSO act to the children and all stakeholders of the school.
prevent child abuse in schools ,we need to set up well vigilant and informed community that is confident in making judgments, and assertive in taking actions.
ReplyDeleteSchools can play an important role by educating child and making them self aware so that they can be vigilant.
ReplyDeleteTeach the children regarding good touch and bad touch
ReplyDeleteensure to take steps to make school safe and secure
safety audit of school and staff
awareness to students and staff
Support for children who reveal they were abused.
timely reporting to police in case abuse takes place