Module 17- Activity 3: Reflect

Reflect on  your emotional experiences that they underwent during the period of lockdown. How did you cope up with those emotions?

Take a moment to reflect and post your comment in the comment box.


  1. Lockdowm period was very boring at begining. But later atleast when the online classes are started some how i am engaged with my students in one or the other way.

    1. The lockdown period in the beginning was really very challenging and stressful.I was emotionally very upset as both my children resided in Mumbai city which was the hub of the Pandemic,it really took a toll on my health.But later with meditation ,Yoga I got used to it.Conducting online classes in the beginning was also a challenge which I could easily overcome with a lot of practice learning the new technology and preparing a lot of e-materials for students.But could soon overcome that hurdle as well.

    2. Lockdown period was full of stress ,tension and mental sickness.

    3. lockdown period was stressful in the beginning as we felt disconnected with students. but with the start of online classes things are getting better. now we also share the problems of students and do their counseling.

    4. In lockdown period we teachers as well as our students feel disconnected from our peers.
      We felt isolated from the world we enjoyed being in. But now keep special time in a month to chat with our students and share our talent and experiences with each other. We are are also doing counseling of parents and students.

    5. See Pandemic era has changed the whole world. If we talk about student -teacher relationship was also being affected by the same. Both of the key factors of learner centered education have undergone lot many changes and we may call it the transition period of teaching and learning environment. Of course ,our emotional well being played a great role in confronting with this worse situation. It has shaken few of our beliefs and sets new goals for coming time. We have to learn the art of adaptability and sustainability. Darwin's theory proves it's importance in today's covid situation also that survival of the fittest. Fitness comprise of mental fitness & physical fitness . So to overcome the present situation we need to subdue the stress and do a lot of meditation and Yoga . Read good quality books and spread happiness among our friends and in society by sharing positive thoughts.Counseling is one of the tool to get rid of the problems like corona.

    6. This pandemic has changed the lifestyle a boring , stressful life left with only one duty for online class. Struggled to learn the process of online learning and teaching with less time for personal healthcare.However feeling good tostayconnected to students through online classes

    7. We too had little confusion in the month of March during lockdown.Once we understood the seriousness and pandemic situation. We started thinking how to connect with students and parents. The teachers were new to usage of technology for online classes. First we started train our teachers and building confidence in the teachers for effective teaching learning process. First the required infrastructure laptop, tab and wifi facilities made available. And the teachers started preparing lessons and effectively taking the classes. The virtual PTC meetings were conducted and the parents were contacted over phone to provide the mobile or tab to their wards for attending online classes. The pandemic covid 19 is great setback in the education system. The Whole world is effected.

    8. Kavita Kharge (K. V. No. 1AFS Pune)
      The COVID (lockdown) time was stressful, full of worries, confusing.
      But the family being together gave a strength to all the members and the children in the family took all the elders down the memory lane.

    9. During Covid lockdown,it was real life situation to analyse that poor are poorer.I couldn't image the life of poor and needy people...Started distributing some food items in and around vicinity.IN ONE WAY i WOULD SAY IT WAS AN OPPORTUNITY to explore and upgrade ourselves,self time...

  2. Lockdown period is such a type of period i which i was totally boring and i was not able to do anything but when online classes started then i feel good and almost feel that i am somewhere got connected to rest of the world

  3. It was shocking moments but it created self confidence to begin life with new technologies.

  4. Life in lockdown is not so good not so bad but ok ..
    I feel it's a - Blessings in disguise.. as I was able to know what I'm and what I want to be . It has been a period of self realisation and time to relish my own thoughts and deeds of the humanity at times lead to the spiritual path of life too. Being with family always..

  5. During this lock down period have improved my technical knowledge learnt the new technology in teaching like from preparing to presenting the material in online classes. fixing the problems while teaching.

    1. Lockdown period in the beginning was very challenging and stressful.But I continued to keep myself busy with some craft preparation like puppets and story telling props etc. we Trainning was also given for the online classes which is a new technology where we can meet our children.

  6. During lockdown life becomes standstill though we get lot of technical information, we learnt many things ,we became powerful, peaceful.

  7. lockdown period was a real challenge to everyone although we all family members spent time together and learn new skills.It was a new experience use of technology and on line classes , preparation and presentation of video, PPT, online.I learn a lot .Making new things, keeping fit doing yoga and excercise all these were the activity during lockdown.

  8. During this lock down period have improved my technical knowledge learnt the new technology in teaching like from preparing to presenting the material in online classes. fixing the problems while teaching.

  9. Lock down was a boon for me as I could look after my daughter after her delivery properly,I got plenty of time to spend with my grandchild

  10. Lock down period was a challenging time for me where there was fear that what will happen to the next day because everything was uncertain then I started doing yoga and meditation to keep myself mentally and physically fit.I got enough time to spent with my little kid because I was not able to do when at work . I learned to take online classes with the help of technology. I stay connected with my students. It changed my thoughts and outlook completely. It give us strength and faith that we can do anything if we remain calm and composed.

  11. During this lock down period I started practicising yoga regularly, household work, improved my technical knowledge learnt the new technology in teaching like from preparing to presenting the material in online classes. fixing the problems while teaching., in this situation one should be mentally strong which is possible with the cooperation of all the family members which we had and all were mentally and physically strong.

  12. Finding herself in home lockup is an emotional issue always. Had mental trauma, however by virtue of being a teacher ,taking online classes learning new skills gradually changed adversity into opportunity.

  13. I engaged myself in making greeting cards and file decoration

  14. its true that initially lockdown period was too boring but later after online classes had started i felt myself much engaged and positive .for my children also i felt relieved as they too got engaged themselves in online classes .

  15. The LOCKDOWN period was pretty challenging a thing but thankfully it did offer time aplenty to do things truly productive. I could find time to pore through books. Also it enabled me to prepare several quizzes using the software HOT POTATOES. It was fun to make all those MCQ quizzes, Crossword Puzzles and Match the Following exercises.The software is indeed quite a useful tool in the hands of the teacher and I made optimum use of it during the lockdown. What with reading novels in gargantuan number and preparing scores of quizzes I could keep myself so occupied that there was practically no chance for falling a victim to emotional disturbances or severe depression that such a situation can engender.

  16. Sapna
    It was the time for self introspect regarding each phase of life.

  17. Meditation, yoga really matters in our lives.

  18. lockdown period was a real challenge to everyone although we all family members spent time together and learn new skills.It was a new experience use of technology and on line classes , preparation and presentation of video, PPT, online.I learn a lot .Making new things, keeping fit doing yoga and excercise all these were the activity during lockdown.

  19. IN THE BEGIN CHILDREN FELT VERY BORING OF ONLINE CLASS NOW THEY ARE Adapted the online virtual classes they are given alternative calendar activities given by the NCERT they are feel comfort accordingly evaluation is made. Now round the clock any time they post their doubts and get clarification from teachers through social media, any have some regular school activities they are missing. Time will allow us for regular school with all prevention precaution children are ready to attend school then they feel stress free school life

  20. Lockdown period was unexpected and sad experience during the lifetime of all of us. I utilized this time to prepare teaching -learning material.

  21. lockdown period was full of uncertainty . it was challenging for teachers ,students and parents too but every one faired well .


  23. For me lockdown was a blessing in disguise. I could stay with my family .I updated myself for online teaching and had cherishable moments with the family.

  24. Lockdown during covid helped people to turn good human being to help others through whatever way one can and being a teacher it helped me to learn new computer skills while conducting online classes.

  25. Find it difficult to adjust with the situation. An unnecessary fear developed in the mind. Tried to overcome by reading books. Also engaged ourselves in activities like gardening.

  26. It has been a blessings in disguise.I am able to know what I'm and what is more important for me for my personal growth. It has been a period of self realisation and have valued even the miniscule things in life now. But at the same time, now work feels like a never ending 24*7.
    Thank you
    Ancy Manoj, Pgt Social Science, St.Arnold's Central school, Pune

  27. It was a period of challenges and new learning .

  28. During the lockdown period as the classes are being taken online my proficiency of use of technology increased . The online courses Nishtha, CBT - helped develop professionally . Also as my sister was staying with me , it was a time for good bonding and sharing of ideas, so the time of the pandemic was quite a fruitful one for me.

  29. My prayers helped me to deal with the pandemic and helping people with food gave me joy and happiness.

  30. learnt all the new technologies to prepare online classes and relearnt my hobbies

  31. Lockdown in its initial stage was soothing as it gave us space to be away from the spread of the infection and remain indoors safe. It gave us time to be with the family and kids and spend time with them. It also taught us the various technologies available to connect with students and conduct classes from the comfort of our homes. But with every extension of the lockdown from days to months, it created anxiety, brought anger and loneliness creeped in. Further extension brought boredom alongwith the fear of losing jobs/employment, salary cuts, financial crunch, and how keep going the livelihood of the near and dear ones. It brought lot of emotional turmoil’s with it.
    At times of anxiety, I practiced breathing exercises for few minutes everyday and kept distance with the thoughts that made me anxious.
    While feeling angry and irritated, I calmed my mind by counting back 10 to 1.
    While feeling afraid, I dealt with it by asking myself :
    - What’s under my control?
    - Am I unnecessarily worrying about the worst thing that can happen?
    - When I have been stressed in the past, how have I managed?
    - What are the things I can do to help myself and be positive?
    I stayed connected with my friends and relatives and communicated with them regularly to give away my loneliness.

    Jhimki Kar
    Future Bhubaneswar School

  32. in the beginning it was a fearful experience, but gradually realized the need of it and during this time many interesting programmes have done through online

  33. lockdown period was a real challenge to everyone although we all family members spent time together and learn new skills.It was a new experience use of technology and on line classes , preparation and presentation of video, PPT, online.I learn a lot .Making new things, keeping fit doing yoga and excercise all these were the activity during lockdown.

  34. Lockdown period is such a type of period when I was alone and depressed and was not able to do anything but when online classes started then I felt bettetr when found myself connected to rest of the world. I also started concentrating on my hobbies and desires which had been buried under overwork and responsibilities and still have been trying to fulfilled those.

  35. Lockdown period was challenging period.Being away from the loved ones added stress.In other way round ,it provided ME time and I could equip with many technological advancements which helped me to gear up to meet the requirements for Online classes.

  36. Lockdown period was very challenging for everyone around the world. Some were alone and far from home. The lockdown affected children more as they were to able to go out to play or hangout with their friends. For me, lockdown gave me an opportunity to know and understand more about technology and how it could help me to improve the quality of my teaching.

  37. lockdown period was very stressful for teachers and students. as life suddenly changed but slowly we all become better as accepted the new life and changed our way of living as well. technology and science gave opportunity to connect with people.
    we also learn something new everyday. we taught our students with different portals. but again we overworked and still trying to cope with this new scenario of working day and night.

  38. Lockddown period instilled self discipline amongst people and also made people aware of the challenging situation facing individual,society and nation .

  39. It was shocking moments but it was new experience that created self confidence to begin life with new technologies.

  40. In the beginning of lockdown i felt slowing down of time. there was stress, anxiety followed by boredom and sadness. i used to keep myself in front of television watching news which added more anxiety to me. later i have decided to talk to my friends and relatives, it really supports me.
    i started doing physical activity like running and doing exercise, yoga. it helped me in passing time and making me stress free.

  41. Lockdown period was quite stressful as we never experienced it before. Our safety and the safety of our loved ones were of prime importance. Lack of awareness of the virus and its impact might have been the reason for it. Though they were trying times we learnt a lot about everything around, the do's and don'ts ,the lesson of our lives. This period has changed my perspective of the world around and has made me a better person in every aspect.

  42. The emotion felt were different at different times, sometimes scary, sometimes relaxing, and making you realise what went wrong and where were a part of it. We were lefft with little choice but we learnt a lot in many ways.

  43. Lock down period was no doubt challenging.But it gave us lesson that how to face the bad times.I engaged myself by doing online classes,physical exercises.

  44. Lockdown period is such a type of period i which i was totally boring and i was not able to do anything but when online classes started then i feel good and almost feel that i am somewhere got connected to rest of the world

  45. In the beginning the lock down period was annoying and felt restlessness. But later I adapted to the new normal and went ahead with the online classes. Now I feel confident to face the partial offline school.

  46. During lockdown it wasn't easy for anyone to spare their time, but When virtual learning wasn't there I have learned many new things which is now useful for me

  47. During lockdown period first we feel boring but in this time we learn how to teach online with a lot of apps and technology.

  48. Lockdown period was quiet challenging at the beginning but as the time progressed I joined many technical courses and upgraded my knowledge in e content making which helped me during my online classes. To keep fit during these difficult times I also started with yoga which brought a lot of mental peace and physical fitness and helped me evolve as a better human being. Now I have evolved as a teacher with better technological knowledge.

  49. in the beginning, i was very much exited. First time in my life, I have experienced such lockdown. But after few days, I pursued my hobbies of reading and read lot of books in online mode

  50. Lockdown period was full of opportunities to learn something new. Moving from offline teaching to online teaching was challenging but as the time progress I am becoming confident day by day and each day is a learning.

  51. Lockdown period was quiet challenging at the beginning but as the time progressed I joined many technical courses and upgraded my knowledge in e content making which helped me during my online classes. To keep fit during these difficult times I also started with yoga which brought a lot of mental peace and physical fitness and helped me evolve as a better human being. Now I have evolved as a teacher with better technological knowledge.

  52. Lockdown period was full of opportunities to learn something new.moving to online teching was quite challenging but with times progress get confident as the day passes.

  53. Lockdown period was very challenging. Staying alone and not being able to go outside was very discouraging. I was also worried as to how my parents were doing. But gradually, as time passed by, I became busy with the technology and the virtual world which was the only means to meet my parents, my relatives, my students and even my colleagues. Time made me strong and taught me to live in isolation, away from the near and dear ones for my own safety as well as for their safety.
    I was very delighted to meet all after the end of the lockdown period.

  54. Lockdown intial a week was very relaxing as it was a break from all the busy schedule ,fun with family.As the days passed by physical activities came down and mental stress became more.Thinking about all the family members who are out of reach , worrying about children ,their education etc.Emotional stress was increasing day by day.Then with a positive approach ,learning and adapting this new phase , became more relaxed with this new method of teaching online and learnt a lot of new things

  55. First few days of lock down was very crucial and i lost total mental balance and lost complete self controll and thought i cant survice in the situation but after some time starting online classes for children ,preparing my self to face the new challenge to make my lesons presentable and learning new things by reading article andso on aftrward i felt time is not sufficient for learning late night i ue sit and keep learning new things. after that now i feel very comfortable relaxed with my work no mental tension,dippression etc quite healthy.

  56. It was shocking moments but it created self confidence to begin life with new technologies.

  57. The lockdown period was a real challenge to everyone although we all family members spent time together and learn new skills.It was a new experience use of technology and on line classes , preparation and presentation of video, PPT, online.I learnt a lot keeping fit doing yoga and excercise all these were the
    during lockdown.
    The LOCKDOWN period was pretty challenging but at the same was a golden opportunity to learn a lot about technology online. I prepared several quizzes using the software HOT POTATOES. It was fun to make all those MCQ quizzes, Crossword Puzzles and Match the Following exercises.The software is indeed quite a useful tool in the hands of the teacher and I made optimum use of it during the lockdown. Also I cud find time for my hobbies such as painting and gardening which was quite rejuvenating.

  58. During lockdown life becomes standstill though we get lot of technical information, we learnt many things ,we became powerful, peaceful.

  59. Lockdown period was a very new challenge which we teachers had to face. But it lead us to to develop new skills in digital technology . Taking on-line classes for students kept us busy to forget the trauma of mental anxiety. Preparing new ppts , videos , google form question papers . Taking classes in online platforms like Google classroom, meets . Etc preparing ourselves with the new digital technology. Ect were very challenging and innovative ideas.

  60. Initially, we were happy to get some holidays and spending time with family. But later we started worrying about how to cope up with the student's loss of studies.But with the beginning of Online education, there was anxiety and later happiness of learning new technologies and many new experiences, but at the same time fear of Infection is always chasing us.


  62. Lockdown period was a challenging period. First week I feel a boredom. Later I could overcome. These period help me to develop my technical skills for preparing online classes.I could overcom this challenging period by making a strong interaction with my family members through farming, yoga and other household activities.

  63. Lock Down reduced the wider distance of one's family. It helped us understand the value of relationship. It paved the way for us to rethink about the Ethical values and their importance in our day to today life.

  64. During this lock down period I started practicing yoga regularly, household work, improved my technical knowledge learnt the new technology in teaching like from preparing to presenting the material in online classes. Fixing the problems while teaching.,

  65. Lockdowm period was very boring at begining. But later atleast when the online classes are started some how i am engaged with my students in one or the other way.

  66. Lockdown period which entered in our life like an unwanted guest has almost disturbed our life style of the outdoor activities and made us feel like sitting in a running train where we are only allowed to go for the facilities and sit back in our seat.

  67. Lockdown period gave me space for learning new technology to teach our students in new way.

  68. lockdown period was a real challenge to everyone although we all family members spent time together and learn new skills.It was a new experience use of technology and on line classes , preparation and presentation of video, PPT, online.I learn a lot .Making new things, keeping fit doing yoga and excercise all these were the activity during lockdown.

  69. I utilised lockdown period to brush up my knowledge by reading books and making TLM for my students so it was a enriching experience for me.

  70. I engaged myself in making greeting cards and file decoration

  71. Lock down period was a challenging time for me where there was fear that what will happen to the next day because everything was uncertain then I started doing yoga and meditation to keep myself mentally and physically fit. . I learned to take online classes with the help of technology. I stayed connected with my students. It changed my thoughts and outlook completely. It gave me strength and faith that we can do anything if we remain calm and composed.


  72. To begin with it was really boring n totally uncertain.....slowly when I started to take online classes and came in touch with the students it helped a lot. Then I was engaged in the courses for teachers.......Finally no time to relax also,so I used to listen to music of my choice to relax myself from the burden n overstressing of eyes .....
    Now no time to get bored.

  73. Lockdown period was really challenging . Life had become still. I concentrated on my hobby of music to cope with the challenge

  74. During this lock down period have improved my technical knowledge learnt the new technology in teaching like from preparing to presenting the material in online classes. fixing the problems while teaching.

  75. Though this challenging period have been very very tough but the same time given us opportunity to enhance our ICT skills. I also utilized this period for my professional development through a number of webinars where in I participated as a Panelist also.

  76. Lockdown period was very challenging to tackle the situation.After few days we were accustomed with the then situation.particularly it was great challenge for we teachers to conduct online classes.but at the same time i gained lot of experience by using Virtual platform.I attended so many webinar and other courses related to Education. Particularly DIKSHA and NISHTHA activities have been completed successfully.

  77. The first few months were very stressful.Learning to e-teach and fear of the unknown made us anxious. Slowly and steadily we started coping with the stress created thus and enjoying the new teachnology and teaching.

  78. During this lock down period my technical knowledge improved and I learnt new technology in teaching like from preparing to presenting the material in online classes. fixing the problems while teaching.

  79. For me the first two three months were very much challenging as well as depressing as three of my family members were in their own working place. During this lock down period I have improved my technical knowledge learnt the new technology in teaching like from preparing to presenting the material in online classes and fixing the problems while teaching. I had to be extra careful and had to take utmost care of my health as I have some health issues.

  80. Initially it was challenging. I used to get upset as I am more an outgoing person. But eventually I managed to accept the fact and engaged myself in fruitful activities.

  81. Lockdown period was challenging period.Being away from the loved ones added stress.In other way round ,it provided ME time and I could equip with many technological advancements which helped me to gear up to meet the requirements for Online classes.

  82. Initially, we were happy to get some holidays and spending time with family. But later we started worrying about how to cope up with the student's loss of studies.But with the beginning of Online education, there was anxiety and later happiness of learning new technologies and many new experiences, but at the same time fear of Infection is always chasing us.

  83. The initial days of lockdown was a period of adjustment. More stress was given for hygiene of all in the family. Once online classes started it began as a period of learning new techniques by which the classes could be made more effective. Now I feel really happy that the time was utilised to the fullest to learn many new things and also could spent really more time with family.

  84. We experienced fear of covid-19 , anxiety about our health and availability of food items , isolation, more household work due to the absence of servant maid etc.
    We overcame these things by following the instructions from the concerned authorities.
    It helped me to learn and conduct online classes.( e-learning , e-teaching and e-skill)

  85. During this lock down period have improved my technical knowledge learnt the new technology in teaching like from preparing to presenting the material in online classes. fixing the problems while teaching

    Abhitesh jangir kv1 gcf

    NAME : Dipika Rani Samal
    he lockdown period in the beginning was really very challenging and stressful.I was emotionally very upset as both my children resided in Mumbai city which was the hub of the Pandemic,it really took a toll on my health.But later with meditation ,Yoga I got used to it.Conducting online classes in the beginning was also a challenge which I could easily overcome with a lot of practice learning the new technology and preparing a lot of e-materials for students.But could soon overcome that hurdle as well.

  87. Lockdown was indeed a challenge for all of us. Initially I struggled a lot to twin the present stressful time with my good old golden days. But gradually I realized that instead of crying over the spilt milk I should try and adopt optimistic ways to handle the situation. It is better to be the part of the solution rather than being the part of problem. Then I started spending my time trying my hands on the things for which I didn't use to get time during my previous busy schedule. I moulded my attitude and gradually started enjoy doing the little tits and bits at home along with the Online teaching sessions. Infact now I feel to be more conversant with the latest technologies and the new ways of teaching. Now I can say that somewhere it acted as a blessing in disguise for me.
    Divya Mittal
    Aps Kirkee

  88. Lockdown period was really challenging . Life had become still. I concentrated on my hobby of music to cope with the challenge.
    Lock Down reduced the wider distance of one's family. It helped us understand the value of relationship. It paved the way for us to rethink about the Ethical values and their importance in our day to today life.

  89. Lockdown period was actually really challenging for me as I had to leave my last job in the month of November'19 due to an accident and then after the recovery I went for interviews in many schools and then I got a call from OPG World School and finally after few rounds I got my offer letter in hand which states that my joining is from 30th March. But my bad luck due to lockdown I could not join. And was waiting for this pandemic to be over so that I can resume to my work. But from July onwards I have been asked to take online classes but that was actually too difficult for me at once because I have never met anyone and I didn't knew how school works an all but then after few days I started enjoying my new job. I have learned a lot these few months from all my fellow mates , incharges and all the other staff.

  90. It isn't a nightmare waking up one morning to see that life was in a new slow motion… but could fast realise it wasn't actually in just slow motion, it had actually turned up all its emotions motionless.

    Maybe some liked the idea of rest, Wow! no work for a few days to give the mind body and soul some rest. But eventually the body though is in rest however the mind and the soul is becoming restless with every passing day. Life seem to turn lifeless…!

    Then came the masks and the ringa ringa standup shows at the grocery store. Even the Couples were Singles now. Covid seem to have tried to educate aleast some people if not everyone, mannerisms and patience at par. Essential services looked lively with the supply of the LPG refills. Didn't feel the urgency of hoarding grocery items. Online supplies regularised slowly over a phone call. Man cannot live without food is very true, but COVID made us realise Man cannot live only with food. Life has other things that we need to do as a regular life activity.

    We clapped, lighted the diyas and switched off the lights and the World looked up at us Indians fighting the COVID with the strong leadership and an avid nation of followers. India has been able to somewhat sustain the menace of the global pandemic ar its level.

    How long could you rest in a house . Usually everyday my coffee cup would have taken about eight minutes that now take sixteen, as if the cup says Hey man what's thethe hurry you haven't to put your finger on the biometric for an attendance. Life is such a horrible state of mind doing just nothing can't enjoy sitting on the cost sofa or being glued to the idiot Box, the only item in the house that keeps on bla bla Covid Covid Covid...analysis analysis and just analysis taking away my independence and the Republic, or the No Doing Talking Victory over one another.

  91. Intially Lockdown period was quite boring and stressful but as the online classes started I find it very interesting. It is great opportunity to learn new technology .

  92. Lockdown period instilled self discipline amongst people and also made people aware of the challenging situation facing individual, society and nation.

  93. Lockdown period was challenging .Though initially was tough slowly gained new experiences. New vistas of both teaching and learning unfolded. Realised how online classes also was very interesting with new learning and teaching experiences. Learnt how through the new mode of technology teaching became more interesting. Added another feather to my cap. Indeed a wonderful experience !

  94. Life in lockdown is not so good not so bad but ok ..
    I feel it's a - Blessings in disguise.. as I was able to know what I'm and what I want to be .

  95. During corona pandemic, I underwent in puzzled condition as it is taking so much time. I came out of this condition by engaging myself with different kinds of work for students, online classes, arranging different materials, connecting with the students and in this way I came out of that situation and worked normally.
    Anand Parkash, Rewari

  96. We are in the midst of a global pandemic right now and there is no denying that fear and anxiety about the spread of a disease can be incredibly overwhelming. While the reactions may vary from person to person, it is important to remember that whatever you may be feeling right now, it is absolutely valid.
    While work from home may look like a sweet deal during normal, the balance between office and personal space has certainly gone for a toss for most people. For the majority of people who were working from home isn’t exactly comfortable either.
    With the rising number of coronavirus fatalities and positive cases, it is honestly difficult to stay hopeful and positive. So, if you feel that there is a lot going on and you are not able to process it positivity, take a step back. So, switch off that breaking news update and resist the temptation to constantly check on coronavirus data. While there is no wrong or right way to deal with the situation in hand, remember it is totally natural to feel hopeless and frustrated at the circumstances.
    It has been a blessings in disguise.I am able to know what I am and what is more important for me for my personal growth. It has been a period of self realisation and have valued even the minuscule things in life now. Lockdown period was a real challenge to everyone although we all family members spent time together and learn new skills I attended many online courses and it gave me a sense of satisfaction that still at this age I can learn some thing useful. online. I learned a lot e.g. Making new dishes , keeping fit by doing yoga and exercises.

  97. We are in the midst of a global pandemic right now and there is no denying that fear and anxiety about the spread of a disease can be incredibly overwhelming. While the reactions may vary from person to person, it is important to remember that whatever you may be feeling right now, it is absolutely valid.
    While work from home may look like a sweet deal during normal, the balance between office and personal space has certainly gone for a toss for most people. For the majority of people who were working from home isn’t exactly comfortable either.
    With the rising number of coronavirus fatalities and positive cases, it is honestly difficult to stay hopeful and positive. So, if you feel that there is a lot going on and you are not able to process it positivity, take a step back. So, switch off that breaking news update and resist the temptation to constantly check on coronavirus data. While there is no wrong or right way to deal with the situation in hand, remember it is totally natural to feel hopeless and frustrated at the circumstances.
    It has been a blessings in disguise. I am able to know what I am and what is more important for me for my personal growth. It has been a period of self realisation and have valued even the miniscule things in life now. lockdown period was a real challenge to everyone although we all family members spent time together and learn new skills I attended many online courses and it gave me a sense of satisfaction that still at this age I can learn some thing useful. online. I learned a lot e.g. Making new dishes , keeping fit by doing yoga and exercises.

  98. It was an unpresidented moment which is not welcomed for sure but it was indeed the best teacher to me. i learned and reflected back on many things. I have definitely grown as a person and professional.

  99. The lockdown period in the beginning was very challenging and stressful. So many kids were stuck at their relative's places or had lost some or the other family member. But somehow we had counselling sessions and shared our experiences, learnt new things and finally were able to help children deal bettter too.

  100. The lockdown period in the begining was very challenging. Evryday I was watching News to know the updates. I faced many problems and learn some new skills also.

  101. The lock down in the beginning was very very stressful for me. I felt disconnected from my friends , students and relatives.Taking online classes was another challenge.But I learnt a lot during this lock down period. I joined different online short term courses and kept myself busy too. It was a period of self realization too.

  102. lockdown period was a real challenge to everyone although we all family members spent time together and learn new skills. It was a new experience use of technology and on line classes , preparation and presentation of video, PPT, online. I learn a lot .Making new things, keeping fit doing yoga and exercise all these were the activity during lockdown

  103. Pain is inevitable, Suffering is optional.During lockdown period life has suddenly come to a halt but with positive outlook becomes an opportunity to learn new technological skills, new things and take care of physical as well as mental health.

  104. During lockdown period,I nurished my computer skills, did yoga, exercise and dance on daily novels books and story books.

  105. Sudden lockdown is a challenging situation for everybody. It's shocking also. But in that situation, I have overcome doing yogic exercise, busy doing some creative work.

  106. Lockdown period was unexpected and sad experience for all of us. I utilized this time to prepare teaching -learning material, enhancing my cookery skills, meditating, and exploring technology for online teaching. This helped me overcome the anxiety and depression.

  107. The period was very challenging but every one tried his/ her best to cope up and slowly all adjusted to the situation. It imprinted a very bad scenario to the minds of the students whose parents do not have a good financial condition.

  108. In the beginning it was very stressful and challenging. But with the passage of time I cope up with it using meditation and yoga and learnt many new things with the help of technology.

  109. Lock down period undoubtedly was stressful in the beginning with so much anxiety about the disease ,the way it was playing havoc in peoples life , in the whole world, about how teaching will take place with schools closed and lot many things But faith and belief in god along with yoga meditation and positive change in lifestyle did help in overcoming all the fear and stress.On line classes proved to be boon at this time as we could not only teach the children but communicate with them , listen to their problems ,their experiences and help them. Utilized the time by attending webinars on different subjects to enhance my knowledge, read a lot of books, did gardening etc.

  110. The word New normal is what most of us have learnt and are following to cope up with the stress and to lead a safe and healthy life. The lock down period though painful for many, it has made the teaching fraternity to equip themselves with the technology to reach out to their students in a fruitful way.

  111. This lockdown period proved to be very painful for me and my family as we lost our strong pillar of the family i.e. my father in law. It was very difficult to come out of this loss but making myself busy in taking online classes .During this period I learnt many new technologies related to online classes and still this process going on.... of learning

  112. The initial lockdown period was very stressful as it was a new experience for many of us. Being cut off from the outside world created a feeling of isolation and fear for what lay ahead of us. Although it was difficult, it provided an opportunity to reflect on ourselves and realize the importance of the bonds and relations that we have with people. It has taught us to be thankful for all the little things that we tend to overlook in our day to day life.

  113. Lockdown period was unexpected and sad experience for all of us. I utilized this time to prepare teaching -learning material, enhancing my cookery skills, meditating, and exploring technology for online teaching. This helped me overcome the anxiety and depression.

  114. This lockdown period proved to be very painful for me and my family as we lost our strong pillar of the family i.e. my father in law. It was very difficult to come out of this loss but making myself busy in taking online classes .During this period I learnt many new technologies related to online classes and still this process going on.... of learning

  115. Lockdown period was challenging .Though initially was tough slowly gained new experiences. New vistas of both teaching and learning unfolded. Realised how online classes also was very interesting with new learning and teaching experiences. Learnt how through the new mode of technology teaching became more interesting. Added another feather to my cap. Indeed a wonderful experience !

  116. Worry and fear for safety of loved ones. Coped by planning for the worst and hoping for the best.

  117. lockdown period caused lot of mental stress, sudden change in mode of teaching also caused .however, we managed and continue

  118. During the period of Pandemic and lock down I started attending many webinars and gained a lot of information regularly, involved in many training programme ,involved and enjoyed cooking ,many household work, improved my technical knowledge learnt the new technology in teaching like how to take class through different platforms like facebook, Zoom meet, skype, google meet, microsoft teams etc and learnt how to check the answer sheets ,read books and spent time with family and remain calm and cool and mentally strong to face all the situations that may arise .

  119. The lockdown period in the beginning was really very stressful and challenging. But later with meditation and Yoga I gradually got used to it. Conducting online classes in the beginning was also a big challenge which I could easily overcome with a lot of practice. Learning the new technology and preparing lots of e - study materials and such other contents for students initially was quite strenuous but with the help of my family I could manage it. Even many students also offered to help in this aspect.

  120. learnt all the new technologies to prepare online classes and learnt many things powerful and peaceful

  121. Lockdown period was full of stress ,tension and anxeity

  122. it was the time when I learnt so many things. I accepted number of challenges & make my teaching learning more enjoyable.

  123. This lockdown period was a great experience to discover many new things and to spend time with the family members. We got many online platforms to connect with the students, knowing their views and experiences.

  124. Deepak Dey

    The lockdown period because of COVID -19 pandemic has been a tough time for all of us. The need of the hour was to keep our immunity strong in order to defeat the Novel Corona Virus. This was the time when most of us started doing Yoga, Aerobics, walking and so on to keep ourselves fit and happy and to relieve the stress.
    During the normal days, I used to get only 45 min to 1 hour for yoga and meditation, but now in this "new normal" I got sufficient time for meditation. The 2nd challenge was to keep ourselves updated with technologies in order to connect with our students and conduct 'online classes', first through Whatsapp then google classroom and now Gmeet ! In a way this lockdown period when we were forced to stay indoors, brought us closer to our family members, we got plenty of time to chat, share our views and above all giving quality time for our kid(s). I used to play with my daughter whenever she gets time from her studies. I made few strict rules for myself
    1. Taking 10000 steps daily ( through out the day).
    2. Drinking plenty of water (as per our body weight)
    3. Doing Yoga in morning and exercises at night.
    4. Helping my spouse in household works.
    5. Cooking (some selective dishes only)
    Thank you

  125. All are scared about them as well as their family. Feeling stress and fear.

  126. My children could not go outside home for playing with other children. They were playing Indoor games among themselves or with me or with my wife or with their grandfather .

  127. Regular physical activity helped me manage stress. Being involved in online teaching-learning is useful as one remains in touch with the school activities. Attending webinars makes one aware of the latest guidelines by the government. Spending constructive time with family helps to reduce stress.

  128. The Pandemic and the lockdown was, in the beginning accompanied by an overwhelming fear and uncertainnty. Within a few days these thoughts were pushed down by the thought of how to get connected with students and stay connected for their learning to happen. Focus shifted to ways and means to contionue schooling inspite of the challenges. Fear gave way at some point here and was replaced by the need to make students feel normal and keep their focus on school and learning.This gave hope in finding new skills and trying new things which could help the cause. Diverse platforms available for being familiar with technlogy were utilised.
    The challenges were made into opportunities to aquire new skills and focus on learning at the same time being wary and careful to abide by the safety protocol directed by the state.
    Shifting focus,staying connected ,seeing the postives and being creative ,expressing creatively these were some straegies drove me and empowered me during the testing times!

  129. The time was tough but skoy coped with situation could found out the positive things . Family support , helpless can be overcome.
    Health is wealth.

  130. It was a period of uncertainity but got enough time to introspect.

  131. Pandemic and lockdown came as a shock. Everything came to standstill . Everyone struggled and learnt new ways to over come. Everyone used the natural herbs for their safety. A different learning took place throughout the world. We all got involved in disaster management and we succeeded.

  132. Anita Thakre
    The lockdown period was very challenging and stressful in the beginning. We never expect such time in our life. But slowly we adapt to this situation. We spent quality time with family members. We learn many new things together. We releived our stress by praying together, meditation and doing yoga exercises. Taking online classes was a big challenge in the beginning. Slowly I learn many new computer skills to make teaching learning joyful. We remain connected with our students which gives us strength and happiness.

  133. The lockdown period was fearful and stressful in the beginning. Slowly I, along with my family, started to accept it. We spend our time by engaging ourselves in productive activities like gardening, cleaning activities...As a teacher, i was in touch with my students and started taking on line classes.

  134. During the lockdown period it was really stressful and fearing because of the pandemic situation. But sooner we understood we can overcome the problem with several precautions suggested by government. With this all we done the yoga, meditation for keeping our mind calm which gave huge energy to us as well as we read a lot of books on positive thinking which kept us positive during the critical situation

  135. I learned different things in using mobile, online teaching and enjoyed with my son.

  136. In the initial days of the pandemic even before the lock down was announced ,i had started working on the preparation of the material to be sent to my board class students hence I did not feel the stress which most of the people talked about.I involved myself in Yoga and other household chores ,also tried to do my bit for the society as well,though in little measures.

  137. Survival was paramount. Then as the days passed, the loss of education to the students crept in. Various modes of transfering the material for study and taking classes were planned and implemented. Now it looks like a success formula and things are looking better. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

  138. During pandemic period, lot many problems were faced by me. As teachers are user friendly to black board, initially I struggled with computer work. But learnt many things technically and skilled in teaching through online.

  139. Lockdown period was really challenging and boring. The first two months I was stressful in taking online classes, slowly when I started taking virtual classes I came in touch with the students and feeling happy, it helped a lot in many ways. Though this challenging period has been tough, I utilized to enhance my ICT skills, engaged in Nishta courses for teachers which are helpful in my professional growth and attending webinars etc. Finally no time to relax.

  140. No doubt it was srressful but it was the time of self realization

  141. In lockdown period,new things in mobile I gives me knowledge.

  142. The LOCK-DOWN period was pretty challenging a thing but thankfully it did offer time aplenty to do things truly productive. I spent the time exploring online content for online classes. Then, prepared e-content on Vlog for class X. It was quite stressful but I tried to keep myself creatively busy by pursuing my hobbies- composing reflective poems, baking, embroidery, gardening etc. It kept the stress and boredom away and helped me sail through the difficult times.

    The pandemic has brought a new normal in the whole world. The student -teacher relationship was also affected by the same. Both of the key factors of learner centered education have undergone lot many changes and we may call it the transition period of teaching and learning environment.

    Though our emotional well being played a great role in confronting with this worse situation. It has shaken few of our beliefs and sets new goals for coming time. So the survial of the fittest has taken its role.... meaning mental fitness & physical fitness .
    So to overcome the present situation we need to subdue the stress and do a lot of meditation and Yoga . It has give us the chance to retrive the old family together system and we learnt few positive essons during this time.

  144. Like a coin has two sides, the pandemic of COVID-19 also has had both the effects i.e. positive and negative It was not only challenging and stressful but it also taught us that AGE is not a barrier to learn new things.
    Initially the Lockdown was challenging and stressful.There was a sudden change in the entire daily routine life of every individual. The lockdown was a shock at the initial stages but as time passed gradually, the importance of Lockdown came into focus.
    Work from home was a new concept to many of us. It took time to adjust and learn the new techniques. Thanks to our higher authorities that they arranged ONLINE courses that helped us to be more effecient in our work.
    It gave us more time that we could spend with our family and share responsibilities with our family members. We developed many new skills. We got a chance to give more time to our hobbies and interests.


  145. The pandemic has been really very tough on the students.They have never experience such things.Not able to meet their friends.Not able to attend regular classes.all these things have been very difficult on them. They need all the motivation and the emotional support.

  146. Lockdown period was a real challenge for everyone. In the initial stage it was really very difficult to get connected with the students. But the due course of time it becomes easier by various technologies. Lockdown gives us an opportunity to learn and know many new things. In the beginning children felt very boring and show less interest in online classes but with the time they acquainted with the new way of teaching. They also faced lots of problems like limited access to device but now almost all of them overcome those problems in some or other ways and started showing interest on the subject matter as audio- visual aids are really a strong weapon to overcome the pandemic situation.

  147. In the beginning of lockdown i felt slowing down of time. there was stress, anxiety followed by boredom and sadness. i used to keep myself in front of television watching news which added more anxiety to me. later i have decided to talk to my friends and relatives, it really supports me.
    i started doing physical activity like running and doing exercise, yoga. it helped me in passing time and making me stress free.

  148. Pandemic posed a heavy challenge to meet daily activities...

    The period of this pandemic remain challenging and Learn to make ourselves ready to tackle with any situation to achieve our goals.

  150. My Emotional Experiences:-
    What we are facing now in the midst of this pandemic is acute traumatic stress. In other words, COVID-19 is a direct threat to our lives. We are all either vicariously witnessing trauma, through media or through supporting others, or directly experiencing trauma, by becoming ill, isolated, or experiencing the plight of close others. We all know, in some vague way, that “normal” has changed and the world will never be the same.
    These times of Pandemic are unprecedented times. I am working extra hard to manage my emotions well. Having a lot of mixed feelings. Naturally feeling anxiety and maybe waves of panic, particularly when seeing news headlines. Lost a near and dear one and feeling helpless that I cannot visit the family to give condolence.
    Our anxiety is helping us cope, bond together from a physical distance and slowing the spread of the virus. So our anxiety - while uncomfortable - is a good thing right now, especially if we can manage it well. At the same time, we must engage our attention in normal daily activities. I am seizing opportunities to share lightness and humour. Laughter right now is a relief for all of us!
    I can also find moments of hope and resilience all around us despite the uncertainty.

  151. When the lockdown started, I was ecstatic. My final year of school had finished early, exams were cancelled, the sun was shining. I was happy, and confident I would be OK. After all, how hard could staying at home possibly be? After a while, the reality of the situation started to sink in.

    The novelty of being at home wore off and I started to struggle. I suffered from regular panic attacks, frozen on the floor in my room, unable to move or speak. I had nightmares most nights, and struggled to sleep. It was as if I was stuck, trapped in my house and in my own head. I didn't know how to cope.

    However, over time, I found ways to deal with the pressure. I realised that lockdown gave me more time to the things I loved, hobbies that had been previously swamped by schoolwork. I started baking, drawing and writing again, and felt free for the first time in months. I had forgotten how good it felt to be creative. I started spending more time with my family. I hadn't realised how much I had missed them.

  152. Lockdown period was something that we had never come across in our life. The novelty of the situation caused anxiety and fear as it was given a lot of prominence in all the prime channels. The new session started in the month of April. Initially teaching the students online was challenging because it had never been done before. Children and teachers both had to get accustomed to this new method of teaching and learning. Network issues caused a lot of frustration. Lack of devices, no face to face teaching and learning, not able to meet friends and enjoy their games periods caused a lot of unhappiness among students. Though there is a lot of improvement in the situation, all are waiting eagerly to return back to their previous routine.

  153. lockdown period was stressful and boring in the beginning as there was nothing much to do and being a teacher it was very difficult for me to sit idle for the major part of the day. Teaching being a passion for me , I felt disconnected with students, then I started finding video links to make the lesson plans that are sent to the students weekly more interesting and easy to understand. And after a month, with the start of online classes I was pretty relaxed and found myself at peace as now being in contact with the students we are able to deliver the lessons properly and also listen and solve the problems of students and do their counseling.

  154. Lockdown period was rather good for me...provide me quality time with family..a new way of teaching actually make me feel good

  155. Lockdown period was full of tention and stress

  156. Lockdown period was a time of anxiety of what is going to happen in future; anguish of the misery of the homeless ,hungry people all around; fear of infection and a period of rudderless existence. Then came the Online classes, which helped me to connect with my students and gave purpose to my existence. I started accepting the new changes and became proficient in dealing with the new technologies. Now my students and my fellow teachers have taken to this new way of life, and I think I have evolved a stronger person, both mentally and emotionally.

  157. Lock down period was tough time to me. We all know this decision for the health of every one. But I get up early morning and when I was saw a face of students during classes I got a inspiration for my coming day. So , yes we all faced tough situations by holding the hands together tightly and battle will be win soon....

  158. I had mixed experiences during this lockdown period. On one hand, I was able to focus more on my health and body and spend quality time with family; on the other hand, distance from friends and extended family was depressing. Initially, staying at home felt good but soon the Inability to move out of house and interact with people freely disturbed me emotionally. To fight this, I started regularly video conferencing with my extended family. Online classes, although an entirely new experience, have also kept me really occupied. I also tried engaging myself in hobbies and exercise.

  159. During this lock down period have improved my technical knowledge learnt the new technology in teaching .Lockdown period improves self discipline amongst people and also made people aware of the challenging situation facing individual, society and nation.

  160. lockdown period was stressful in the beginning as we felt disconnected with students. but with the start of online classes things are getting better. now we also share the problems of students and do their counseling.

  161. when the lockdown started in the beginning,there was a lot of boring and stress feeling but when I started the online classes, then the stress slowly started to reduce. I have learnt many newthings during lockdown for exp - How to take online classes through google meet and google classroom, preparing e-material etc.I also started doing physical activity like exercise and yoga. It helped me in reducing stress as well as to keep myself active and fit.

  162. During lockdown a kind of fear for me and my family members specially for my parents who are above 60.And a kind anxiety also arises within me and my family members. But later on as the time pass everything become normal,Though we have to undergo various yoga and engage ourselves in certain kind of that we can overcome our emotion.

  163. Covid lockdown was a period of varied experiences-- fear, uncertainty, doubt, and then hope positivity and faith. Learnt to face challenges , learning new things, compromising on a few, trying to understand and accept things not in our control.
    It was tough in the beginning-- unable to attend regular school, meet children, interact and do all thing normal. But picked up the nuances of technology to continue with teaching learning process . Learnt to value things and time and relations more than ever.
    It was a period of introspection, understanding and achievement too.

  164. Surprisingly all things happen like lockdown. Never imagined about the situation but learned many new things during lockdown.

  165. Vivid lockdown was a way never experienced before. It was stressful and an unknown dear was there in the beginning. But as the online classes started my mind was fully focused on my classes preparing the best I could do for my classes, which kept me busy. I also learnt many new things apart from going technical ,facing challenge and learnt yo accept things
    nit in our hands.It was a period of learning and understanding as well.

  166. It created self confidence to begin life with new technologies.

  167. The lockdown period brought entirely new experience taught us many life lessons and slowly made us to understand how to cope up with the situation.Apart from routine online classes I kept my self busy developing interest in music, gardening etc.It also improved our bonding with family and friends etc.

    Sujeet Das

  168. This period was full of challenges for me.Nothing was clear in the beginning .Later contacting students through phone and guiding them through WhatsApp groups how we approach them all .Later the guidance given by school online classes started .We explored internet ,learnt new methods, new technology to make a sucess. Now it is fun to see, hear and share with our students which are full of enthusiasm .Its a boom for us personally ,kept us away from anxiety and stress.
    Personally I learnt gardening, read many books,learnt how to manage home with helpers ,got connected with many old friends.
    Sometimes still I feel the pressurised by the uncertainty of this situation .The targets if courses by Nistha plateform has also kept us busy mentally .
    Suman Bisht
    KV AFS Makarpura Vadodara.

  169. During lockdown period thinking about what will happen to our members , felt release as government was giving guidelines to prevent from it .

  170. Being a Psychologist, I already had quite a many emotional management tools in my tool box. I believe in sharing and writing down my thoughts. Surely it was a crazy time for all of us, but writing and speaking to my close ones really helped me to sail through these hard times of Pandemic.

  171. In the beginning I had fear,stress and tension but later on I remained busy in learning new technologies of online teaching like google classroom and google meet.I started spending time on internet searching material for online teaching.I learnt to cope with challenges with patience .

  172. During lockdown it was really stressful to stay home as we felt the restriction not to go out of home and danger of get infected of Covid 19virus. But not only I but my whole family worked together and we get out of this situation by doing all work together and learning new things like cooking, computer applications and playing old indoor games we used to play in our times with our children during lock down .

  173. Learnt that life is full of new challenges. Not to take things for granted. Be it family, relations. Was able to connect with each n everyone through zoom meets and google meets. Even connected with students and their parents through this new mode of communication. Have plenty of time to make new and innovative teaching aids. In the process, not only myself, but also my students are benefited.

  174. During the lockdown period i have learnt use of technology and internet and different type of software for teaching learning, during the lockdown period i have learnt discipline to spent life in a safe way.

  175. In lockdown period we as teachers as well as our students were feeling disconnected from our peers.
    We felt isolated from the world we enjoyed being in. But now we are able chat with our students and share our talent and experiences with each other. We have learnt a lot of new software and apps to make our class running smooth.

  176. Initially hectic as all household work was to be done by me
    Slowly when it sank in that this phase was not to be over I distributed work
    I made it a point every morning to have my Me time wih my cup of tea
    With online classes things were some what on track

    This lockdown has made me realise that after superannuation I will not be happy being a homemaker only

    So iam thonking on this aspect also what after superannuation

  177. It was shocking moments but it created self confidence to begin life with new technologies.

  178. lockdown period was stressful in the beginning as we felt disconnected with students and relatives. but with the start of online classes things are getting better. now we also share the problems of students and do their counseling.

  179. There was a lot of stress anxiety and depression during this period lot of quarrels and arguments were going due to lockdown a feeling of imprisonment was there.
    creative work extra to over come this situation. It help in great way.

  180. Lockdown for me personally was not that good I felt really lonely as I was not able to see my students in real but I was virtually teaching them but lockdown had it's own benifits such as it gave me the oppertunity to be together with my family and spend time for my ownself.

  181. House Arrest was an unhealthy experience at the outset for caging inside our home absolutely was never experienced before. however, gradually when I realised that the pandemic trouble would be staying for quite a long span , I decided to spend the lockdown days in an healthy manner for i realised the silver lining of the situation that is to spend quality time with my family, taking care of my immunity and regime, exploring my interests besides teaching , etc. All the learnings and experiences captured in the lockdown zone was fruitful.

  182. It made me realise the importance of survival . One need to be very careful with himself----- adopt and take all precautions . This is the message which i convey at the beginning of every class. We are responsible to take care of our body from the deadly virus. Lockdown made me closer to all my students virtually including parents./grandparents/their home place. i felt i was with them at their home. A close friendship developed.

  183. In the beginning of lockdown period itwas really very challenging and stressful.I was emotionally very stessfu for me as my daughter asked me to join her if in future we would not able to see each other.,i But I angage my self to prepare videos for students and started to enjoy it.I started Yoga as at home I could do it at a perticuler time.

  184. Lockdowm period was very boring at begining. But later atleast when the online classes are started some how i am engaged with my students in one or the other way.

  185. This period was full of challenges for me. Nothing was clear in the beginning. Lockdown period was very challenging for everyone around the world. Some were alone and far from home. The lockdown affected children more as they were to able to go out to play or hangout with their friends. For me, lockdown gave me an opportunity to know and understand more about technology and how it could help me to improve the quality of my teaching.

  186. When lockdown was imposed and further curfew was declared ,initially I went into a stage of fright,anxiety and helplessness.I felt myself burdened with responsibilities of safety,security and health of my family. My sister ,guided me through this difficult time.Then i recovered from this initial shock.I went for a positive attitude whatsapp workshop called "we care" which was initially named "i care".Our mentor,Ms.NEERU,guided the group members to be aware about our responsibility towards our Society,towards weaker section,towards giving back to society,towards our own health.our mindset and above all POWERFUL EXISTENCE OF GOD,ie spirituality.we started to have a healthy lifestyle by doing all the household work by ourselves,which was allotted to each member of the family.then we used to have physical fitness activities OF MIND AND BODY like,POWERWALK THROUGH YOUTUBE VIDEOS,SKIPPING,YOGA, MEDITATION,MORNING & EVENING WALKS,GURBANI PAATH,LISTENING TO KIRTAN AND KATHA ,MOTIVATIONAL VIDEOS FROM SISTER SHIVANI,SANDEEP MAHESHWARI ETC.During this period I developed hobby of Gardening ,sanitization of grocery , vegetables and home,being in harmony with nature.

  187. Lockdown period was very challenging. Staying alone and not being able to go outside was very discouraging.

  188. Lockdown period was stressful in the beginning as we felt disconnected with students. But with the start of online classes things are getting better. now we also share the problems of students and do their counseling

  189. Lockdown period was stressful and boring in the beginning as we were totally disconnected with students and working conditions. But, as online classes start then things were getting better and better in terms of Mind, Body and Connection with Students and Our Worthy Officers. Now, we teachers are well Technical Educated to share our views to students and to solve the problems of students and do their counseling.


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